"I let you break through?" Hearing Zhao Zheng's words, Xiao was stunned.

"It's ridiculous, I should have thought a long time ago, you have such high qualifications, it is possible to break through in battle, if I hide from the beginning and give you a fatal blow, if I don't fight you, you will definitely not be alive, how can I fall into this field, everything is my fault." Xiao Mad looked at Zhao Zheng with a hint of despair in his eyes.


"Ding... Congratulations to the host for once again desperate the child of luck and obtaining 8,600 points of luck. "

A sound for breaking the dimensional wall system follows.

Hearing the system prompt, Zhao Zheng was overjoyed in his heart, and he could indeed reap the second desperate luck value.


"Are you finished?" said Zhao Zheng as he looked at Xiao Zheng and said lightly.

"Zhao Zheng, I know that I will die today, after I die, can you do me a favor?" Xiao Mad heard Zhao Zheng's words and laughed miserably.

"What a busy. Zhao Zhengdao.

"Help me destroy the Xuan family, the reward is the mercenary organization I founded, I have a mercenary order in my arms, and with this token, I can command the entire mercenary union. Xiao Mad looked at Zhao Zhengdao.

"Is it that mercenary order that contains poison?" Zhao Zheng said with a sneer when he heard Xiao Mad's words.

"You?" Xiao Mad heard Zhao Zheng's words, and his face changed in shock.

"Xiao Madness, do you want to use your death to lower my defense, and then when I go to get the mercenary order, kill me with the poison above? Zhao Zheng looked at Xiao and laughed.

All of Xiao Mad's hole cards, Zhao Zheng is clear.

The mercenary token in Xiao Mad's hand is Xiao Mad's last hole card, and it is also Xiao Mad's last treasure, this mercenary token was obtained by Xiao Mad in an adventure, and the real name of this mercenary token is the Poison Sect token.

Poison Sect token, listening to the name, you can know that it is related to poison.

In the future, Xiao Mad used the poison on the poison sect token to poison even the people of the Purple Mansion Realm, although now because of the first aura recovery, the poison in the poison sect token is not so powerful, but it is not difficult to poison half a step out of the rebirth realm.

Although Zhao Zheng is very confident in himself, he will not try the law by example.


"How do you know, this token is highly poisonous, I never told anyone, no one but me could know. Xiao Mad looked at Zhao Zheng and said in shock.

"You don't need to know, okay, you can die." Zhao Zheng looked at Xiao Mad and shook his head, and then he was about to shoot Xiao Mad to death.

"Zhao Zheng, I know a treasure that contains a big secret, let me go, and I'll tell you where that treasure is." Xiao Mad shouted the moment he saw Zhao Zheng raise his hand.

"Not rare. Zhao Zheng shook his head and slapped it with a palm.

The luck value on Xiao Mad's body has been plundered by Zhao Zheng, and it is impossible for Zhao Zheng to keep Xiao Madness.

Even if the future changes, Xiao Madness really knows a treasure, but so what? When Xiao Madness was at the peak of his luck, that treasure would indeed contain a lot of treasures, but Xiao Madness didn't have much luck value now, and even if that treasure was a real treasure, it would become a fake treasure.

"Nope. Seeing Zhao Zheng's palm power attacking, Xiao Zheng shouted and wanted to dodge, but everything in Xiao Zheng's body was smashed by Zhao Zheng's power, and he couldn't move at all, and finally he could only watch Zhao Zheng's palm force hit his head.

"Bang. "

The next moment, Xiao Mad directly turned into a headless corpse.


"Ding... Congratulations to the host for successfully killing the protagonist of Qi Luck and gaining 15,000 Qi Luck points. "

The moment Xiao Mad died, Zhao Zheng heard the prompt sound of breaking the dimensional wall system again.

"Sure enough, it is the protagonist who is a grade stronger than Ye Chen, the qi luck value is a grade higher than Ye Chen, and now my qi luck value has reached 112,800 points, with more qi luck value to break the dimensional wall, I don't know what good things can be obtained?" Hearing the number fifteen thousand, Zhao Zheng thought with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"I almost forgot the poison sect token on Xiao Mad's body. After Zhao Zheng saw the balance of his qi luck value, he waved his hand casually at Xiao Mad's corpse, and Xiao Mad's body rolled up.

As Xiao Mad's body rolled, a black token rolled down from Xiao Mad's arms.

This token is a poison sect token, which looks very simple and ordinary, but it actually contains poison, and if there is no confession of the Lord, whoever touches it dies.

Zhao Zheng doesn't feel that he has the life of the protagonist who recognizes the lord, so he won't keep this poison sect token with great opportunity, and directly sell it to the system for ventilation luck?

"System, how much is the Poison Sect token worth?" asked Zhao Zheng into the system.

"The Poison Sect token is worth eight thousand qi luck value. "Break the dimensional wall system.

"Is it so little, the Poison Sect is the top sect of the fourth revival of aura, this Poison Sect token is related to a inheritance of the Poison Sect, how can it be worth so little?

"There is more than one poison sect token, after Xiao Mad's death, a second poison sect token will appear, and after sharing, this poison sect token is naturally not so valuable. "Break the dimensional wall system.

"Forget it, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is also meat, and it is a lot to say that the luck value of 8,000 is a lot, just so that my luck value exceeds 120,000, which is not bad, recycle." Zhao Zheng said to the Breaking Dimensional Wall System.

"Wave your hand to complete, congratulations to the host for increasing the qi luck value by eight thousand, and the current balance of qi luck value: 128,000 points. "


"The next protagonist of qi luck that appears is the protagonist of the royal family's return from Xiu Zhen, after going back, he will break the dimensional wall two or three times to see, hoping to get some good things, otherwise against the protagonist who returned from Xiu Zhen, he can't let him grow up and slowly reap the qi luck value, and he will immediately join forces with Ling Donglai to kill him when he appears." "

"Otherwise, if you give him a little time to grow, won't you play myself in?" thought to Zhao Zheng secretly.

Zhao Zheng gave Ye Chen and Xiao Mad time to grow up in order to harvest all their qi luck values, this is all to establish that he has absolute certainty, if there is no such certainty of suppressing everything, Zhao Zheng will not make himself passive for some qi luck values, just kill it directly, less qi luck value, less it, anyway, there will be so many protagonists in the future.

If he got rid of some luck, wouldn't he be like a fool?

Subsequently, Zhao Zheng disposed of Xiao Mad's body and left from Chessboard Mountain, no, there will be no Chessboard Mountain here after today, because the mountain range has almost been collapsed by Zhao Zheng and Xiao Mad.


PS: Second more.

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