"Don't worry, I'm measured. Zhao Zheng nodded with a smile.

He didn't intend to expose his strength, after all, he really exposed his strength, how dare those protagonists trouble him?

If you don't trouble him, how can he get Qi luck points?

Zhao Zheng had long thought about when his strength should be exposed.

Once he reveals his strength, that's when he rebels.

Because at that time, the son of luck he faced was the last son of luck in the first revival of aura, that is, the son of luck of the royal family.

Against the son of luck of the royal family, Zhao Zheng is definitely going to have a showdown, at that time, the army pressed in, forcibly crushed the royal family, the royal family is the biggest help of the son of luck, Zhao Zheng destroyed the royal family, it was equivalent to cutting off his luck, at that time Zhao Zheng was killing the son of luck, and he could almost get seven or eight percent of the luck of the son of luck.


Zhao Tianming, Yang Bo, and Yang Yi on the side listened to the conversation between Yang Xuan and Zhao Zheng, and kept this surprised look.

Especially Zhao Tianming, there was an incomparable sense of pride in his eyes when he looked at Zhao Zheng.

This is his unicorn.


"Dad, my hole cards have almost been told to you, now do you still want to oppose me taking Sheng Minglan now?"

"Zheng'er, do you think I might object now? Zhao Tianming said with a wry smile.

"I should still listen, by the way, dad, in addition to Sheng Minglan and Xue'er, Han Linger of the Han family and Lu Xiaoyu of the Lu family I have ideas, you and your mother will help me hire when we have time." Zhao Zhengdao.

"Good boy, you are going to gather the four beauties of Tianhai City." Zhao Tianming heard Zhao Zheng's words and quipped.

"The eldest husband is alive, for power, for fame, for beauty, ordinary people should be satisfied if they have the same, but I am greedy, I want it all." Zhao Zheng said with a smile.

"Zheng'er, are you going to ascend to that position in the future, four or a little less, Zheng'er, do you want your grandfather to help you marry a few? Yang Xuan also said with a smile at this time.

"No need, for women, I still like to find it myself. Zhao Zheng shook his head with a smile.

Whether it is Liu Xue, or Han Linger, or Sheng Minglan and Lu Xiaoyu, they are all future supporting actresses, and they all contain luck, and Zhao Zheng marries them, on the one hand, they are beautiful, and on the other hand, they can still get luck value.

If it was just a simple marriage, Zhao Zheng would not agree.

After all, if he really wants beauty, with his current identity, with a casual sentence, there are countless families who send beauty to please him, but that kind of is not interesting.

"Okay, then Grandpa won't add to the mess. Yang Xuan nodded with a smile.

"Dad, go and call your mother and Minglan down. Zhao Zheng looked at Zhao Tianming.

"Good. Zhao Tianming nodded, and then went upstairs to call Yang Xiuyi and Sheng Minglan down.

When shouting down, Yang Xiuyi negotiated with Zhao Zheng because of Zhao Tianming.

But when she heard Zhao Tianming look at Sheng Minglan and say, from now on, you will be the daughter-in-law of my Zhao family, Yang Xiuyi was a little confused.

"What's the situation?" Yang Xiuyi couldn't help but speak.

"Xiuyi, I'll talk to you later. Zhao Tianming looked at Yang Xiuyi and said.

"Good. Yang Xiuyi nodded when she heard Zhao Tianming's words, and did not ask more.


Next, Zhao Zheng and Sheng Minglan accompanied Zhao Tianming and they had a lunch, and after eating, Zhao Zheng sent Sheng Minglan back to Tianxiang Pavilion.

The reason why Sheng Minglan went back was to close the Tianxiang Pavilion, after all, she would marry Zhao Zheng in the future, and it was not suitable to open this kind of entertainment place.

There are many people in Tianxiang Pavilion who follow Sheng Minglan and disband Tianxiang Pavilion, Sheng Minglan needs to arrange a way back for them, which takes some time, so Sheng Minglan asked Zhao Zheng to go back first, without accompanying her.


At the same time, after Zhao Zheng and Sheng Minglan left the villa, Zhao Tianming and Yang Xiuyi explained why they agreed to Zhao Zheng marrying Sheng Minglan.

When he knew the strength in Zhao Zheng's hands, Yang Xiuyi's whole person was stunned, but soon, Yang Xiuyi, like Zhao Tianming, was full of pride in Zhao Zheng's son.


After Zhao Zheng stayed in Tianxiang Pavilion for more than half an hour, he left Tianxiang Pavilion first.

Tianxiang Pavilion is the largest entertainment venue in Tianhai City, and if it wants to be dissolved, it will take less than two or three days.

For two or three days, Zhao Zheng would definitely not be able to stay in Tianxiang Pavilion all the time.

Not long after Zhao Zheng left the Tianxiang Pavilion, Zhao Zheng's newly equipped mobile phone vibrate.

It was Zhao Zheng's second uncle Yang Bo who called.

"Second uncle. Zhao Zheng shouted after answering.

"Zheng'er, Liu Sisi, the female chef god of Yipinju, came to me and said that she wanted to see you, in the past three days since you disappeared, Liu Sisi has already looked for me more than a dozen times, every time I am pushing you off in retreat, this time you just came back, you decided not to see her." Yang Bo said to Zhao Zheng.

"Let him meet me at this address. Zhao Zheng casually said an address.

"Okay, then I'll let her come to you. Yang Bo nodded.

"Hmm. Zhao Zheng nodded.

Soon, Zhao Zheng and Yang Bo's phone hung up.

After hanging up, Zhao Zheng shook his head with a smile and thought: "Coming out of Taoyuan Wonderland, I almost forgot you, but fortunately it's not too late now." "

Then Zhao Zheng went to a villa that was not weaker than his family and waited for Liu Sisi to arrive.

Zhao Group is the largest developer in Daming, not to mention other places, there are dozens of luxury villas in Tianhai City that belong to Zhao Zheng's family, and it is too easy for Zhao Zheng to find an uninhabited place to see Liu Sisi.


Zhao Zheng didn't wait long in the villa, and it was only about twenty minutes before Liu Sisi arrived.

Liu Sisi is not the kind of beauty that makes people very stunning at first glance, Liu Sisi's beauty is very enduring, to put it simply, at first glance Liu Sisi may not be as good as Sheng Minglan and Liu Xue, but over time, you will find that Liu Sisi is more beautiful the more you look.

PS: The ninth is more sent, the tenth is still being written, and it will be updated around twelve.

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