Standing in the crowd, Mu Feng could naturally hear the words of the surrounding disciples clearly.

His face seemed a little dull, and the words around him seemed to have no effect on him at all.

In the eyes of everyone, Mu Feng has severely offended Elder Chen.

But only he knew in his heart that Elder Chen was not angry, and his relationship with Elder Chen was definitely not as unfamiliar as everyone imagined.

Don't forget, Elder Chen also expects Mu Feng to be able to decipher that mysterious stone tablet!

At this moment, Elder Chen's voice sounded in Mu Feng's ears again: "Boy Mufeng, are you sure you can pass the eighth level of the Temple of Refinement? If not, let's find a way. You've already won, so what are you fighting for?"

Hearing this, Mu Feng smiled slightly, then looked at Elder Chen, and found that the other party was blinking at him, Mu Feng nodded slightly, expressing that he had the confidence to pass through the Temple of Refinement.

After getting Mu Feng's response, the smile on Elder Chen's face flashed away.

Because the smile appeared so fast and disappeared instantly, no one around noticed the change.

At this moment, Elder Chen suddenly sneered and said, "Mu Feng, this is your own choice, I hope you don't regret it!"

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and a white light immediately enveloped Mu Feng and others.


With Elder Chen's light drink, several people disappeared on the sky star in an instant.

Mu Feng only felt a trance, and a dizziness came from his head.

When he woke up again, he found that he had come to another planet, and the Temple of Refinement was on this planet.

What means is this?

Although Mu Feng had never been to the Temple of Refinement, he had seen the star map.

There are at least three or four transit planets between the Tongtian Tower and the Temple of Refinement, but Elder Chen actually made four or five people teleport here together. The distance of this teleportation is too long, right?

Unlike Mu Feng's shock, Yun Zhan and the others are quite calm, and they have already seen this method.

"Senior Brother Yun, could it be that Elder Chen is using the Law of Space?" Mu Feng couldn't help but asked in a low voice.

When Yun Zhan heard the words, he felt a bit dumbfounded.

What time is it, Mu Feng is still in the mood to care about this, isn't he afraid that he will lose this bet?

However, the question of Mu Feng made Yun Zhan a lot easier.Mu Feng can pay attention to things outside the Temple of Refinement, which at least shows that Mu Feng is not nervous at all at this time, which is a good thing, but I don’t know how many disciples of the Dragon Temple obviously have the ability to challenge more levels because of their nervousness. , but failed in the first and second pass.

Yun Zhan whispered: "How can the law of space be so weak? I heard that once the law of space is in the domain, as long as you have an accurate star map, you can easily roam freely in the universe. Elder Chen only uses It's just a small teleportation technique, once the cultivation base has reached the peak of the Universal Realm, this move can be used."

After hearing Yun Zhan's explanation, Mu Feng understood.

In addition to Mu Fengyun Zhan and the other four who were brought to the Temple of Refinement by Elder Chen this time, there were also Yang Tao and Qin Ming.

What surprised everyone was that more and more true disciples came here, even including the other four of the ten chiefs.

Unlike Yun Zhan and Yang Tao's tense relationship, after the four arrived, they were quite friendly.

Whether it is Yun Zhan or Yang Tao, they can communicate easily.

However, their main focus was still on Mu Feng.

The chief disciple of the Elemental Dragon Palace is not as simple as imagined, and each chief disciple has a lot of power under his command.

With these forces transmitting information, it is not difficult for them to know what happened to the Tower of Babel today.

Generally speaking, paying attention to a true disciple who has just passed through the seventh floor of the Tongtian Tower as their identity is indeed a bit lost.

But don't forget, Mu Feng's current cultivation base is only one star in the legendary realm.

With such a cultivation base, he was able to break into the eighth floor of the Tongtian Tower. This has already explained a problem. Mu Feng is definitely the kind of super genius with unlimited potential. , , .

Chapter 423

For such a genius, if you don't make friends before he makes a fortune, do you still wait for people to make friends when they become famous?

Those who can become chief disciples, in addition to the talent for cultivation, are not stupid people themselves, and naturally know how to measure.As for short-sighted guys like Yang Tao and Qin Ming, they naturally do not belong to this scope.

It is precisely because of this that these chief disciples are very polite to Mu Feng.

Seeing the core and outer disciples of this scene, their hearts were filled with shock, and at the same time, Mu Feng's status in their hearts was also rising.

If they thought that Mu Feng was just a true disciple before, now he has become a true disciple who has a good relationship with several chief disciples.

Although there are several different modifiers in front of the true disciples, they represent different meanings.

As time went by, the number of people in the huge square became more and more.

In addition to those true disciples, even the core disciples and the inner and outer disciples also came.

It can be said that what happened in the Tongtian Tower is definitely the most concerned thing in the Elemental Dragon Palace today, and the bet between Mu Feng and Yang Tao has made the attention of this matter reach a peak.

Now that they heard that Mu Feng was about to enter the Temple of Refinement, even those high-ranking chief disciples could no longer sit still. They also wanted to see with their own eyes whether Mu Feng was really as talented as the legend.

The ten chiefs, except for the first chief Wu Jian, have all arrived.

At this moment, Elder Chen suddenly looked towards the sky with a meaningful expression on his face.

Almost at the same time, on a planet about tens of thousands of light-years away from the Temple of Refinement, a middle-aged man showed a surprised expression and said, "Elder Chen Tuan's strength has improved again, I guess he is afraid Found my peeping."

If Mu Feng is here, he must be able to recognize that this person is the hall master of the Elemental Dragon Palace, Long Zun!

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