Don't forget, Lu Hongke, who has just been promoted to the legendary realm, is still on stage!

Liu Fugui quickly grimaced and begged: "I said two little brothers, this is the Lu family, be careful!"

Seeing Liu Fugui's expression, Mu Feng and Lu Mingfeng looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

In the end, however, they quieted down.

Therefore, at this time, Lu Hong had already stood up from his seat and walked to the very center of the playground.

At this time, Lu Hong had a proud expression on his face.

Seeing Lu Hong's appearance, Lu Mingfeng said disdainfully: "I now understand why the disciples of the Lu family have that virtue. It turns out that the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked! Hmph, the Lu family is really getting more and more rotten."

Mu Feng didn't say anything, but he still sensed from Lu Hong's aura that the other party had indeed been promoted to the legendary realm.

It just makes him feel strange that there is a strange aura on Lu Hong's body. It is precisely because of the existence of this strange aura that the legendary aura of Lu Hong's body seems a little empty, and this kind of breath makes him feel a little familiar. .

Mu Feng recalled it carefully, and immediately remembered where this familiar feeling came from.

When he was on Earth, he used a method of sacrificing future potential to help several students be promoted to the Transcendent Realm, and their aura after promotion was the same as Lu Hong.

This made Mu Feng murmured in his heart, could it be said that Lu Hong also used the same method?

To be honest, Mu Feng was taken aback by his guess.

You must know that breaking through the extraordinary realm and breaking through the legendary realm are not the same thing. Once you are promoted to the legendary realm, you will immediately become a first-class master in the universe.

Even if the future potential is sacrificed, I am afraid that countless people will rush to this breakthrough method.

An organization capable of possessing such a secret technique may have far more power than Mu Feng imagined.

Lu Hong is in a really good mood now.

Since becoming the head of the Lu family, he has longed for one day to unify the entire galaxy.

Now that the realization of this wish is only one step away, how could he not be ecstatic?

Just a few days ago, after hearing the news that Mu Feng was coming to Luo Fengxing, he was restless.

The name Mu Feng has simply become Lu Hong's nightmare.

Especially after learning that Mu Feng was also promoted to the legendary realm, Lu Hong felt even more uneasy in his heart.

He was afraid that Mu Feng would appear in front of him in the next moment and directly end his life.

For two or three days in a row, his brain was blank, and Mu Feng brought him such great pressure that he even wanted to cancel the celebration.

However, just two days ago, the mysterious red-robed man finally told Lu Hong his true identity.

An elder of the Blood Soul Organization!

After learning the news, Lu Hong almost shouted out excitedly.

Although the blood soul organization is shouting and fighting in the universe, no matter what, it is one of the most powerful forces in the universe, and there are countless masters.

As for the words of the red-robed man, Lu Hong had no doubts.

Only a powerful existence like the Blood Soul Organization can have the magical means to promote the peak of the Transcendent Realm to the Legendary Realm.

Thinking that his backer is the Blood Soul Organization, Lu Hong's mood is so beautiful that he is about to fly, and when he heard the news that the Blood Soul Organization has sent a legendary master to Luo Fengxing, he is even more delighted If crazy.

That is a master at the pinnacle of the legendary realm!

In a universe where the universe is almost non-existent, this is already the top master in the universe.

Although Mu Feng also broke through the legendary realm, how could he be on a par with the top masters at the peak of the legendary realm?

Although Lu Hong had never met the legendary peak master, he believed that the red-robed man would not deceive himself, and he did not think that the red-robed man had the need to deceive himself.

With the backing of the legendary peak masters, the worries in Lu Hong's heart disappeared.

Now, instead, he hopes that Mu Feng will appear. In this way, he can still witness the scene of Mu Feng being killed, which makes him feel extremely comfortable. , , .

Chapter 360 Crazy!

After getting this news, Lu Hong's mood has always been very good.

Standing in the center of the square, looking around at the patriarchs and elders from major families in the galaxy, Lu Hong was extremely excited.

You know, even when the Lu family was at its most powerful, there was no such power.

Looking at the expressions of fear or fear in front of everyone, Lu Hong's heart became more and more happy.

He said loudly: "First of all, I welcome my friends to visit my Lu family for hundreds of millions of light years. As the head of the Lu family, I am very pleased. Maybe everyone has noticed that recently, star thieves and bandits in the universe have become more and more rampant.”

"Several planets in our galaxy have been robbed by star thieves, and the men, women, and children on those planets have even been robbed and become slaves. The behavior of these people is simply too rampant. Do they really think that my galaxy is unstoppable?"

What Lu Hong said was filled with righteous indignation, and many young people present couldn't help but feel a little moved.

In fact, Lu Hong was not wrong. There are indeed several planets in the Milky Way that have been plundered by star thieves. This incident even caused panic on many planets.

Unlike those young people, many older people listened quietly there.

Lu Hong continued: "In order to prevent similar situations from happening again, I thought of a way, that is to form an alliance! Unite the major families of our galaxy to form an alliance, I have already thought of the name, it is called the Galaxy Family Alliance! What our alliance is adhering to is sharing weal and woe, watching and helping each other! I don’t know what everyone thinks?”

In fact, when the word galactic family alliance was uttered, the scene became chaotic.

Lu Mingfeng said sarcastically: "After saying so much, his fox's tail is finally exposed."

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