"Old ancestor, I understand the truth, but I can't give Zhao Zheng a kingdom and a heavenly dynasty, right? That's the thirteen provinces of Tianbei, what if Zhao Zheng uses that as a base and does something wrong? Zhu Chen said in a deep voice.

"If he is not crowned king, he will have evil intentions, and after being crowned king, he will not, at least not now." Zhu Youzhen shook his head.

"Ancestor? I don't understand. Zhu Chen said puzzled.

"If a person's power and strength do not match, he will definitely want to climb up, but if he already has enough rights, then the first thing he has to do is to stabilize the existing forces, and before the time comes, it is absolutely impossible to plot others." "

"When he stabilizes the rear and wants to plot even more, he will definitely be able to break through to a higher realm at that time, what is he at that time? Zhu Youzhen said in a deep voice.

"Ancestor, are you going to break through?" said Zhu Chen in surprise.

"Xu has long reached the time when he can break through, and he has not broken through, because there is an invisible limit between heaven and earth, but Xu has a hunch that this restriction will disappear in three years at most, and once it disappears, Xu can break through immediately, and Ling Donglai can't, he has accumulated for more than three hundred years to reach this kind of foundation, he may have a higher qualification than me, but it will take at least two hundred years." "

"At that time, he absolutely could not break through, he did not break through, it was his period of death. Zhu Youzhen said.

"I listen to the ancestors, I endure, I will go and propose to add Zhao Zheng as the king, and give the thirteen provinces of northern heaven as fiefs. After listening to Zhu Youzhen's words, Zhu Chen said in a deep voice.

"Go ahead. Zhu Youjian nodded.

The great-great-grandson retreated. Zhu Chen said respectfully, and then left Zhu Youqin's palace.



At about five o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, a holy decree spread from Shangjing to the whole world.

The content of the holy decree is as follows: Zhao Zheng is crowned King of Zhao, the thirteen provinces of Tianbei are given to the king of Zhao, and all government affairs of the thirteen provinces of Tianbei will be handled by the king of Zhao, and taxes and so on will all be collected by the king of Zhao.

Officials above the seventh grade in various parts of Daming received this holy decree.

When they saw this decree, everyone was shocked.

He gave the fief, and it was still thirteen provinces at once, and all government affairs and taxes were handled by Zhao Zheng.

This is simply a kingdom and a heavenly dynasty, an emperor in the emperor, Zhao Zheng is no different from the emperor except for the name of king.

Even the emperor's rights are not as great as Zhao Zheng's.

The emperor also has restrictions from the sect, but Zhao Zheng, the king, has no taboos, in the thirteen provinces of Tianbei, Zhao Zheng wants to do anything, that no one can manage.

Everyone was full of doubts at the moment.

They did not understand why the imperial court had handed down this holy decree.

The prince who has not been knighted for hundreds of years is sealed today, and the Kingdom and Heavenly Dynasty have also given it, and those who do not know Zhao Zheng's identity are wondering who this Zhao Zheng is?

And those families who know Zhao Zheng's identity are full of confusion.

They all received the news that Zhao Zheng had killed the prince.

Even many families who participated in Zhao Zheng's succession ceremony had left Tianhai City urgently, deeply afraid that they would also be implicated.

But what's going on now?

Even if Zhao Zheng is a grandmaster, it is fragile compared to the royal family.

If the prince is not dead, they can guess that Zhao Zheng's qualifications are too against the sky, and the royal family promised the prince in order to win over Zhao Zheng, but the prince died, which is to step on the majesty of the royal family.

In this way, it is simply strange that the royal family did not send someone to kill Zhao Zheng, but gave Wang Jue.

But no matter how bizarre it is, this is also a true thing.

All the families who left Tianhai City turned back one after another and rushed back to Tianhai City.

The only king in Daming, and the most powerful king in history, they must curry favor.

Since Zhao Zheng was able to make the royal family ignore the death of the crown prince and give the body of the prince, there must be his reason, what reason they don't know, but it must be a great reason that can make the royal family back down.



Tianhai City, Difu.

Zhao Zhengzheng was drinking tea with Yang Xuan, Zhao Tianming, and Yang Xiuyi waiting for news from Beijing.

"Lord Zhao, Lord Zhao..."

At this moment, a hurried voice suddenly came from outside Di Mansion.

Hearing this voice, Zhao Zheng and Zhao Tianming looked over.

"What's the matter?" asked Zhao Zheng with a smile as he looked at Qin Yong who ran over.

"Congratulations to Lord Zhao, no, congratulations to King Zhao. After Qin Yong saw Zhao Zheng, he immediately knelt down and shouted respectfully.

"King Zhao, Qin Shenchao, what are you talking about?" Sheng Hai on the side heard King Zhao's two words, and his face changed in shock.

Yang Xuan and Zhao Tianming also froze their eyes and looked at Qin Yong.

"The will from the Shangjing side, Lord Zhao has been crowned King Zhao, and the thirteen provinces of Tianbei will be the fief of King Zhao from now on, and from now on, all government affairs and taxes in the thirteen provinces of Tianbei will be handled by King Zhao, and the imperial court cannot interfere in the slightest. Qin Yong said quickly.

"King Zhao, fiefdom Tianbei Thirteen Provinces?" After listening to Qin Yong's words, Zhao Tianming and they looked at each other and fell silent.

In the end, Zhao Tianming was the first to recover, and I saw Zhao Tianming extremely excited: "I didn't expect that my Zhao family actually appeared a Wang Ye in this generation, and it was the Wang Ye who was in charge of the thirteen provinces of Tianbei, almost the Wang Ye of the Heavenly Dynasty." "

"My grandson is Wang Ye. Yang Xuan was also extremely excited.

This time it seems that Ling Lao has the upper hand, and the royal family took out the prince to appease me, but this is only temporary, lying on the side of the bed, how can you allow others to sleep soundly, if you are a royal family, will you tolerate a kingdom and a celestial dynasty?" Zhao Zheng looked at the excited Zhao Tianming and interrupted with a smile.

"Zheng'er, do you think we are excited about this, we are excited about your fiefdom, with this fiefdom, it can save us a lot of things, first of all, we can recruit troops in an upright manner, after all, you are a king, is it not normal to keep hundreds of thousands of troops in captivity? Yang Xuan looked at Zhao Zheng and said with a smile.

"It's really much more convenient. Zhao Zheng nodded with a smile.

Qin Yong, who was kneeling on the ground, heard Zhao Zheng and Yang Xuan's words, and his body was a little soft in fright, he seemed to have heard an incredible secret, and it seemed that Zhao Zheng deliberately told him.

PS: Fifth more.

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