If you let this aristocratic family that has a grudge against him exist, maybe it will bring some trouble to Mu Feng in the future!

Now that new hatred and old hatred are settled together, how could Mu Feng let the Lu family go?

Hearing the word revenge, Lu Mingfeng immediately burst out with a strong killing intent.

His face suddenly became cold, and he said in an emotionless voice: "Destroy the Lu family? How can such a fun thing be less of me? I will let the Lu family take a good look, they looked down on it at the beginning. The young master, how to kill them now."

Because he was going to take Lu Mingfeng away, before leaving, Mu Feng said to Liu Xin and Chen Qun: "In the future, you will be responsible for building up forces in the Fantasy Academy. I hope you can reach the peak of transcendence as soon as possible!"

Liu Xin and Chen Qun nodded quickly.

Just when Mu Feng and Lu Mingfeng took the space battleship to the Lu family, the interior of the Lu family was all under martial law.

In fact, after Mu Feng killed most of the Lu family's power, the Lu family's very stable position in the galaxy was shaken.

The power of the Lu family, although the large-scale forces do not look down on them, but those small families are still very jealous.

Facing the persecution of many forces, with the support of the patriarch Lu Hong and an elder, the Lu family was able to survive in the galaxy.

However, three months ago, the situation of the Lu family had undergone earth-shaking changes.

As for the reason, it is very simple. In an unexpected insight, Lu Hong broke through. Now he is already a master of the legendary realm.

Even in the universe, when the masters of the universe rarely appeared, the legendary warriors were already considered masters, not to mention that in the small galaxy, the legendary realm was already considered to be the top existence.

After becoming a legendary master, the Lu family will naturally not be the same as before. Those families that once bullied the Lu family were destroyed by the Lu family one by one. The current Lu family is even more powerful than the previous Lu family.

If the Lu family still needed to worry about Mu Feng's revenge in the past, after Lu Hong became a legendary master, the Lu family's fear of Mu Feng had completely dissipated.

In Lu Hong's heart, he was eager for Mu Feng to come to trouble the Lu family!

In this way, he can also solve the life-and-death enemy Mu Feng once and for all!

Because of Lu Hong's existence, the Lu family has become a dominant presence in the Milky Way.

The disciples who had been huddled in the Lu family resumed their previous arrogance again.

The Lu family, in a very secret dark room.

Lu Hong stood in the room with a respectful expression.

Suddenly, in front of him, a virtual figure appeared.

This person is wearing a red robe, tall, and his facial features are shrouded in the shadow of the red robe, which is very blurred, giving people a strange feeling.

After seeing this figure, Lu Hong's expression became more and more humble.

"I have seen the Holy Envoy." Lu Hong hurriedly bowed and saluted.

"Well! Get ready, Mu Feng will soon come to trouble your Lu family." The virtual figure said in a slightly hoarse voice.

Hearing this, Lu Hong showed an excited expression on his face, and he said excitedly: "Don't worry, Lord Holy Envoy, it's okay if Mu Feng doesn't come. Once he comes, I promise that I won't let him leave alive."

"Don't be too happy, I will give you a message for free. As early as a few months ago, Mu Feng was already a legendary master, and he was promoted to the legendary realm even earlier than you." The voice was full of jokes.


Hearing this, Lu Hong's complexion suddenly changed dramatically.

Mu Feng has also been promoted to the legendary realm?

He couldn't believe what he heard.

How old is Mu Feng? If he remembers correctly, Mu Feng should be less than twenty years old, right?

A legendary master who is less than twenty years old?

If this news hadn't been said by the person in front of him, he would definitely not believe it.

This is ridiculous too.

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of panic in Lu Hong's heart.

When Mu Feng was at the extraordinary five-star level, he could easily kill the masters at the peak of the extraordinary realm. Now that he has reached the legendary realm, could he be his opponent?

Mu Feng's genius and power had long since penetrated into Lu Hong's heart. .

"Are you afraid?" Suddenly, the phantom said.

Lu Hong hurriedly shook his head and said, "How is that possible? We are all legendary experts, how could I be afraid of him?"

"You want to escape?" Void said again.

In an instant, beads of sweat appeared on Lu Hong's forehead.

The other party really guessed what Lu Hong was thinking.

Anyway, he is already a legendary master. As long as he leaves with a few direct descendants of the Lu family, the universe is so big, where can he not go?

With his strength, he can do well anywhere.

Although the man in red standing opposite was just a virtual figure, it brought great pressure to Lu Hong.

Lu Hong only felt that there was a pair of sharp eyes staring at him not far from him.

Under those eagle-like sharp eyes, he felt as if he was naked, and was seen through by the other party, and even his thinking could not escape the other party's control.

"Actually, it doesn't matter if you escape or not. As long as you are still alive, you cannot escape the control of our organization. In addition, please don't forget that without our help, you are still a pitiful and humble Transcendent Realm ant! Since we can If I give you a cultivation base, you will naturally be able to withdraw your cultivation base, and I hope you will have a fluke mentality."

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