Mu Feng looked around vigilantly, especially the direction the young man was running from. There was nothing unusual. Then he checked the young man's body. It was just that his physical strength was exhausted and his spirit was extremely sluggish, and there was nothing serious.

Mu Feng immediately asked Uchiha Obito to immobilize him, and then helped him soothe his meridians.

The young man woke up leisurely, trembled all over, looked around in fear, grabbed Mu Feng desperately, and shouted, "Scorpion... dark red poisonous scorpion... help... help me..."

Mu Feng was secretly surprised that the young man in front of him had the strength of one star in the legendary realm.

He slapped the young man on the forehead, slapped him loudly, and his head shot gold stars, then he calmed down a little, and said angrily: "What are you doing?!"

Mu Feng said: "It's you who is screaming, what kind of scorpion, see for yourself, it's very safe here."

The young man looked around a few times, then heaved a sigh of relief and sat on the sand with a worried look on his face.

Mu Feng said: "Brother, what is this place, why are you here?" The man heard the words, glanced at him strangely, looked Mu Feng up and down several times, and said, "You don't know where this place is. ?"

Mu Feng shook his head, and the man sneered, "You don't know where this is, so how did you get here?"

Mu Feng thought about it for a while, and said truthfully: "I was sent in directly by the elder I sent, and he let us explore on our own."

The man was stunned for a moment, then laughed wildly, "Haha, your sect elders are really irresponsible."

Mu Feng stood quietly, waiting for him to laugh enough before asking, "What is this place and how can I get out?"

The man sat on the ground, pondered for a while, and then said: "Okay, I'll believe you for the time being, this is the virtual world secret realm, a desolate secret realm."

The corner of the young man's mouth raised a sinister smile, and his eyes were strange, and he said, "This is the experience of death."

"Death experience? Please explain more clearly." Mu Feng said.

Mu Feng's face was not very good-looking, and he seemed to have a premonition of huge trouble from this word.

The young man sighed: "This is a death experience. Unless the cultivation base reaches the legendary seven-star level, you will never be able to get out."

Mu Feng secretly thought that as Elder Chen said, it seems that he will not be able to go out in the short term.

Mu Feng asked the young man: "In this secret realm of the virtual sky, the resources are scarce, and there are deserts everywhere. Although it is suitable for training, if you don't have a lot of resources, let alone practice, it is difficult to survive. Is it possible to enter The practitioners here will carry a lot of resources? And what is the strange energy in the air." He glanced at the young man

"The energy in the air here is called star power. This star power can be converted into spiritual stones to accelerate the growth of power and condense spiritual power."

Mu Feng secretly said: There is also such a stone, the world is really amazing.

If you want to stay in this place for three or five years, then the resources to cultivate to the legendary seven-star level will become the biggest problem.At this time, there is no room for women's kindness, and we must find a way to get a lot of cultivation resources to support the next three or five years of cultivation.

And poor and poor, he can only find a way to "borrow" from others.

The young man noticed his intention and hurriedly said: "Don't do it, I really don't have many spiritual stones on my body. This time I came out to look for star beasts, hoping to earn some spiritual stones. Who knew that I encountered a crimson poisonous scorpion, and I almost came across it. Lost my life."

Mu Feng said coldly: "Speak clearly, what star beast, what earns spirit stones?"

The young man hurriedly said: "The spirit stone unique to the virtual world is the common currency of this mystery, and even the common currency of all the desolate secret realms. There is a vast city in this secret realm called the virtual city."

"Generally, the children who come here to experience will not have too many resources on their bodies, and they all rely on themselves to earn them. Earning resources is also a part of the experience, such as selling the corpses of star beasts, inner alchemy, relics found in the battlefield, etc. Etc. There are chambers of commerce and sects specializing in acquisitions in Xutian City, but the prices are extremely low.”

"I see."

As soon as the cold breath on Mu Feng's body was taken away, he said in a calm tone: "Xiongtai should have made it clear at one time, and there was almost an unpleasant misunderstanding."

The young man smiled embarrassingly, his face was like a cramp, and his heart was filled with turbulent waves. When the young man swept his gaze towards him just now, he instantly felt like he was being stared at by an ancient beast, which made his spine shiver. A feeling of incomparability arises in my heart.

Mu Feng said: "Where is Xutian City? Please lead the way in front of Xiongtai."

The young man said: "Go this way, and immediately point in one direction." ,, . . .

Chapter 427 Crimson Poisonous Scorpion

The young man led the way in front, and Mu Feng followed closely behind, turning into two streams of light, flying quickly over the desert.

It turned out that this young man was called Song Qi, a child of the Song family in the Tianxingxingyu, and it had been more than five years since he was sent to the virtual realm for training.

The two communicated all the way, and Mu Feng immediately had a clear understanding of this place.

Soon, after the two of them flew a stick of incense, Song Qi stopped and looked around.

Mu Feng flew close to him and said, "The terrain here is almost the same, how do you judge the orientation?"

Song Qidao: "The wind depends on the direction of the wind. The wind in the secret realm is affected by the gravity of the secret realm and rotates from east to west, never stopping."

Mu Feng sensed it, and it was exactly what he said.

Suddenly, Song Qi vigilantly said: "Be careful, my companion and I met the crimson ancient scorpion here before, the quicksand has erased the battle traces, and the body of my companion is gone, but the crimson poisonous scorpion, definitely It's hidden under this piece of yellow sand."

Mu Feng said: "How is the strength of this crimson poisonous scorpion?"

Saying that, Mu Feng took a few steps on the yellow sand, suddenly his face changed, his body swayed, and he forcibly moved three feet. And go.

The light was bright red, as thin as a hair, and disappeared in a flash in the air.

"It's the crimson poisonous scorpion!"

Song Qi screamed, with a hint of fear in his voice.

Mu Feng stepped back, summoned Obito and Tsunade and said, "Give him the solution for me."

Tsunade smashed his fist and felt that there was a strong force coming from the ground under his feet, and the entire yellow sand was lifted up. He hurriedly jumped up and flew into the air.


The sand was broken open, and a room-sized brown poisonous scorpion flew out and chased Mu Feng away.

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