"My second uncle said you want to see me, and you have been looking for me more than a dozen times in the past few days?" Zhao Zheng asked lightly after looking at Liu Sisi.

"Yes, Sisi has found Zhao Gongzi more than a dozen times, but Zhao Gongzi was in retreat before, so Sisi has never been able to see him. Liu Sisi nodded.

"Why do you want to see me?" asked Zhao Zheng, looking at Liu Sisi.

"I want to ask Zhao Gongzi to help Sisi kill someone, and Sisi is willing to offer a three-hundred-year accumulation. When Liu Sisi heard Zhao Zheng's words, he went straight to the point.

You have had a kitchen god since its creation, and the accumulation of three hundred years is definitely no less than any first-class family, or even a weaker top family, so much wealth is enough to invite a grandmaster. "

Could it be that the person you want to kill is not simple, or is it a grandmaster, and he is still a grandmaster with not low strength?"

"Yes, the person I want to ask Zhao Gongzi to kill is a Grand Master. Liu Sisi nodded.

"Who is it?" asked Zhao Zheng.

"Xiao Madness. Liu Sisi said.

I heard that he was the first day of going to Beijing three years ago, and he was the peak of the grandmaster at the age of twenty-nine, and then I don't know what reason offended the Xuan family, and finally the Xiao family was exterminated, and only he escaped, it seems that when he escaped, he broke through and entered the realm of the grandmaster?"

"Zhao Gongzi is right, Xiao Mad entered the Great Grandmaster three years ago. Liu Sisi said.

"All the wealth of Yipinju is enough to invite a relatively good grandmaster to deal with Xiao Madness, why don't you look for it?"

"Can't find it, don't dare to find it, Xiao Mad is in Shangjing, in addition to the Xuan family, and the heirs of the major families have a very good relationship, the great masters of Shangjing, basically in these big families, I invite them, I'm afraid they will sell me first, and even directly embezzle my Yipinju's wealth, after all, there is not enough strength, and having too much wealth is not necessarily a good thing." "

"Of course, if it's just the Grand Master of Shangjing who can't move, I can find the Grand Master of the outside world, but I don't dare to look for it at all, because behind Xiao Mad stands a person, this person is called the Wine Madman, is the existence of the peak of the Great Grandmaster, and can definitely rank in the top three among the great masters in the world, he once said that someone to deal with Xiao Madness is to get by with him, with his words, even if it is a person who is also the peak of the Great Grandmaster, he will not necessarily look for Xiao Madness's trouble, after all, no one is willing to offend the existence of the Great Grandmaster peak of the Wine Madman. Liu Sisi looked at Zhao Zheng and said in a deep voice.

Why do you think I will help you? Although it is said that you have a good background of three hundred years of one pin, the anger of a great grandmaster peak is much heavier than your wealth of three hundred years of one pin. Zhao Zheng looked at Liu Sisi and shook his head.

"Zhao Gongzi. When Liu Sisi heard Zhao Zheng's words, his beautiful eyes froze, and then he knelt down to Zhao Zheng with a bang.

"Get up. Zhao Zheng waved his hand casually, and a soft force helped Liu Sisi up.

"Even if you kneel, there is not enough price, and I will not help you, so you don't have to work in vain, even if you kneel for three days and three nights." Zhao Zheng looked at Liu Sisi and said.

"Zhao Gongzi, Sisi is only left with himself in addition to the three-hundred-year-old heritage of Yipin, if Zhao Gongzi you can see my cooking skills, Sisi is willing to cook for Gongzi alone in the future." Liu Sisi looked at Zhao Zheng and said in a deep voice.

"Are you going to sell yourself to me?" said Zhao Zheng as he looked at Liu Sisi.

"Gongzi can think so. Liu Sisi nodded.

"What kind of grudge are you and Xiao Mad, let you actually hate him to this point, even if you give yourself to me?" said Zhao Zheng looking at Liu Sisi and pretending to be curious.

"Xiao Mad killed my father, killed my father's revenge, did not share the sky, if as a child can not even avenge the revenge of killing his father, and live in the world with face?" Liu Sisi was silent for a while, and then spoke.

You are willing to do so, you are a filial person, my heart is the most filial person, well, I happen to lack a skilled cook beside me, I hope you are worthy of the title of your goddess chef." After listening to Liu Sisi's words, Zhao Zheng deliberately pretended to think for a while, and then slowly spoke.

"Young Master Zhao, you agreed?" Liu Sisi looked confused when he heard Zhao Zheng's words, and then looked at Zhao Zheng with great surprise.

"Yes, I agreed, but I didn't have a price to shoot, from now on, you will be my Zhao Zheng's cook, and the delicious food made by your hands can only be tasted by me alone." Zhao Zhengdao.

Sisi was willing to sign the deed of sale. Liu Sisi said.

"The deed of sale is not necessary, if you really have the ability to get away from me, then the deed of sale does not have any constraints, after all, you don't admit it, it's just a piece of waste paper." Zhao Zheng shook his head.

"Zhao Gongzi rest assured, it is absolutely impossible for me Liu Sisi not to admit it. Liu Sisi looked at Zhao Zheng and said in a deep voice.

"I believe in you, and those who are most filial are those who keep their promises. Zhao Zheng looked at Liu Sisi and nodded.

"Thank you Zhao Gongzi for your trust. Liu Sisi said gratefully.

"Your hatred, I can't separate myself for the time being, wait until my succession ceremony is over." Zhao Zheng looked at Liu Sisi and said.

"Gongzi just agreed, with such a little time, Sisi is naturally willing to wait. Liu Sisi said immediately.

"Hmm. Zhao Zheng nodded.

"By the way, your hands now belong to me, and you will not be responsible for the meals of this succession ceremony, and I will find a chef god to replace you." Zhao Zheng looked at Liu Sisi and said.

"Good. When Liu Sisi heard Zhao Zheng's words, he immediately nodded.

"I'm a little hungry now, there are ingredients in this villa, you can make a few dishes for me to taste." Zhao Zheng looked at Liu Sisi and said.

For Liu Sisi's divine cooking skills in the future, Zhao Zheng is still more interested.

Now that there is an opportunity, Zhao Zheng will definitely try Liu Sisi's craft.

"Okay, Young Master Zhao, please wait. Liu Sisi nodded, and then walked towards the place where the ingredients were placed in the villa.


About twenty minutes later, Liu Sisi came over with three dishes.

They are all the simplest ingredients, a tofu, a bean, and a shredded meat.

"Gongzi, these ingredients are not new, so the taste may be slightly poor, please forgive me." After Liu Sisi put the dish down, he said to Zhao Zhengdao.

"Use poor ingredients to show your craftsmanship." Zhao Zheng said with a smile.

After speaking, Zhao Zheng took the chopsticks handed over by Liu Sisi and began to taste them.

When he tasted the first bite, Zhao Zheng knew that Liu Sisi, the goddess chef, was worthy of his name.

The most ordinary tofu is made by Liu Sisi into a delicacy in the world.

Measured by value, this dish, when you meet someone with good taste and that financial power, it is not too expensive to sell him for a million.

The other two dishes are equally delicious. This is not Liu Sisi's most perfect cooking skills, if the ingredients are excellent, I am afraid that they will be upgraded by two or three grades.

"After accepting you, I don't know if it's good or bad, eat what you made, and eat other things later, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to swallow." After Zhao Zheng ate seven or eight bites, he put down his chopsticks and looked at Liu Sisi and said with a smile. ,

"As long as Zhao Gongzi is not tired of eating, Sisi has always done it for Gong Zhao Gongzi. Liu Sisi said seriously.

PS: 10th more.

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