After returning to King Zhao's mansion from Qipan Mountain, Zhao Zheng entered the storage ring.

There was an extra building in the storage ring at this moment, which was the villa where Zhao Zheng lived before.

Zhao Zheng said last time that if he was lying on the bed and pulling out good things, he would offer his bed, and he fulfilled his promise, but it was a bit monotonous to enter the storage ring with a separate bed, so Zhao Zheng directly moved the entire villa into the storage ring, and when he broke the dimensional wall in the future, he could enter the storage ring at any time.

After entering the bedroom of the villa in the storage ring, Zhao Zheng looked at the familiar soft bed and thought secretly: "You have let me draw good things so many times, this time I played so big, you must give me lucky blessings." "

Then Zhao Zheng lay on the bed and opened the Breaking Dimensional Wall System.

"System, I want to break the dimensional wall. Zhao Zheng said to the system.

"How much luck does the host need to spend to break the dimensional wall?" asked the dimensional wall breaking system. 、

"It takes 50,000 qi luck to break the dimensional wall twice. Zhao Zheng thought for a while and spoke.

Originally, Zhao Zheng planned to draw 30,000 gas luck three times, but Zhao Zheng thought about it for a while, either not to do it, if you want to do it, you will do it once, and the things worth 50,000 gas luck must be better.

"Ding... Successfully deducting 100,000 qi luck value, he began to break the dimensional wall. "

"Ding... Congratulations to the host for breaking the dimensional wall of fantasy novels and obtaining the magical ability of Heaven Swallowing. "

"Ding... Congratulations to the host for breaking the blue fat dimensional wall and obtaining a bottle of doubling potion (the specific upper limit is learned after extracting items, and it is valid for one hundred years. )"


With the deduction of qi luck value, two prompts that broke the dimensional wall appeared in Zhao Zheng's mind.

Seeing the items drawn this time, Zhao Zheng's head sank, did he lose money?

He spent 100,000 Qi luck to draw a magical power, and a doubling potion?

Even if the former is done, it is not bad to hear the name, it should be used until the ninth time, and the tenth Reiki revival is no problem.

But doubling the potion, Zhao Zheng felt that he was really losing.

Isn't this the prop used in Fatty Blue to double the gong burning?

However, when Zhao Zheng extracted the Gluttonous Heaven Swallowing Technique and doubled the potion to check the specific introduction, Zhao Zheng was stunned.

I was shocked.

He wants to apologize for feeling that he lost money before, where is his loss, this is simply blood within blood.

Gluttonous Heaven Swallowing Technique is a magical ability from the top fantasy world, it can be said that it is a top magical power, after cultivation, it can be born Gluttony Law relative enemy, why is it said that Gluttonous Heaven Swallowing Art is the top, because theoretically speaking, this magical ability is unlimited and can be cultivated indefinitely, if practiced to a certain extent, even heaven and earth can be devoured.

But in fact, the Gluttonous Heaven Swallowing Technique has an upper limit, because cultivating the Gluttonous Heaven Swallowing Technique requires devouring countless resources, and those resources are not simply doubling growth, it is tens of thousands of times growth.

For example, if the first layer of Gluttonous Heaven Devouring Technique cultivation needs to devour a 10,000-year elixir, then the second layer of cultivation requires 100,000 10,000 elixirs, and the third layer requires 100 million 100,000 year elixir, who can withstand this growth method?

What's more, if the first layer of cultivation is successful, it requires more than one 10,000-year elixir, and the first layer requires at least 10,000 10,000-year elixir.

The Gluttonous Heaven Swallowing Technique was forbidden in the world that Zhao Zheng had extracted, and it had been destroyed by heaven and earth, because once this divine ability was cultivated to the tenth layer, there was nothing to swallow, and in the end, it could only devour the entire heaven and earth.

At the same time, there is also a biggest drawback of the Gluttonous Heaven Devouring Technique, that is, after cultivating it, devouring more resources will only increase the power of the divine power, and the strength of the cultivator itself will not change much.

For example, the resources of the Gluttonous Heaven Swallowing Technique that have been cultivated to the second or third layer can cultivate hundreds or thousands of immortals, but they are only used to cultivate the Gluttonous Heaven Swallowing Technique, and even if they have practiced the third layer of the Gluttonous Heaven Swallowing Technique, they can deal with the cultivators of the Purple Mansion Realm at most.

Who can stand this kind of gap?

Of course, the more you cultivate the Gluttonous Heaven Devouring Technique, the stronger it gets, and if you cultivate to the fifth layer, the immortals will swallow a large piece in minutes.

However, the resources required were not enough to swallow the entire True Cultivation Realm resources and cultivators.

If there is no double potion behind, to be honest, this gluttonous heaven-swallowing technique Zhao Zheng can only lose the warehouse, it is impossible to cultivate, and in the rich people, they can't cultivate.

But with the double potion of the Blue Fat World, it's different.

Although there is an upper limit to the level of the item used to double the potion, it can only have an effect on the elixir for fifty years at most.

But Zhao Zheng was also satisfied.

If Zhao Zheng used a doubling potion on a fifty-year elixir, then this fifty-year elixir would become two in five minutes, then four in five minutes, then eight, sixteen, thirty-two, and kept increasing until the end of the one-hundred year validity of the doubling potion.

In a hundred years, how many elixirs must be added, Zhao Zheng can only be described by the number of immeasurable, he can't calculate how many plants there are.


The Gluttonous Heaven Devouring Art has one of the best attributes, that is, it does not pick, as long as it contains energy, it can be devoured and increased in power.

Therefore, Zhao Zheng could completely double a fifty-year elixir with a doubling potion, and then cultivate the Gluttonous Heaven Swallowing Technique.

A fifty-year-old elixir is insignificant to the Gluttonous Heaven Swallowing Technique, what about a million, ten million, or even a hundred million strain?

Maybe 100 million plants is insignificant for the second layer of gluttonous heaven-swallowing techniques, but what about tens of billions, hundreds of billions, trillions, ten trillions?

You must know that as long as the number goes up, it will double every five minutes, and the number of elixirs increased is simply difficult to calculate.

A grain of sand may be insignificant, and ants can easily carry it away, but what if it's desert sand?

Although the doubling potion has a time limit of one hundred years, within this hundred year time limit, the fifty-year elixir that has been doubled is enough to push the Gluttonous Heaven Devouring Technique above the tenth layer, or even higher.

The tenth layer of the gluttonous heaven-swallowing technique is definitely no problem with a mouthful of an immortal emperor, at that time, even if Zhao Zheng has not yet become an immortal, he has the power to kill the immortal emperor in seconds, is this not strong?

The Gluttonous Heaven Swallowing Technique plus the doubling potion is simply going to make Zhao Zheng completely invincible.


"System, let me ask you again, does my bed really not have a lucky value bonus?" Zhao Zheng's excitement lasted for more than half an hour before it ended, and after it was over, Zhao Zheng asked this question again to the system.

"Host, your bed is a normal bed, without any additional effect. The system affirmed.

"I don't care, he must have been blessed with luck. Hearing the system's words, Zhao Zheng did not believe it.

PS: The third is more sent, a little slow, mainly set the items obtained to think for a long time, after all, let the protagonist invincible, but not invincible too outrageous is not so easy to set, after thinking about it for an afternoon, finally came up with this, don't like don't spray ha, the fourth more sent before twelve, the fifth is estimated to be updated around one o'clock in the morning, everyone can wait to wake up after watching the fourth change and then watch the fifth more ha.

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