Next to Long Zun, there was a gorgeous woman in red.

This person's name is Zhou Wan, although this name sounds beautiful, like a gentle and virtuous person, but this name can definitely scare many disciples in the Elemental Dragon Hall, including even true disciples.

As for the reason, it's simple.

Zhou Wan is in charge of the execution hall of the Elemental Dragon Palace!

If any disciple of the Element Dragon Palace who violated the rules of the gate is found, they must go to the punishment hall for a walk.

That taste will definitely make these disciples have nightmares when they sleep.

In the eyes of many people, Zhou Wan is definitely a demon-level existence.

Elder Chen is the kind of moody person that everyone dares not provoke, but in the eyes of many disciples, Zhou Wan is even more terrifying than Elder Chen.

Hearing Long Zun's words, Zhou Wan covered her rosy and attractive mouth and giggled.

She smiled and said, "That old guy Chen Tuan is born with a super-spiritual strength, isn't it normal to be able to find out about you, Long Zun? I'm just curious, what secrets does this Mu Feng hold, and why is it possible for Chen Tuan to be like this? The old guy took the initiative to escort him? As far as I know, Chen Tuan is not the kind of person who likes to meddle in his own business."

Speaking of this, Zhou Wan's eyes flashed with inquiring eyes.

Seeing Zhou Wan's look, Long Zun immediately guessed what she was thinking.

Long Zun glanced at Zhou Wan lightly and said, "Senior Zhou, I know you are more curious than others, but I advise you, don't spy on Mu Feng's secrets, otherwise, Elder Chen will definitely I will work hard with you, and at that time, even me, there is no way to protect you!"


Zhou Wan was taken aback by Long Zun's words.

She knew that Long Zun would not lie, but now he said such a thing because of Mu Feng, which can only mean one thing. Mu Feng is definitely the top secret of the entire Elemental Dragon Palace. To the point where even the senior members of the Dragon Palace at her level could not inquire at will.

This made her feel a little astonished.

At the same time, she became more and more curious about Mu Feng, but when she thought of what Long Zun had just said, Zhou Wan's heart froze.

At this point, she couldn't help but feel a moment of silence for some people.

The potential that Yi Mu Feng is showing now will inevitably attract the attention of those people.

Those people don't know any rules. They only have one criterion for doing things. They can't be friends, that is, enemies.

Once they take action against Mu Feng, it is estimated that Long Zun and Chen Tuan's Thunder Wrath will be waiting for them.

Zhou Wan is a smart person, otherwise she would not be able to become the head of the Elemental Dragon Palace's punishment hall as a female.

Now that Long Zun has made it clear, Zhou Wan, although curious, did not continue to talk about this topic.

Sometimes, knowing more secrets can be dangerous.

Looking at the situation around the Temple of Refinement, Zhou Wan said with a smile: "Good guy, all the ten chiefs are here except Wu Jian. It seems that they still attach great importance to Mu Feng, but they don't know about that little guy Mu Feng. What kind of achievements can you achieve in the Temple of Refinement?"

Long Zun said calmly: "Mu Feng's performance will definitely shock many people."

Zhou Wan heard the words, glanced at Long Zun, and said, "Long Zun seems to be quite optimistic about Mu Feng!"

The corners of Long Zun's mouth were slightly raised, and he said, "I brought Mu Feng into the Elemental Dragon Palace, and I know him naturally."

Zhou Wan played with a crystal clear ring in her hand, a charming smile appeared on her face, and said, "Then I will wait and see."

Because the power in the Temple of Refinement is directly aimed at the soul, it is different from the Tongtian Tower which needs to fight. After entering the Temple of Refinement, there is no need to fight. The only thing that needs to be done is to persist.

The longer you persist in the Temple of Refinement, the more points you will eventually get.

Like the Tower of Babel, every time you complete a difficulty, you will get twice as many points as the previous level, and the points for passing the first level are also ten.

Outside the Temple of Refinement, there is also this huge ranking list.

What shocked Mu Feng was that Wu Jian was still occupying the first place in this ranking, and the score had already exceeded [-] points! , , .

Chapter 424 Break the record

It's this Wu Jian again!

Mu Feng couldn't help being curious about this Wu Jian.

His incomparably strong performance in Tongtian Tower can also be explained by the superposition of luck, but what about in the Temple of Refinement?

How could his mental power increase so quickly?

Because of Mu Feng's special circumstances and the cultivation of spiritual power, his spiritual power is extremely tenacious, and at the same time, his spiritual power has improved rapidly.

But what about Wu Jian?

What does he rely on?

At this moment, Yun Zhan, who was behind Mu Feng, said with emotion: "There are not many people in the Element Dragon Palace that I can admire, Wu Jian is one. Some time ago, he didn't know who told him that only by experiencing the horror of life and death can he improve his spiritual power, and then he went to the Meteorite Star Territory and has not come back yet."

"What, Meteorite Star Territory? Did I hear it correctly?" Mu Feng's expression suddenly changed when he heard the words, and he couldn't help exclaiming.

Mu Feng has seen a lot of distribution maps about the cosmos star field. Among them, there are several forbidden places that are categorically inaccessible, especially in the universe. Once you enter these forbidden places, the mortality rate is as high as [-]%.

In fact, even the masters of the universe must be careful after entering these forbidden areas, otherwise they will also have the worry of their lives.The Meteorite Star Territory is one of such forbidden places.

He didn't think that Wu Jian would dare to go to such a place where there is no life and death in order to experience himself.

This made Mu Feng curious about the first chief disciple who had never met before.

What kind of person is a person who can be admired by Yun Zhan and called Wu Chi?

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