The two messengers from the Soul Palace were really ashamed when they heard Ye Feng say such words.

They were embarrassed by being trained by a younger generation. For such a thing, the two of them did not think about it at all. To be precise, they only considered the immediate interests.

And when they first met this battle axe, they were thirsty. They didn't even consider what the battle axe was suppressing.

"Then since we suggest to put this thing here, then we have to think of a way.

No one else can come to this place again. If someone else came to this place, it would be impossible to take this battle axe away. "

Brother Ye Feng suggested that a person would say such a thing, and he felt very speechless. Just now, he was clamoring to get this thing, although he said that he couldn't get it.

It must have been because he was in a bad mood. After he said these words, and after expressing his own suggestion, he immediately saw the wind and the rudder, which means that they also realized that they were wrong.

That's why there is such an idea, but at this time, Ye Feng thought to himself, the two people who had come before had noticed that this place was very strange, and the two envoys of the Soul Palace had been in this place for so long.

If it is said that it is so easy to go out, it is definitely not acceptable. It seems that this place has to do a demonstration, but the evil spirit of this place is so serious.

How can you cover up this matter? This is definitely not something that ordinary people can do. You have to know if this place is an ordinary place.

Surely no one will notice. But in a place where the evil spirit is so heavy, how can people who come to this place ignore it?

Another problem is that the people who come to this place are basically people with very noble abilities and force, and they will definitely notice this place, so this matter must be carefully studied.

"Okay, let's not worry about so many problems, I also know that you must be very reluctant to this place, but now, there is no way to do it.

Well, if it really doesn't work, it would be even better if the two of you can arrange a formation in this place. The purpose of our formation is very simple.

It doesn't matter if we don't let others discover this place, this tomahawk doesn't matter, if there is something wrong with this tomahawk.

That will definitely cause the things it suppresses to come out, and then we will lose more than the gains, won't we."?

Actually, what Ye Feng thought was very simple, that is to say, don't let others discover this place and it's over, and the two messengers of the Soul Palace nodded when they heard Ye Feng say this.

But now there is a key question, how can the formation be able to cover up this place?

To say that the two envoys of the Spirit Hall of Formation will definitely arrange what they need, they also have it, but they both think that if this place is to arrange a formation.

Will it affect this battle axe to suppress this thing? After all, his evil spirit is exposed now, if this thing is to be arranged in a formation.

Then this evil spirit will not be exposed to this place, and will it produce different results?

"After all, we don't know what this place is suppressing, and this hole is probably unimaginable for us, and there is one most important problem.

We came to this place according to the evil spirit of the land of evil spirits. If we set up a formation to seal this place, his evil spirit will not leak out.

Is it possible to blow this place up? That would be counterproductive, and I'm trying not to do it if I can. "

Hearing what the teacher said, Ye Feng thought that it was indeed what happened. If that was the case, then it would be better to get this prisoner of war.

In that case, at least one thing can be obtained. If a formation is arranged, the place will collapse directly. Of course, he knows that collapse is absolutely impossible.

First of all, whether he can hold on to this formation is another aspect, and there will be a subtle change in this place, that is, the things suppressed here will definitely come out.

Ye Feng is thinking about what this place can suppress, if it is to suppress the protection treasure of the dragon group.

That's enough to prove that this place is where the Dragon Soul is located. Could it be said that this battle axe suppressed the Dragon Soul? Ye Feng thought it shouldn't.

"Then what should we do now? If such a big factory is only open, then someone will definitely come again and come to this place to see such a scene.

Do you think they have the will to get it? You have to know that the human heart is separated from the belly, and people do not kill themselves for their own sake.

For example, when the two of you came in, you didn't think about anything else at all, and you only wanted to get this battle axe and improve your soul power, isn't that the truth?

If other people encounter this matter, they will also have such thoughts, so I think we must think about this matter carefully.

If it is really impossible, then we must leave a person in this place. Of course, the purpose of leaving a person is not to protect this place.

But to observe this place, let what happened in this place, we can know right away, of course I don't think this thing is reality.

Hearing Ye Feng say such words, the envoy of the Soul Palace is happy to say that if you place a person, you can't place a soul, then it is absolutely possible, I dare not say anything else.

The soul is something they still have. After all, their identities (Wang Zhaozhao) are not ordinary. Although he didn't say it clearly, but what kind of ability does he have in the soul sword.

It should be countable, and there is also the Soul Palace. You can save face when you take it out on this interface, and putting two souls in this place is like a gatekeeper.

'If you have this idea, then it's easy to handle, so, I don't say anything else, I arrange for two people to guard us in this place.

What should I do? If someone wants to plunder this place, he will report to me in time and I will immediately come to this place to investigate.

When the time comes, the two of you will follow me. If you want to come back, the two of you will follow you to see if you can? 35

Ye Feng doesn't understand what the messenger of the Soul Palace means, what is it to put two people in this place, and it can still communicate with you.

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