"I don't know what kind of shit luck your kid has had. I'll tell you when I meet the two of us. There's definitely a good thing about calling you in. If there's something bad, I won't let you in.

Don't think what the two of us think of you, let's see, what do you think of this thing?"

After the messenger of the Soul Palace finished speaking, Ye Feng's eyes were fixed on the battle axe. The sight of it really made him feel very calm and happy. This battle axe was nearly two meters high.

Moreover, his walking stick is golden yellow, and the axe of the battle axe is white and silver. Of course, he does not know what kind of material it is, but its breath gives people a kind of ancient information.

He knew that this was by no means ordinary, and when he saw this thing, he really had the feeling that he wanted to go up and grab it in his hand, because this aura gave him a really powerful momentum.

"Why does this battle axe look like an ancient thing to me, after all, his breath seems to have never been touched by me.

Moreover, he is absolutely different from the evil spirit in this cave. Why is this? How could such a situation occur?

"If I'm not wrong, this battle axe is indeed from the ancient times. Staying in this place, I guess 20 is the ancient god who used this battle axe to suppress this evil spirit in this place.

Of course, we don't know what is under this suffocating aura, but if this tomahawk can get him, it will definitely make his ability beyond the ordinary. "

In fact, the two soul hall messengers have been thinking about this place for a long time, and he also knows what kind of state this place is.

It's just that no matter how much it is now, I just want to take this battle axe as my own, and first see what kind of benefits this thing can bring to myself.

But the two of them don't have such ability at all, it doesn't mean that they don't have such ability, but that this battle axe seems to choose the owner.

"What the two of you mean is that if this battle axe is taken away, then the evil spirit in this place will be very serious.

Then we can't move, and if we do, how can we do things like this, which will endanger the world if we can't contain this evil spirit?"

Ye Feng's eyes are very true, but, since this battle axe suppresses the evil spirit here, why should you take this battle axe away, although it is said that this battle axe will improve a person's soul power.

But you need to know what kind of state this evil spirit will reach after taking it away, and you need to know where the evil spirit can be emitted, what kind of thing exists there? That is definitely not a good thing.

It is definitely a thing to maintain the human world, so Ye Feng decided that now, even if the two of them can take it, they will not let the two of them take it.

"Actually we all know what you said, but do you know what kind of people the two of us are.

What do the two of us need, in fact, we also know that what this battle axe is suppressing is definitely a soul power.

A very rich guy, but, the two of us absorb souls for a living, am I still afraid of him? We don’t believe in cats who have been playing with them all their lives, can I still let the cat scratch his eyes?”

In fact, the envoys of the Soul Palace thought about this question from the very beginning, and they thought about it when they came to this place, because only countless wronged souls can generate countless evil spirits.

And under the evil spirit are countless unjust souls, if the two envoys of the Soul Palace see countless unjust souls, they must be very eager to yearn, because they are the strengths of absorbing this aspect.

But at this time, they came across a battle axe that was sitting in this place, so the two of them wanted to take this battle axe as their own, but they didn't think that the exercises they practiced would be good.

Or that the physique of the two of them is good, there is no way to take this battle axe as their own.

So it was at this time that he thought of Ye Feng and Song Xin. Of course, Ye Feng came here. Since he said such words to the two of them, it was indeed something they didn't think of.

"Second seniors, I know how powerful you two are, but I think we should not take this risk, let's not say anything else, just look at this battle axe is an ancient battle axe.

What kind of things do you say that this kind of thing suppresses him in this place? Even if you have papermaking in this area, but I think if this battle axe is removed.

Whether there is an unjust soul in there, or a soul, once it comes out, it won't be good. "

In fact, Ye Feng's meaning is very clear, that is, if the two of you really release this soul or a wronged soul, if you two can restrain yourself.

It's nothing. If you can't control it, if you can't control it, it's not your two business.

It's just that Ye Feng didn't make it clear that he wanted to give them two face. After all, they were so old, and their status was definitely not low.

"Big brother, this kid does have some truth in what he said, you said that neither of us can take down this battle axe.

Then you say that the things he suppresses are by no means of ordinary quality.

The two soul hall messengers are indeed very longing for this thing, but now that they encounter this problem, they can only listen to Ye Feng's meaning, and the two people do not agree with the suggestion.

But seeing that this battle axe is so angry, it is indeed a pity here.

"You need to know what this battle axe is. If you leave it here alone, it will be taken away one day. Do you agree with this thing?

Will others have the same thoughts as you? I'm thinking that people's mentality is actually selfish, even if you don't take it sooner or later, someone else will take it.

If you say that I will be taken away one day, it would be better for you to take it, if it is possible.

If you have refined this battle axe, even if this thing wants to beat you with this battle axe, you can destroy it. "

Hearing the two envoys from the Soul Palace say such words, Ye Feng knew that they were definitely doing it for their own good.

But Ye Feng knew how much he weighed, and he knew that if he really got this thing, his strength would definitely be greatly improved.

However, the enemy they are facing is also very powerful, let's not say anything else, use this battle axe to suppress it.

Then guess what this suppressed thing is? So Ye Feng believes that this matter must not be impulsive.

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