"Qin Yong, what you said is true, there are really nine great masters under King Zhao?" said Situ Ming's face with a condensed expression.

"That's true. Qin Yong nodded.

"I'm willing to give it a shot. Situ Ming saw Qin Yong nodding and said solemnly.

"I'm willing to give it a go. Chen Lai spoke.

"King Zhao was invited by me to enter the six doors, no matter what King Zhao wants to do, my fate is also linked to King Zhao, if it is the road to mortality, it is just that, but this has more than a forty percent chance of success, why don't I dare to gamble?"

"I am also willing to be loyal to King Zhao. The other nine divine catchers also said one after another.

"Well, please contact your relatives and let them move into Tianbei, this is also to prevent the royal family from threatening us with relatives in the future." Qin Yong said with a smile.

Hearing Qin Yong's words, Situ Ming and the others' faces changed.

Qin Yong said this well, this is actually forcing them to hand over the certificate of surrender, their relatives and families have moved into Tianbei, then there is no turning back after that.

"I'll contact my clan later and let them all move into Tianbei. Lin Hong was the first to agree.

"We will also contact my family. Situ Ming and they also spoke one after another after seeing Lin Hong agree.

Since they are already willing to fight, they will not leave a way back for themselves, which will only be unflattering on both sides.

What's more, they had just discovered the cold light that flashed in Qin Yong's eyes.

With this look, they guessed that Qin Yong deliberately let them find out, with the intention of letting them understand the fate after disagreeing.

Qin Yong said that there were nine great masters under Zhao Zheng, and I am afraid that there are one or two standing outside their door now, and as long as some of them are unwilling, they will be killed immediately.

"Colleagues, you have made a very wise choice. Seeing that everyone agreed, Qin Yong nodded with a smile.


Next, Qin Yong invited Zhou Cheng and the three people outside the door in.

Seeing Zhou Cheng and the three, Situ Ming's face froze, and then he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, fortunately, they had just made the right choice, otherwise they would have died long ago at this moment.

"Qin Yong, you have meritorious service this time, King Zhao ordered me to wait for you to complete your task, and promote you to the fourth chief catcher of the six doors. After Zhou glanced at Situ Ming and them, he said lightly to Qin Yong.

"Thank you King Zhao. Qin Yong immediately knelt down and thanked him in the direction of the Zhao government mansion.

"King Zhao also has an order for all the chief catchers of your six doors to do it together with the god catcher. Zhou came to see Lin Hong and the others and said again.

"Please also ask the Grand Master to show me. Qin Yong said respectfully.

"King Zhao ordered you to completely control all the heads of the six doors within one month, remember, it is complete control. Zhou Lai deepened his tone and repeated.

"Complete control?" Lin Hong, Situ Ming, Qin Yong and the others changed their faces when they heard Zhou Lai's words.

Thorough control means that the six doors will become Zhao Zheng's private institution in the future, even if Zhao Zheng rebels, the six doors will still be Zhao Zheng's private institution, and all the heads of the six doors must listen to Zhao Zheng, not the imperial court.

To be honest, if you just let all the heads of the six doors obey Zhao Zheng, it is simple.

But if all the headhunters of the six doors are willing to work for Zhao Zheng, it is extremely difficult.

"Grand Master, a month is a bit short, I wonder if I can have a little more time?" said Situ Ming looking at Zhou Lai.

"Six doors is the largest institution in the world, the royal family will not completely hand it over to King Zhao, absolutely will secretly arrange people to enter the six doors and compete with King Zhao for power, what you have to do is before the royal family, completely control the power in your hands, each of you has come from catching fast to today's position, whether at the bottom or at the top, you have great authority, as long as you are willing to do it, you can definitely close the right to six doors in a month." "

"By the way, King Zhao will be rewarded with grace, if you can complete the task given to you by King Zhao, King Zhao will let our master guide you for a week, the master is the best at making people break through the bottleneck, your worst are the peak of the grandmaster, the three chief catchers have reached the half-step grandmaster, with the guidance of the master, I am afraid that it is possible for you to go further, I hope you grasp it well." Zhou Lai looked at Situ Ming and the others.

"Grand Master, can this be taken seriously, can we really let Senior Ling guide us?" Situ Ming and the others looked at Zhou Lai and said seriously.

"Will King Zhao's words be false?" said Zhou Lai lightly.

"Please ask the Grand Master to tell King Zhao that within one month, I will definitely completely close the rights of the six doors, even if it is the royal family, I will not want to order the six doors in the future." Lin Hong, Situ Ming and the others said extremely seriously.

"Okay, then our junior brothers won't stay, and you will deal with it yourself." Zhou Lai nodded with a smile, and then left with Xu Hua and Zou Ye.

Of course, this departure is only Qin Yong's departure in their eyes, in fact, after they went out, they left one person to monitor Qin Yong and them, and if any of them had evil thoughts, they would kill them by thunderous means.

Lin Hong and they are also very clear about Zhou Lai, their name has not been completely decided, how can Zhou Lai leave so simply, maybe where they are secretly monitoring them, but they are now also not afraid of the shadow oblique, with Ling Donglai pointing out this temptation in front, they can't betray at all.

Because their realms had almost reached the limit of their qualifications, over the years, they had not asked other great masters for guidance, but they were useless.

If you want to break through, unless there is a mythical level willing to guide them, it is impossible to break through.

But there are only two people in the mythical realm, one Chongzhen Emperor and one Ling Donglai.

The former is the ancestor of the royal family, how to look at them, the latter has disappeared for a hundred years, and now because of Zhao Zheng's relationship, there is a chance for Ling Donglai to point out, how can they not cherish it.

After all, strength is the key to everything, if they can break through the Great Master, they will definitely be valued by Zhao Zheng more in the future, otherwise even if they have great merit and insufficient strength, they will not get the top reward, and even if they have, they will only appear in their generation, and when they die, their descendants will not be able to keep it at all.

But if they reach the Great Master, they can at least keep the family worry-free for two hundred years.

PS: The second change, the remaining three more about eleven o'clock two more, around twelve o'clock one change.

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