"Good. Zhao Zheng nodded with a smile.


Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, another five days passed.

In the past five days, everything that Zhao Zheng should have prepared for the succession ceremony has also been prepared.

The chef god who replaced Liu Shishi has also come to Tianhai City.

At first, Yang Bo heard that Zhao Zheng was going to replace Liu Sisi, and they thought that Liu Sisi had offended Zhao Zheng somewhere.

But afterwards they learned that Liu Sisi would be Zhao Zheng's personal chef in the future, and they understood.

The new chef god is called Lin Miao, and Zhao Zheng did not find Lin Miao's relevant memories in the future line, which shows that Lin Miao is not even a supporting role, and he wiped out the crowd after the first reiki recovery.

But then again, Lin Miao's cooking skills are still very good, worthy of the title of Chef God, and at present, it is comparable to Liu Sisi.

But it's just about the same at present, in terms of talent, compared with Liu Sisi, Lin Miao is almost sixty years old, long past the growth period, Liu Sisi is only in his twenties, and his cooking skills will be improved dozens of times and hundreds of times in the future, at that time, Lin Miao in front of Liu Sisi, at most, he can be regarded as a cook with good cooking skills.


By the way, in the past five days, Zhao Zheng's marriage contract has two more, which are Han Linger and Lu Xiaoyu's.

Zhao Tianming and Yang Xiuyi have gone to the Han family and the Lu family to officially hire.

In this regard, the Han family and the Lu family readily agreed, after all, taking Zhao Zheng is equivalent to taking a road to heaven, and the family will be promoted or something in the future, it is too simple.

Originally, Zhao Zheng planned to settle it together with Sheng Minglan's marriage.

But Zhao Zheng thought about it, and waited until the succession ceremony to announce it.

The imperial princess appointed by his old son wants to be Zhao Zheng's fiancée, and the crown prince Zhu Xu will definitely be angry, and he will definitely turn his face on Zhao Zheng's succession ceremony.

At that time, Zhao Zheng used this as an excuse to directly slaughter Zhu Xu.

The consequences after slaughtering Zhu Xu, Zhao Zheng had already arranged it.


That afternoon, after Zhao Zheng ate the food cooked by Liu Sisi, his mobile phone suddenly vibrate.

Seeing the caller ID, Zhao Zheng answered.

"Zhao Zheng, I'll return to Tianhai City at about two, I want to see you. Liu Xue's voice came over the phone.

"Well, the gift for you is also ready. Zhao Zheng nodded with a smile.

"Then after returning to Tianhai City, I will go to your house to find you. "Willow Snow Road.

"Well, I'm waiting for you at home. Zhao Zheng nodded.

"Then I'll board the plane now, hang up first, and wait until Tianhai City is talking." "Willow Snow Road.

"Okay, goodbye. Zhao Zheng nodded.


At about two o'clock in the afternoon, Zhao Zheng returned home with two phoenix feather flowing light skirts and waited for Liu Xue to return.

The phoenix feather flowing light skirt was asked by Zhao Zheng to go to the headquarters of the natural residence to get it.

Although the phoenix feather streamer dress of the natural residence is precious, with Zhao Zheng's identity, it is still easy to get it.

Zhao Zheng emptied the inventory of the natural residence at one time and took twelve pieces back at once.

Five of them, Zhao Zheng gave to Yang Xiuyi.

After all, the predecessor asked Yang Xiuyi for the phoenix feather flowing dress in the dowry, and Zhao Zheng must return it.


Zhao Zheng waited at home for about twenty minutes when he heard footsteps outside the door, and then there was a doorbell.

After Zhao Zheng opened the door, he saw a woman with a beautiful face and a somewhat cold temperament standing at the door.

The woman is not someone else, it is Liu Xue.

Liu Xue is definitely a clear portrayal of the kind of white rich beauty goddess in various novels, and at a glance, it is the type of strong woman, which makes people have a desire for conquest.

But now Liu Xue does not have any strong woman posture in front of Zhao Zheng, I saw Liu Xue walking directly in front of Zhao Zheng, and then her eyes were red and she put her arm around Zhao Zheng.

"Cher, what's wrong? Did you suffer any grievances? Who did it, I'll help you take revenge. Zhao Zheng saw Liu Xue's appearance and immediately patted Liu Xue's back to comfort him.

"Zhao Zheng, why didn't you tell me when you took a concubine, and my family told me, I just knew, am I the kind of jealous woman in your eyes?

"Xue'er, I didn't want to wait for you to come back and talk to you. Zhao Zheng heard Liu Xue's words and explained.

"Zhao Zheng, although I will be unhappy if you take a concubine, but I will not stop you, because I know that with your current status, even if you only want to marry me, it is impossible, I only hope that when you want to marry someone in the future, talk to me, let me have a bottom in my heart, after all, I am your right wife, in the future, you bring this sister back, that sister comes back, I don't even know the name, don't you make me very faceless?" Liu Xue raised her head in Zhao Zheng's arms and looked at Zhao Zheng with a trace of solemnity.

"Well, I'll definitely tell you in advance in the future. Zhao Zheng assured.

"Don't lie to me, you must say it, otherwise I will really be angry." Liu Xue looked at Zhao Zheng with a serious face.

"I'll tell you something in advance that you don't know yet, in fact, my marriage contract is not only two more, but also Sheng Minglan that I also want to marry." Zhao Zheng looked at Liu Xue's serious look and said with a smile.

"Sheng Minglan is the one from the Tianxiang Pavilion?" Liu Xue heard Zhao Zheng's words, and her beautiful eyes froze.

"Hmm. Zhao Zheng nodded.

"Zhao Zheng, her origin is not simple, I heard my father and they inadvertently said, she seems to be the imperial princess..." Liu Xue looked at Zhao Zheng and reminded.

"Imperial Princess, it's just that the person in the palace sealed it herself, has she officially entered the palace. Zhao Zhengdao.

"No, no, Zhao Zheng, you can't marry her, there are so many good-looking women under the sky, why do you want to target her? Liu Xue looked at Zhao Zhengdao.

"Don't worry, I won't be in danger, Cher, I'll tell you one more thing. Zhao Zheng looked at Liu Xue and told Liu Xue about his strength and those things that Ling Donglai had done, even the things he planned to rebel, Zhao Zheng also said.

"Among my women, only Cher knows this secret, keep it secret. Zhao Zheng looked at Liu Xue and said with a smile.


"Husband, I will definitely keep it secret and will never say it. When Liu Xue heard Zhao Zheng's words, she recovered from her shock, and then looked at Zhao Zhengdao in an extremely serious tone.

In order to show her seriousness, Liu Xue changed her title to Zhao Zheng to Fujun, as if this was more solemn.

"Don't say this, come, look at the gift I prepared for you, the phoenix feather flowing dress you have always wanted, if you don't like it, just tell me, I will let the embroidery grandmaster of the natural residence directly customize it according to your ideas." Zhao Zheng looked at Liu Xue and said with a smile, and then held Liu Xue and walked towards the phoenix feather streamer dress on the sofa.

"As long as it's sent by you, I like it. Liu Xue leaned happily into Zhao Zheng's arms and said with a smile.


PS: The first change, the guarantee of five changes every day, the next four changes should start updating around four or five o'clock, the reward of the five hundred floors, tonight I will announce the winning list, when the time comes to post in the book review area, everyone to reply to their own collection account can be, a certain treasure, a letter is OK.

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