This time, his tone was also much more sincere.

Mu Feng continued: "You can leave now. When you go back, I hope you can keep my identity a secret."

Nie Xin knew the special features of Mu Feng's identity, so he had no objection to Mu Feng's request.

Without saying a word, he turned and left.

After a few seconds, his figure disappeared at the end of the road.

After Nie Xin disappeared, Mu Feng looked at Zhao Changkong and said, "President, it's time to resolve the grievances between Fantasy Academy and the Zhou family."

Dean Zhao nodded and said coldly, "It should be the same."

Thinking of the humiliation and pain he had endured during this period of time, Zhao Changkong could not wait to tear the people of the Zhou family into pieces, especially when he thought of those students who were seriously injured or even dying, he hated the people of the Zhou family to the extreme.

Now that there is finally a chance for revenge, how could Zhao Changkong let it go?

At this time, Zhou Feng suddenly knelt down and begged: "Lord Mufeng, this time it was my Zhou family who made a mistake. My Zhou family has no eyes and didn't recognize your Buddha, so I beg you to look at the Fantasy Academy this time. For the sake of not much loss, please spare our Zhou family this time! I beg you."

"You can rest assured, as long as you can let my Zhou family go, my Zhou family will immediately offer half of the treasures, even if you let my Zhou family become an affiliated organization of the Fantasy Academy, as long as my Zhou family can pass it on, how? Anything."

After speaking, Zhou Feng actually started to kowtow.

After a while, bloodstains appeared on the ground.

Looking at Zhou Feng's kowtow, Mu Feng secretly said in his heart: This Zhou family's patriarch can bend and stretch, but he is a character. It's a pity, he shouldn't provoke the Fantasy Academy.

And Zhou Feng didn't know that, the more forbearance he was, the more Mu Feng would not let him go.

For such a person, Mu Feng knows too much. Now he may seem harmless, but in the future, if he has the opportunity, he will inevitably become a poisonous snake again, and he may bite you at any time. Mu Feng will not do this. madness.

Universal Auction House.

Feeling the energy fluctuations not far away, Huang Qiang shook his head helplessly, and he sighed: "Such an ancient fantasy academy is about to be delisted today, it's a pity, it's such a pity." , . . .

Chapter 341 Huang Qiang's Remorse

At this time, Huang Qiang thought of Mu Feng who had auctioned the Xuanling Pill before.

It's a pity that such an amazing and brilliant super genius has to be silent along with the big ship of Fantasy Academy.

Huanyu Auction House is also considered to be the top power in the universe, and it is also on the same planet as Fantasy Academy. Naturally, Huanyu Auction House does not know what happened to its neighbors.

If it was something else, Huanyu Auction House might have helped. After all, the two organizations have been with each other for so long, so they have some feelings, but when they knew that this matter might involve the dark pavilion, In the end nothing was done.

For any organization, anything involving the Dark Pavilion or the Heavenly Palace is definitely troublesome, and it is best not to get involved if it can be avoided.

Huang Qiang has been the shopkeeper for so many years, and he is already an old fritter, so he naturally knows how to deal with such a thing.

However, in Huang Qiang's view, regarding this matter, no matter what, Fantasy Academy has no chance of winning.

For Fantasy Academy, today's situation is simply a dead end.

"The shopkeeper, the shopkeeper, the Fantasy Academy is alive, the Fantasy Academy is alive." Just when Huang Qiang was sighing for the Fantasy Academy, suddenly a young guy from the auction house came in excitedly, shouting. what.


After hearing the little guy's words, Huang Qiang's face changed instantly.

Fantasy Academy survived?

How can this be?

Could it be that Fantasy Academy has other strong aids?

But that's not right. He also knows about Fantasy Academy. In his profile, there are no powerful characters in Fantasy Academy?

Mu Feng is already quite powerful among them.

He quickly asked, "Tell me slowly, what happened?"

The little guy took a deep breath and calmed his breath, and then he told the story of what happened.

The distance between Fantasy Academy and Huanyu Auction House is not too far, so what happened in Fantasy Academy cannot be concealed at all.

When he heard that Mu Feng was the deacon of the Ange headquarters, with a bang, Huang Qiang stood up from his chair, his face full of shock.

He murmured to himself: "I'll just say, how can there be no power behind such a super genius. It turns out that he is a member of the Dark Pavilion, and he has such a high status as a deacon. If I remember correctly , If you want to become the deacon of Ange, you must at least have the cultivation level of the universe, but Mu Feng has already had such a status just after the legend, it seems that the Ange values ​​Mufeng very much!"

Such a young deacon is terrifying to think about.

Now that Mu Feng is less than twenty years old, he is already the deacon of the dark pavilion. If it is another twenty years, Mu Feng's position in the dark pavilion is still worth it?I'm afraid even he has to look up.

No, such a genius must be friends, at least he must have a good image in his heart.

Thinking of this, he directly contacted the headquarters and ordered directly: "I am Huang Qiang, and for the auction in three months, I want you to send second-level invitations to Mu Feng, and change the original VIP seat of Mu Feng to VIP. Box! Don't ask me why, do it now!"

For Huanyu Auction House, it is important to send any invitations.

The first-level invitations will only be sent to those boss-level characters, while the second-level is aimed at the world-renowned masters in the universe. Originally, Mu Feng was only the fourth-level invitations, but this was borrowed. The light of the two Profound Spirit Pills he sent to shoot, otherwise, he might not even be able to get the invitation card of the fourth level.

But now Huang Qiang has directly upgraded Mu Feng's invitation card level to the second level, which shows that Huang Qiang values ​​Mu Feng.

After explaining the matter, Huang Qiang looked at the sluggish young fellow again, and said, "Go to the warehouse immediately, get ten, not twenty, top-grade spirit essence pills, and prepare another thousand high-grade spirit essence pills. When you're ready, send it to Mu Feng from the Fantasy Academy."

Hearing this, the little guy's mouth grew big, and his face was already filled with shocked expressions.

He could never imagine that the always stingy Boss Huang would be so generous.

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