Because Mu Feng and Lu Mingfeng had special identities, they didn't want to be discovered by the Lu family as soon as they got here, so they stayed in the hotel for the next few days.

Lu Mingfeng just took advantage of this time to consolidate his cultivation and summon his new summoned beast.

And Mu Feng took advantage of this time to learn the knowledge of the formations left by the Holy Venerable Tianyan. After all, this is the key to whether he can obtain the medicinal pills left by the Holy Venerable Tianyan. If he wants to absorb those Pill, Mu Feng had to do this.

When he started to learn the knowledge of formation, Mu Feng still felt a little boring.

However, with the in-depth understanding of the formation method, he felt the joy of learning the knowledge of formation.

It can be said that the formation method is another manifestation of the law of heaven and earth. Through the study of the formation method, Mu Feng was surprised to discover that he actually had a few areas in the field that he had no clue in the first place.

Learning the formation can actually deepen Mu Feng's understanding of the laws of the universe, which is really a surprise.

Unfortunately, with Mu Feng's current progress, there is still a long way to go from the realm of comprehension.

However, at least he now has a way forward.

While feeling his own domain, Mu Feng was also surprised to find that his domain was different from that of others, because the domain he sensed seemed to contain the breath of stars.

This made him wonder if his field might have anything to do with the stargazing method he cultivated and the constellation of the stars.

Although cultivation is boring, once you indulge in it, you will completely forget the changes of time.

In the blink of an eye, five days have passed.

Originally, Liu Fugui was a little worried that the two Lu family disciples would find an opportunity to retaliate against him. After all, this is Luo Fengxing, the Lu family's territory. On this planet, the Lu family disciples have absolute authority, and he Liu Fugui is no match for him. He is the patriarch of a small family. If the other party takes revenge on him, he doesn't even have the means to resist.

But after waiting for five days, the other party didn't move at all, which made Liu Fugui slightly relieved.

Later, he heard from the patriarch of a family who also came to participate in the Lu family's celebration, because the two Lu family disciples fought in the spaceport, and the Lu family lost a lot of face. One of the Lu family's elders was angry and directly The two Lu family disciples were sent to see the mines on a remote planet.

After hearing this news, Liu Fugui finally let go of the heart that he had been carrying.

When the sixth day came, the Lu family's celebration finally arrived.

Under the leadership of several waiters, Mu Feng and the other three were invited to a suspended car, and then drove towards the Lu family's direction under the driver's drive.

This time, the Lu family's attitude towards these guests has become better.

Mu Feng and Lu Mingfeng were sitting in the back row of the suspension car.

As the suspension car got closer and closer to the Lu family, Mu Feng noticed that Lu Mingfeng's muscles had tightened, his fists were clenched tightly, and his whole body exuded a touch of icy aura. .

Almost instantly, the driver who was driving shuddered, and the car also tilted enormously.

Mu Feng said, "Calm down, now is not the time to do it."

Hearing Mu Feng's words, Lu Mingfeng took a deep breath, and the murderous aura on his body gradually dissipated.

Mu Feng knew the feud between Lu Mingfeng and the Lu family, and seeing that he was about to see the enemy, it was normal to have such a reaction.

When Mu Feng and the others arrived in front of the Lu family's huge manor, there were already many luxury hover cars parked outside the door.

Mu Feng and the others are inconspicuous among these people.

Although everyone in the Lu family knew the name Mu Feng, they never imagined that Mu Feng would follow the patriarch of a small family into the Lu family's manor.

Perhaps because Lu Hong was promoted to the legendary realm, the people of the Lu family were not worried that someone would make trouble at this celebration.

In their thinking, as long as the patriarch comes out, anyone who makes trouble in the Lu family is definitely courting death.

It is precisely because of this that when entering the Lu family manor, the Lu family disciple who guarded the gate simply glanced at the invitation card, and then let people in. , , .

Chapter 359 The backing of the Lu family

Mu Feng and Lu Mingfeng easily entered the interior of the Lu family.

Since entering the Lu Family Manor, Mu Feng sensed that something was wrong with Lu Mingfeng's emotions, and he seemed to be suppressing something on purpose.

From Lu Mingfeng's eyes, the only thing Mu Feng could see was hatred, a hatred so strong that it was shocking.

Perhaps because of Mu Feng's warning just now, although Lu Mingfeng was full of hatred, he still showed restraint.

Under the leadership of the Lu family disciples, Mu Feng and his party were taken to a huge playground.

This playground is very active, the ground is flat bluestone, and there are many chairs on the playground.

When Mu Feng and the others came to the playground, the place near the center of the playground was already full of people.

From the cultivation base of those people, Mu Feng can see that these seats are arranged according to the power of the family. The closer the family is to the center of the playground, the more powerful it is.

Liu Fugui is just the patriarch of a small family composed of more than ten people, and it can be said that he is the weakest force among these forces.

They were seated directly on the outermost chairs of the playground.

Liu Fugui and the others were considered the last wave of all the aristocratic families. As they sat down, the entire galaxy, large and small, had basically arrived.

Looking at the major families who came to participate in this celebration, Liu Fugui couldn't help but whispered: "This Lu family has a lot of face, and the top ten forces in the Milky Way have basically all arrived."

Lu Mingfeng said coldly: "The Lu family actually wants to control other noble families in the entire galaxy, I think they are courting death!"

Mu Feng said calmly: "If there are no legendary masters in other aristocratic families in the galaxy, maybe the Lu family can really succeed! The power of legendary masters is far from what the extraordinary realm can match."

Hearing Mu Feng and Lu Mingfeng talking about the right and wrong of the Lu family so struttingly, cold sweat broke out on Liu Fugui's forehead instantly.

Although they are far away from the podium, what if they are heard?

That's not enough to eat and walk around!

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