"Qin Yong, in the future, if this king and the imperial court are opposed, who do you think your six doors listen to?" Suddenly, Zhao Zheng looked at Qin Yong who was kneeling on the ground and said lightly.

Hearing these words, Qin Yong's heart froze, Zhao Zheng was going to rebel.

"King Zhao, you are the chief worshipper of the six doors, our superior, and we naturally listen to you. Qin Yong said in a deep voice.

No matter what he thought in his heart, he had to say so now, otherwise he would definitely not be able to get out of Di Mansion alive.

"But what if the imperial court abolished my position of worship at the six doors, who did you listen to then?" asked Zhao Zheng.

"I don't know about others, Qin Yong and Lin Hong will definitely not betray King Zhao. When Qin Yong heard Zhao Zheng's words, he immediately said seriously.

"So that means that others may betray King Ben?" said Zhao Zheng lightly.

"The subordinates don't know. Qin Yong shook his head.

"What King Ben needs is a six doors that only obey King Ben, not six doors that can rebel against King Ben at any time, Qin Yong, King Ben gives you three great masters, you take them with you to see which god catchers are, or which chief catcher will betray King Ben." Zhao Zheng looked at Qin Yong and said lightly.

"Three Great Masters?" Qin Yong's face froze when he heard Zhao Zheng's words.

"Didn't King Ben tell you that Ling Lao has nine Great Master Apprentices?" said Zhao Zheng with a smile.

"Nine Great Master Apprentices?"

Hearing these words, Qin Yong's face changed greatly.

Finally, Qin Yong knelt down and looked at Zhao Zheng and said seriously: "King Zhao, I will advise all my colleagues to be loyal to King Zhao." "

At this moment, Qin Yong decided to gamble once and bet on himself and his colleagues in the Six Doors with a bright future.

If there were only Zhao Zheng and Ling Donglai on Zhao Zheng's side, he might not say so, and even if Daming promised heavy profits, he might rebel against Zhao Zheng.

Because following Zhao Zheng and Ling Dong to rebel, it was basically impossible to succeed.

But it is not the same to add nine great masters, which already has hope for success, and at least more than thirty percent hope.

There is a hope that Qin Yong dares to gamble, and if the bet is won, his Qin family is from the skill of the dragon, and no matter how bad it is in the future, it will also be a family position, and it is the Zhao family, they will always enjoy the position of a rich family.

What's more, now that there is more than thirty percent hope of success, why doesn't he gamble?


"Well, King Ben is waiting for your good news. Zhao Zheng heard Qin Yong's words and nodded.

Then Zhao Zheng found Zhou Cheng, Zou Ye, and Xu Hua to follow Qin Yong back to the six doors.


After Qin Yong and them left, Yang Xuan looked at Zhao Zheng and spoke, "Zheng'er, in fact, you are now the chief worship of the six doors, and you can completely reinstall people in the six doors. "

"The three chief catchers of the six doors and the ten gods have been deeply rooted in the six doors for too long, their power from top to bottom, it is difficult to completely uproot, even if they can do this step, it will take at least a few years, this time is too long, but if you directly and completely gain their loyalty, then the six doors will be the best intelligence agency in my hands." Zhao Zheng shook his head.

"Zheng'er, what if they duplied and stabbed three times, first agreed, and then immediately go and tell the royal family to make meritorious contributions?"

"They are smart people, and if they agree, they will give their names, such as their family relatives will move into my sight." Zhao Zheng said with a smile.

"What if someone pretends to agree and then moves over to win our trust?" asked Yang Xuan.

"They don't dare, because they don't know who is completely loyal to me, as long as there is one person loyal to me, they don't dare to duplicity and slash, because they know each other too well, as long as one person does not completely move their relatives into the thirteen provinces of Tianbei, they can find each other." Zhao Zhengdao.



In another place, after Qin Yong took Zhou Cheng and them back to the six gates of Tianhai City, he asked people to shout all the three major chief catchers and the other nine gods.

"Three of you, please go outside later, I will talk to them, if the negotiation is the best, if the negotiation is not possible, please also ask you to help." Qin Yong looked at Zhou Chengsan.

"Go ahead. Zhou Cheng nodded.



"Qin Yong, Lin Hong, thanks to you this time, if you hadn't told us that King Zhao was the number one grandmaster in the world standing behind him, I'm afraid we would have left at that time, fortunately we didn't leave, if we really left, I'm afraid we would be the first to be unlucky, and now King Zhao has been crowned a king, this is the only king in hundreds of years, and the power is almost the existence of the Celestial Dynasty." After the three chief catchers and the nine god catchers were called back by Qin Yong, one of the chief catchers, Chen Lai, said with excitement on his face.

"To be honest, at first, I thought at most that the royal family would not pursue this matter, but who would have thought that he would be crowned a king? Situ Ming, the other chief catcher, also laughed.

"Gentlemen, the royal family has appointed a king of the Celestial Dynasty, do you think this may last long?

"Qin Yong, what do you mean, are you saying that sooner or later the royal family will make a move against King Zhao?" said Situ Ming's eyes with a condensation.

"The royal family will definitely do it, King Zhao's character, you should all understand, it is impossible to wait for death, our six doors are subordinates of King Zhao, if King Zhao really confronts the imperial court, who will you help?" said Qin Yong in a deep voice.

"We are King Zhao's people, naturally help King Zhao. Situ Ming and the others were silent for a while and spoke.

"But what if the royal family doesn't care about the past and promises you a heavy profit?" said Qin Yong.

"Qin Yong, what do you mean, just explain it. Chen Lai looked at Qin Yong and said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Qin Yong, you would never have asked that before, if I'm not mistaken, it was King Zhao who asked you to come. Situ Ming followed.

"Yes, King Zhao wants us to be loyal to him. Qin Yong nodded.

"Qin Yong, listen to what you mean, you are already loyal to King Zhao, with your nature, if you don't see the feasibility, it can't be so, how about telling us about King Zhao's heritage?"

"In addition to the world's first grandmaster, there are nine grandmasters under King Zhao, one of whose strength can rank in the top five in the world, and the weakest of the rest can also deal with the late grandmaster, and I can see that King Zhao still has a hole card, and this hole card is the foundation of King Zhao's real deal with the royal family. "

"There is a 10% possibility, we may all gamble, now King Zhao has at least 40% or even more than 50% of the possibility, do you bet or not?" Qin Yong looked at the three chief catchers and the nine gods present and opened the hole cards, and said in a deep voice.

PS: The first change, if the winning floor replies to the deduction number, cancel your own verification, which needs to answer the question, and you can't add you.

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