The red-robed man on the opposite side was still calm, and his words were full of confidence in holding everything in his hands.

"What do you need me to do?" After thinking for a while, Lu Hong finally gave up the idea of ​​running away.

Although he is not clear about the identity of the red-robed man, but only from the means by which the other party can easily promote himself to the legendary realm, the power behind the other party is definitely not something he can imagine.

"You don't need to do anything, you just need to stay in the Lu family honestly, what you did before, and what you do now." The red-robed man said lightly. , , .

Chapter 352 Decoy

In an instant, Lu Hong only felt a chill rise from the bottom of his heart.

He had already guessed the intention of the red-robed man's move.

He was used as bait by the man in red!

A bait that can be thrown away at any time!

And their ultimate goal should be Mu Feng.

At this moment, Lu Hong's heart was full of remorse.

Why couldn't he resist the temptation of the other party in the first place?

It's ridiculous. Back then, he was transported for himself and encountered adventures that only existed in novels, but who would have thought that what he encountered was a poisonous trap at all!

By the time he really woke up, it was already too late.

Now he is already in deep depression, and he can never turn back.

"What if Mu Feng comes over? I can't possibly be his opponent now!" Lu Hong said.

"As for your safety, you can rest assured that our people have long been hidden in the dark of the Lu family. Once you are in danger, he will immediately take action." The red-robed man said with a smile.

Although the other party said this, Lu Hong did not feel the slightest sense of security.

I don't know when it started, he was full of doubts about the words of the red-robed man.

"Can I ask, what kind of people are you from?" Lu Hong asked again.

"I'm sorry, you are not qualified to know now. I'll talk about it this time. If there is anything in the future, we will contact you."

As soon as the other party's voice fell, he hung up the communication. .

Seeing the other side's phantom disappear, Lu Hong's respectful look instantly disappeared.

Instead, there was a gloomy look on his face.

"Damn it! Don't let me know who you are, otherwise, I will never finish with you!"


Lu Hong smashed his fist into the alloy wall, and instantly, his fist fell into the alloy wall.

Although he was angry, Lu Hong also knew that even if he knew the identity of the other party, he would not dare to do anything to it.

All he had just done was vent his anger.

At almost the same time, in the palace of a blood-red planet deep in the universe, a man slowly cut off the communication device.

This man wears a red robe, always has an evil smile on his face, and his eyes are sharp and bright. The most impressive thing is the red pupils in his eyes, which are full of evil and bloodthirsty. When these characteristics are concentrated to When it is on a person, the person is full of a kind of evil and charming temperament.

The red-robed man walked out of his room and walked towards the bottom of the palace through a long corridor.

He didn't know how long he had walked, but finally he came to a blood-red gate, which was also engraved with strange and mysterious patterns, which looked like a terrifyingly twisted human face, which was daunting.

On both sides of the gate, there were also two guards with serious faces.

The red-robed man walked to the guard and said indifferently, "Go and report, I want to see the Blood Venerable."

One of the guards nodded, turned and entered the gate.

About five minutes later, the guard came out and said respectfully, "Master Wang, the Blood Venerable agrees with you."

Lord Wang nodded, pushed open the door, and walked in directly.

As soon as he entered the area, a bloody aura that was thick enough to stun people came oncoming.

What makes people strange is that after smelling this breath, Mr. Wang not only had no discomfort, but showed a relaxed expression.

In the center of this room was a huge swimming pool, but instead of water, the pool was filled with bright red blood.

In the pool, sat a middle-aged man surrounded by thick blood.

Seeing this person, Mr. Wang hurriedly saluted and said, "Wang Jun has seen the Blood Venerable."

It turns out that this person is the leader of the Blood Soul Organization, one of the three top forces in the universe, Blood Zun!

"What's the matter?" I didn't see Xue Zun speak, but Xue Zun's voice sounded in the room.

"Reporting Xue Zun, we have found the trace of Mu Feng." Lord Wang said respectfully.

"Mu Feng? It's the little guy who killed Zhang Zhao, right? It's really interesting. It's been a long time since the person who devastated my blood soul organization has appeared. Wang Jun, you can deal with this matter!" Xue Zun said lightly. .

Although Mu Feng killed Zhang Zhao in the secret realm, there were not many people who witnessed this scene at the time. Although they were all from the Dark Pavilion and the Heavenly Palace, but with the energy of the Blood Soul Organization, they wanted to find out what happened in the secret realm. things, but it is not difficult.

They easily knew who the murderer of Zhang Zhao was.

Wang Jun said solemnly, "I will handle this matter myself this time."

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