
"The prince who has not been knighted for hundreds of years was actually sealed on Zhao Zheng's body, and also gave the thirteen provinces of Tianbei as fiefs, the royal family is really a big hand, Brother Pang, why do you think the royal family did this?" said a man who looked full of pride in a certain house in Tianhai City, looking at a man dressed as a scribe.

"Can make the royal family of the opposite sex king, only fear of Zhao Zheng, the position of king is used to appease him." The man dressed as a scribe said in a deep voice.

These two men are not bystanders, they are Xiao Mad, the protagonist of the return of the God of War, and Pang Yuan, the strategist beside Zhu Xu.

Brother Pang, in your opinion, what is Zhao Zheng worthy of the royal family's fear? Xiao asked with a smile.

"Doesn't Brother Xiao already have the answer in his heart?" said Pang Yuan with a smile.

"There is only one possibility that can make the royal family with myths jealous, that is, there are also myths behind Zhao Zheng, and there are only two myths in the world, and the person behind Zhao Zheng is self-evident." Xiao said wildly.

"The world's first grandmaster Ling Donglai, really didn't expect that the world's first grandmaster who has disappeared for a hundred years would actually reappear for Zhao Zheng, could it be that Zhao Zheng is Ling Donglai's apprentice? Pang Yuan analyzed.

"Zhao Zheng is not Ling Donglai's apprentice. Xiao Mad shook his head affirmatively.

"Why does Brother Xiao think so?" said Pang Yuan curiously.

"My righteous father Wine Madman told me about Ling Donglai's absolute learning, if Zhao Zheng is really Ling Donglai's apprentice, his martial arts definitely have similarities with Ling Donglai, but I heard your description of him killing Duke Quan, and the martial arts he performed were completely opposite to Ling Donglai's martial arts, so he couldn't be Ling Donglai's apprentice. Xiao said wildly.

"Even if he is not Ling Donglai's apprentice, he is also a demon among demons, and it is really terrifying for the Great Grandmaster to kill the peak of the Great Grandmaster in one move in the later stage. Pang Yuan sighed.

"It's scary indeed. Xiao Mad nodded.

"By the way, Brother Xiao, I have already found out about the matter that you asked me to check Liu Sisi, and she was removed by the succession ceremony not because she offended Zhao Zheng, but because she became Zhao Zheng's person. Pang Yuan said suddenly.

Brother Pang, can you be specific?" Xiao Mad asked when he heard these words, his face froze, and a terrifying aura appeared on his body.

"I don't know specifically, I only know that Liu Sisi should become Zhao Zheng's personal chef, and specially cook food for him in the future, Brother Xiao, you care so much about Liu Sisi because you have ideas about this Liu Sisi? "

"There are so many beauties in the world, with your talent, as long as you want, I can find you ten or eight at will, even if it is not as good as Liu Sisi, but it is definitely a first-class beauty, Liu Sisi, don't think about it, with her appearance, do you think Zhao Zheng will miss it? Pang Yuan looked at Xiao Mad and persuaded.

"I'm afraid it's not me and him, but him Zhao Zheng and me. Xiao Mad shook his head.

"You and Zhao Zheng have never met, why should he go against you? Although Zhao Zheng acts domineeringly, it is absolutely impossible to form a grudge with people for no reason." Pang Yuan was puzzled.

"In the past, because of a misunderstanding, I slapped Liu Sisi's father, his father died because of my serious injuries, Liu Sisi turned to Zhao Zheng, I am afraid that for nothing else, just to ask Zhao Zheng to avenge her. Xiao said in a deep voice.

"Liu Sisi is at most a woman with strong cooking skills and beautiful looks, Brother Xiao, you are a grandmaster, and the combat effectiveness is comparable to the top grandmaster, if you go to Zhao Zheng, I believe that Zhao Zheng will definitely not deal with you for a Liu Sisi, after all, your importance is far more than Liu Sisi." Pang Yuandao.

"Are you asking me to join Zhao Zheng?" said Xiao Fan as he narrowed his eyes at Pang Yuan.

"Brother Xiao, if you want to take revenge, Zhao Zheng is definitely the best choice, even better than joining the royal family, because Zhao Zheng can do things without any rules, as long as he wants, he dares to do anything, even the prince dares to kill, the royal family is different, the Xuan family is the family that followed the Chongzhen Emperor in the past to fight in the south and the north, and made monstrous feats for Daming, the royal family wants to deal with the Xuan family, and has to worry a lot." "

"Once you deal with the Xuan family, those families who follow the Chongzhen Emperor in the southern and northern wars will all be at risk, if you want to take revenge, then the best choice is Zhao Zheng. Pang Yuan looked at Xiao Mad and said.

"Brother Pang, let's not say whether I can vote for him or not, even if I am willing to join him, he will not accept it, because I and Zhao Zheng are the same kind of people, and we don't want to live under people for a long time, if it were you, would you offend a top family for a subordinate who could leave you at any time?"

"Then don't turn to him, as long as he doesn't avenge Liu Sisi." Pang Yuandao.

"Brother Pang, Zhao Zheng and I are destined to meet, as for the reason, to avoid implicating you, you don't need to know, it's not early, Brother Pang, you go back, after you go back, leave Tianhai City." Xiao Madao looked at Pang Yuandao.

"Brother Pang, you must think twice, don't say that Zhao Zheng has Ling Donglai behind him, even if not, your strength may not necessarily be his opponent." Pang Yuan said solemnly.

"Brother Pang, I can only say that you underestimate me, okay, I have a sense of proportion, Brother Pang, go back." Xiao said wildly.

"Okay, be careful yourself, if you need my help, within my ability, I will try to help you." Pang Yuan looked at Xiao Mad and said.

"Good. Xiao Mad nodded.

Soon Pang Yuan got up and left.

When Pang Yuan left, Xiao Mad looked in the direction of the Zhao Government Mansion and muttered, "Fortunately, when I came back, I accidentally got a five-thousand-year-old blood ginseng, and after taking it, I successfully broke through to the late stage of the Great Master, Zhao Zheng, do you think you have the power of the peak of the Great Master? "

"And you Liu Sisi, you can't escape my palm, your Liu family's food yuan pill I want to decide." "

PS: The third is more sent.

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