Just a little bit, the thirtieth floor.

For a moment, Mufeng's forehead was covered with sweat, and it didn't take long before Mufeng's mouth overflowed with a blood donation, and his body was like a boat in a storm, swaying non-stop, but no matter how hard the shaking was, the boat would not overturn.

One minute and one second passed, and half an hour came. The pressure around him suddenly lightened. Mu Feng spit out a mouthful of blood, but his eyes were not tired.

Mu Feng secretly said: Let's go out first, it's time to surprise them. When Mu Feng came out of the door, Yang Tao stared at him gloomily.

Mu Feng and Yang Tao looked at each other and showed an elegant smile. Yang Tao's heart froze for a while, and he felt all kinds of unease, but when he thought that Mu Feng could not complete the trial of the Temple of Refinement, he immediately calmed down.

Mu Feng turned around and inserted the ID card in front of the door of the Soul Refinement Hall. All the disciples in front of the door at random heard a mechanical voice: The true disciple Mu Feng passed the thirtieth floor of the Soul Refinement Hall, which is the highest record so far.

In an instant, the whole world was silent. Not long after, Yang Tao's roar came randomly: No, impossible, absolutely impossible, this must be fake, there is definitely something wrong with the Temple of Refinement.

It was just a pointless struggle because everyone present knew that there was absolutely nothing wrong with the Temple of Refinement, so this result was really terrible.

Yang Tao only felt a little dark in front of him, and his heart was full of endless doubts and unwillingness.

At this time, Mu Feng said indifferently: "Elder Chen, Elder Chen coughed and demonstrated his gaffe. Did he not set off a storm in his heart? This kid is definitely a genius that has rarely been seen in thousands of years."

Elder Chen reluctantly suppressed his surprise and said, "I declare that Mu Feng is still a true disciple."

Mu Feng looked at Yang Tao and Qin Ming lightly and said, "Senior Brother Yang Tao, Senior Brother Qin Ming, I should have won the bet just now, right? You don't have any excuses this time."

Hearing this, Yang Tao knew that he couldn't escape today, and Yang Tao savagely poured out an apology from his mouth as if he was treating his father's enemy, and Mu Feng immediately laughed: "Hahahaha, since you are not sincere, then I It has to be accepted.”

After that, Yang Tao spat out a mouthful of blood, and his eyes darkened before he passed out.

When Mu Feng returned to his residence, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth. When he practiced the temple again, the injury he suffered was much heavier than expected, but it was not a big problem.

Immediately, Mu Feng sat cross-legged on the ground and comprehended what he had gained before. Unknowingly, a day passed, and the rays of light overflowed from Mu Feng's body, and then Mu Feng broke through.

A smile appeared on the corner of Mu Feng's mouth.

In a secret room, Yang Tao sat cross-legged on the futon for a day, and his face was still extremely pale.

At this time, Qin Ming's voice came from outside the door: "Senior Brother Yang Tao, according to the previous custom, the Dragon Palace will start to arrange this session of the true disciples to go out for trials. This revenge is not a gentleman."

Yang Tao walked out of the room and said: "Yes, the Dragon Palace is going to start arranging this session's true disciples to go out for trials. This is a good opportunity. This time, you must be fully prepared. , cramping its muscles, pulling its skin, it's hard to take away the hatred in my heart."

Yang Tao looked in the direction of Mu Feng with a gloomy face, and said to Qin Ming, "Come on, Qin Ming, let's go to the black market. Even if the family goes bankrupt, I will let Mu Feng never recover."

Qin Ming looked at Yang Tao and thought in his heart: It is better to have less contact with Yang Tao from now on, this person is too narrow-minded, and it is difficult to achieve much.

Mu Feng walked out of the room and sneezed unconsciously, thinking in his mind who is this who misses me again?A wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

At this time, a true disciple came to Mu Fengfang, and this person Mu Feng had a relationship with.

It seems to be a person who was hostile to Yang Tao in the square at that time.

The visitor said enthusiastically, "Senior Brother Mu Feng, according to the day, the Dragon Palace will start arranging this year's true disciples to go out for trials. You have to be careful about Yang Tao."

Mu Feng thought in his heart that it would always be troublesome to keep Yang Tao as a person, and this trial just happened to kill the grass.

Thinking about it, he clasped his fists and said to him, "Thank you, Senior Brother, I know Mu Feng. I dare to ask Senior Brother if you know where this trial is going?"

"You're welcome, Senior Brother Mu Feng, the location of this trial is not certain every year, but what is certain is that danger and opportunity coexist in these places."

"Thank you, it's nothing, senior brother, please come back. I will be careful about Yang Tao."

At this time, a loud voice came from the sky: "All true disciples come to the Element Dragon Hall to gather."

As soon as the voice finished, many figures flew away, and Mu Feng followed slowly, while walking, while stabilizing his realm.

When Mu Feng arrived at the Element Dragon Palace, all the true disciples were basically there, but it was strange that Mu Feng did not see Yang Tao.

All the true disciples stood in front of the Elemental Dragon Hall, swarming together.

The space in front of the hall seemed to be distorted, and where Elder Chen appeared, Yang Tao and Qin Ming also hurriedly arrived.

At this time, Elder Chen said: "I think you all know why you are summoned this time. The place where this trial is going is a desolate secret realm. Not only us, but also many sects will also go to the trial. The secret realm can only exert the power of the nine-star legendary realm, and only the seven-star legendary realm can be sent back with this talisman." ,,.

Chapter 426 The Secret Realm of Desolation, Death Experience

Said that the white light in the hands flashed, and everyone had an extra talisman in their hands.

"The rest of you, go and find out for yourself, and good luck to you."

Elder Chen directly clenched his hands, and everyone felt that the space changed, and they came to an unfamiliar place.

I don't know if it was intentional or the space was messy, everyone became a random teleportation.

Mu Feng was in a desert, feeling the rules of this area, and found that this area has a strange power more than the outside, which can accelerate the growth of power.

Mu Feng secretly said in his heart: This endless desert has no direction, and I don't know how to get out, but this place is an excellent cultivation environment.

When even chose a direction to gallop away.

After resting for a while, fly in the same direction as before.

Because the four sides are the same, there is no way to distinguish the road, so I can only use this stupid method. As long as this desert has an end, if you walk in one direction, you will be able to fly out sooner or later.

Half a day later, Mu Feng's pupils shrank suddenly, emitting ecstatic rays of light.

In the desert ahead, there is a lonely figure running in his direction, just staggering, falling down from time to time, as if he is not physically strong and will fall down and die at any time.

Mu Feng flew down and saw clearly that it was a young man, only about thirty years old. At the same time of surprise, a strange feeling appeared in his heart.

When the young man saw him, he was also ecstatic, and shouted: "Save...Save me..." After saying that, he fell to the ground, turned a few somersaults, and remained motionless.

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