As soon as Lu Hong finished speaking, there were voices of approval around him.

"The way Lu Family Master said is too good, the Galaxy Family Alliance, if there is such an organization, how dare those star thieves plunder us? If we want to establish this alliance, my Galaxy Hu Family will be the first to join the Galaxy Family Alliance!"

"Since it is an alliance, there must be an alliance leader. The question is who should be the leader of this alliance?"

"Who else could there be? Among us, Lord Lu Hong has the highest cultivation base, and that is a legendary master who can crush the entire galaxy. Besides him, who else has this qualification to be the leader of the alliance?"

"That's right, except for Lord Lu Hong, whoever is the leader of this alliance, I will not accept it!"

Immediately following this suggestion, confusion erupted below.

Countless people praised Lu Hong's idea, and claimed that the leader of the alliance must be Lu Hong.

Hearing the voices coming from the surroundings, the faces of the patriarchs of many aristocratic families have changed slightly.

They can naturally see that those cheering are the nurses appointed in advance by the Lu family.

What made them terrified was that all those cheering were disciples of other noble families!

Could it be that the Lu family has penetrated so deeply?

At this moment, an old man sitting near Lu Hong suddenly stood up and said indifferently: "Patriarch Lu has a good idea, and it is indeed necessary to establish the Galaxy Family Alliance. Patriarch Lu has been promoted to the legendary realm and is already at the top of the galaxy in the galaxy. The masters of the family do have the qualifications to become the leader of the alliance. But the old man wants to ask, if we join the family alliance, what responsibilities will we need to take, and what rights will we enjoy?"

The person who spoke was Zhang Yu, the head of the Zhang family, an old-fashioned family in the Milky Way.

The strength of the Zhang family and the peak period of the Lu family can't be checked much.

However, unlike the arrogant Lu family, the Zhang family is cautious and low-key, and is well-known in the galaxy.

After hearing Zhang Yu's question, the scene instantly became quiet.

Many patriarchs of noble families pricked up their ears, ready to listen to Lu Hong's next explanation.

After all, it's a big deal for all of them.

Lu Hong said with a smile: "Thanks to the Master Zhang for his recognition of me. The Galaxy Family Alliance is an organization that serves everyone. If you want this organization to continue to develop, it requires everyone's joint efforts. In my plan, any one joins the universe. The family of the Aristocratic Family Alliance must hand in [-]% of the family's income every year as a membership fee to maintain the organization's development."

"We will use this money to buy warships and train soldiers. The army belonging to the Galactic Family Alliance will be trained by our Lu family. No, I will train it myself. I think it should not be a problem to train an army with my legendary cultivation base. ?"

When Lu Hong finished speaking, everyone on the scene showed an incredible expression on their faces.

Is Lu Hong crazy?

Just to join an alliance, you have to hand over [-]% of the family's annual income?

Isn't this a joke?

This kind of thing, unless it is a brain-dead, I am afraid that no one can agree.

Until this time, everyone realized the true meaning of Lu Hong's holding this grand ceremony.

Emotions are blatantly charging protection fees!

"This Lu family is really too much. They hand in [-]% of the annual income. I think he Lu Hong is crazy about money, right?"

"This is definitely the most outrageous rule I've ever heard in my life. If this is the case with the Galaxy Family Alliance, then it's worth noting that this alliance doesn't join!"

"Is this Lu Hong crazy? Isn't he afraid of causing public anger by doing this? Does he really think that his legendary cultivation base can do whatever he wants?"

"If I knew about such a thing earlier, even if I were to invite me with a large sedan chair, I would never come to Lu's house. It's really bad luck, but I was still applauding for Lu Hong just now."

"Lu Hong's move is simply digging the lifeblood of major families. It's no wonder that they can agree? Look, this Lu Hong is about to be unlucky."

The huge square fell into chaos in an instant.

Everyone was talking about Lu Hong's regulations just now.Obviously, the vast majority of people were very dissatisfied with the regulations just now, and some even yelled at them. For a while, the square was full of grievances, and all kinds of scolding could be heard.

Liu Fugui's face was even more bleak. He muttered to himself: "How can this be? [-]% of the income, Lu Hong is crazy? If you hand in these things, my Liu family will not even have enough resources for his own cultivation. already."

Lu Hong's words just now made Liu Fugui a little flustered. , , .

Chapter 361 Arrogant Murder

He had guessed before that Lu Hong would take this opportunity to oppress the various families, but he never thought that Lu Hong would be so ruthless!

You must know that it is [-]% of the profit. For any world, it is already considered to be broken.

It's okay for a larger family to say that they may be able to maintain it, but for a small family like Liu Fugui, after paying [-]% of the income, the family may be disbanded.

Lu Hong is simply forcing them to die!

At this moment, the aristocratic family who had fantasies about Lu Hong finally understood the fangs behind his smile!

"Do you have any opinions on my rules?" Lu Hong said with a smile on his face.

However, if you look closely, you will notice the murderous intent hidden in Lu Hong's smile.

As a legendary master, how could he not hear the insults and abuses of those around him?

If it wasn't for restraint, maybe Lu Hong would have already killed those who had scolded him long ago. If he wanted to insult the legendary masters, he would have to pay a price.

Just as Lu Hong finished speaking, there was silence in the originally chaotic square.

Almost everyone looked at Lu Hong with horrified eyes.

Just now, every word in Lu Hong's words was like a bomb, and it exploded in everyone's ears. The strong vibration shook their hearts and souls, and even made them speechless.

Everyone was stunned by Lu Hong's hand.

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