How high does this have to be?

From today onwards, Fantasy Academy can be regarded as an academy with a backstage, and this backstage is Mu Feng.

In terms of background alone, Fantasy Academy is even stronger than those first-rate academies.

Mu Feng did something that several generations of deans of the Fantasy Academy could not do. How could Zhao Changkong not be overjoyed?

Looking at the indifferent Mu Feng, his heart was full of emotion and relief.

Although he doesn't know what Mu Feng's future will hold, he seems to be the most outstanding student in the history of Fantasy Academy.

Perhaps in the future, Fantasy Academy will become more famous because of Mu Feng, and even surpass those first-class academies.

At this moment, Zhao Changkong's heart was full of ambition.

"I heard it right, Lord Mufeng is actually the deacon of the dark pavilion? How big of an official is this?"

"Originally, I thought that the fifth elder of the Zhou family was already very powerful, but I didn't expect that Mu Feng's identity was even higher!"

"I really don't know what Zhou Bing will think when he finds out the true identity of Lord Mu Feng, but unfortunately he is already dead."

"I can't believe that there is such a big guy hidden around us, the deacon of the dark pavilion. Even the super master who is half a step into the universe has to bow and salute. God, it's unbelievable!"

"Did Mr. Mufeng really enter the Fantasy Academy with us? Why is the gap between us too big? With him as a comparison, I'm afraid we will not be proud in our lives."

After knowing Mu Feng's true identity, the students naturally knew that the crisis had been resolved.

The fear and anger that had accumulated in their hearts could finally be vented through the opportunity to cheer, and the entire Fantasy Academy was in a jubilant atmosphere. , , .

Chapter 340 Kowtow and beg for mercy

Unlike the students who were celebrating wildly, the soldiers of the Zhou family became silent.

No matter how dull they are, they know that the current situation is not good for them.

But they don't know what to do?

At this time, let alone them, even Zhou Feng, the head of the Zhou family, was already at a loss.

They naturally know how excessive the attack on Fantasy Academy today is. It can be said that the current Zhou family and Fantasy Academy have formed a deadly feud, and it is still the kind that cannot be mediated.

Zhou Feng didn't dare to think about it any longer.

His heart has long been occupied by endless regret and annoyance.

If it wasn't for the information of the fantasy summoners in the hands of greedy Lu Mingfeng, how could he have done a series of things against the fantasy academy?

In order to obtain greater benefits, he even mobilized most of the strength of the Zhou family.

But in the end, what did the Zhou family get?

Not to mention the loss of soldiers, but also provoked such a terrifying enemy.

At this moment, Zhou Feng really wanted to die.

If he knew it would be like this, even if someone put a knife on his neck, he wouldn't do such a stupid thing!

Mu Feng said to Nie Xin indifferently: "As I am, do you think I am qualified to deal with Zhou Bing's violation of the Iron Law?"

Nie Xin hurriedly bowed his head and said respectfully, "As a deacon, of course he is qualified. Zhou Bing violated one of the ten iron laws. Even if the deacon is to clear the door, he is also qualified."

Hearing Nie Xin say this, the corners of Mu Feng's mouth twitched slightly, and said, "Okay, get up!"

For Nie Xin, Mu Feng didn't have such a bad feeling.

Although he came with Zhou Bing, Mu Feng had observed him for a long time. This person is quite strict in his work. He came to help Zhou Bing just to repay his favor. As for shooting innocent people, he was quite taboo.Otherwise, with Nie Xin's skill, the Fantasy Academy would have already been bloodied.

"Thank you, Mr. Mufeng." After receiving Mufeng's forgiveness, Nie Xin's face showed gratitude.

In the dark pavilion with strict hierarchy, once there is a transgression, the consequences will be very serious, not to mention that because he has been following Zhou Bing, Nie Xin is also suspected of killing civilians.

If this matter is known to the top of the dark pavilion, Nie Xin will not have to think about promotion for at least ten years. If the situation is more serious, he will even be punished, and then it will not be so simple.

At this moment, Nie Xin glanced at the Zhou family with murderous eyes, and said, "Lord Mufeng, what should we do with the Zhou family?"

For the people of the Zhou family, Nie Xin was full of resentment.

If it wasn't for Zhou Bing's favor, why would he encounter such a thing?

Even he himself was almost implicated?

Now that Zhou Bing is dead, there is no need to repay that kind of favor, and there is no longer any connection between him and the Zhou family.

Therefore, for the current Zhou family, Nie Xin will not have the slightest sympathy.

Swept away by the gaze of Nie Xin, a half-step master of the universe, everyone in the Zhou family only felt as if they were being stared at by a hungry wolf, and the gloomy gaze made them feel even more chilled.Some timid people even urinated in fright under Nie Xin's gaze.

Mu Feng said lightly: "You don't need to worry about the Zhou family's affairs. I think everyone in the Fantasy Academy would like to know more about this matter. Am I right, Dean Zhao?"

Zhao Changkong nodded, his eyes flashing with icy cold light, and said: "Yes, I imagine the grievances between the academy and the Zhou family, we prefer to solve it in our own way."

Now that the so-called threat has disappeared, Zhao Changkong has no scruples anymore.

The humiliation the Zhou family gave him and brought to Fantasy Academy would naturally be repaid with the blood of the Zhou family.

Mu Feng said to Nie Xin, "Nie Xin, I won't pursue this matter until this point."

Hearing this, Nie Xin knelt down on one knee again, and said with great joy, "Thank you, Lord Mufeng!"

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