Elder Chen said coldly: "You decide to enter the Temple of Refinement, and I can't stop you! But as the notary of this bet, I have to tell you that you can only achieve better results in the Temple of Refinement than here. It counts as winning this bet, otherwise, even if you lose!"


When Elder Chen finished speaking, everyone shouted.

Anyone who is in the Dragon Temple of the Elements knows that the difficulty of entering the Temple of Refinement is much more difficult than that of the Tongtian Tower. After all, it is too difficult to improve the spiritual power.

Elder Chen said this, isn't it embarrassing for Mu Feng?

If someone said that Elder Chen was partial to Mu Feng before, but hearing the request from the other party just now, everyone fell silent.If this is all about favoring Mu Feng, then they can't imagine what Elder Chen would do if he wanted to make it difficult for Mu Feng.

After hearing Elder Chen's words, Yun Zhan and others were a little anxious.

Suddenly, Yun Zhan said, "Elder Chen, Mu Feng was just joking..."

"you shut up!"

Before Yun Zhan could finish speaking, Elder Chen suddenly interrupted him, and then said coldly: "Mu Feng made this decision himself, and no one forced him. Since he chose to enter the Temple of Refinement, he must Fulfill my request, otherwise, I will sentence him to lose this bet!"

After Elder Chen finished speaking, everyone's expressions changed except for Mu Feng.

In the eyes of everyone, this is simply an impossible task.

Mu Feng's move is simply courting death.

Yan Jun's face was a little ugly.

He whispered: "Crap, looking at this posture, Elder Chen seems to be angry."

Jiang Lie shook his head and sighed, "Hey, Mu Feng is still too young."

Yun Zhan said depressedly: "It's obvious that the bet has already been won. I really don't know what Junior Brother Mu Feng thinks. He dares to question Elder Chen's decision in public. This is really courageous. I guess this is Mu Feng's decision. Feng, if it were someone else, I'm afraid it would be even worse than that Chen Kun just now."

Yan Jun frowned and said, "Then how to solve this matter? If you lose this bet, the price will be too high. If nothing else, it's not good for Mu Feng to never become a true disciple. Do it. Yang Tao and the others will never let this opportunity go to waste."

At this moment, Jiang Lie seemed to have thought of something, and he said, "In my impression, Mu Feng doesn't seem to be such an impulsive person. Since he took the initiative to ask to enter the Temple of Refinement, he should be confident, right?"

After saying this, even Jiang Lie shook his head helplessly.

Practitioners in the entire universe know that spiritual power is the most difficult kind of existence to cultivate.

Even if it is a peerless genius who is amazing and brilliant, it will sink in the sand in terms of spiritual power.

Although Jiang Lie said this, in the end, he didn't even have much confidence.

Mu Feng is now only a one-star cultivation base in the legendary realm. No matter how strong his spiritual power cultivation base is, how strong can he be?

According to Elder Chen's statement, Mu Feng can only win this bet if he passes the eighth level of the Temple of Refinement.

But how is this possible?

You must know that the eighth level of the Temple of Refinement corresponds to the eight-star spiritual power of the legendary realm. With Mu Feng's cultivation base, it is simply impossible to pass the eighth level of the Temple of Refinement.

Unlike Tongtian Tower, because spiritual power is difficult to cultivate, there are many disciples who have reached the legendary nine-star level, but they can only persist to the seventh and eighth levels in the Temple of Refinement.

If Mu Feng can really pass the eighth level of the Temple of Refinement, then the points he gets will definitely be ranked in the top [-] of all the disciples. At that time, let alone becoming a true disciple to win the bet, Mu Feng may even be Let his ranking among the true disciples rise to the top fifty!

Thinking of this, Jiang Lie couldn't help shaking his head and smiling bitterly.

This kind of thing feels absurd to think about.

After a while, a wry smile appeared on the faces of several people.

Faced with this situation, even if they are the chief disciples, they are powerless.

Unlike Yun Zhan and the others, who had a dull atmosphere, Yang Tao and Qin Ming looked extra relaxed.

Yang Tao glanced at Mu Feng disdainfully, and said sarcastically, "I can't believe that Mu Feng, a legendary expert, would be so naive. He wants to convince me? It's ridiculous."

Qin Ming said with a smile on his face: "I really don't know what's going on in that guy's head? Elder Chen is also so easy to offend? Hey, passing the eighth level of the Temple of Refinement, even if I want to do it , are quite difficult things, not to mention that he is in the wind." ,, . . .

Chapter 422

Yang Tao nodded and said: "It seems that Mu Feng really annoyed Elder Chen. Otherwise, Elder Chen would not give Mu Feng such an impossible task. Just wait and see, it will be more interesting in the future."

Regarding Mu Feng's choice, the disciples of the Elemental Dragon Palace, who saw all this, couldn't help but talk about it.

"I really don't understand, what did that Mu Feng think? A one-star true disciple of the legendary realm actually wants to go to the Temple of Refinement. I really don't know how to write the dead word?"

"Hey, this guy Mu Feng is really stupid. He obviously has a good card of Wang Zhuang level in his hand, but he was beaten like this, I am speechless."

"This time, Mu Feng really killed himself. Did he forget? If he loses the bet, he will never have the chance to become a true disciple in the future."

"Elder Chen is notoriously moody in the entire Elemental Dragon Palace. Mu Feng offended him, and I'm afraid there will be no good fruit to eat in the future."

"If you want me to say, this Mu Feng is really getting more and more inflated. I am afraid that after passing through the seventh floor of the Tongtian Tower, he has become complacent and completely forgotten where the Temple of Refinement is? Pass through the eighth level? Want me to say , let alone the eighth pass, if Mu Feng can pass the fourth pass of the Temple of Refinement, I can eat it in public!"

For Mu Feng's choice, the surrounding Elemental Dragon Palace disciples expressed their incomprehension.

Especially openly questioning Elder Chen for this matter is simply courting death.

As for Chuanglian Temple?

In the eyes of everyone, this is simply impossible.

Mu Feng may have some spiritual talents, but it is simply impossible to pass the eighth level of the Temple of Refinement.

Regarding this matter, even Yun Zhan and the others are not optimistic about Mu Feng's actions.

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