The crescent-shaped barb-like tail, with a scarlet poison light flashing on the tip, flashed in the air, turned into ten thousand red lights, and shot away.

"Fuck! Why is it so big!"

Mu Feng was startled, the huge scorpion was covered in a hard purple-red shell, like steel armor.

As the pair of pincers danced, the four scorpion eyes flashed with evil red awns, and the facial features were huge and clear, which made people shudder at a glance.

"Bang! Boom! Boom!..."

Tsunade punched the ancient scorpion a few times in the air, and Obito teleported up to apply the spell, then teleported away, and shouted: "Explode"

The poisonous scorpion sensed danger and struggled desperately, but it was too late.

The entire poisonous scorpion was blown into two halves by the air, and green body fluids splashed out.

All the internal organs of the poisonous scorpion exploded and fell on the ground. There was a corpse in it, which had been melted by gastric juice beyond recognition.

Song Qi stood in the sky, mouth wide open, eyes bulging, stunned by shock.

The four-eyed crimson poisonous scorpion has a hard shell as hard as steel, which is equivalent to a one-star existence in the legendary realm. Because of the long-term absorption of star power, it almost swept the existence of the same level.

Before Song Qi and another legendary one-star summoner, surrounded and killed this crimson poisonous scorpion, they ended up dying and escaping.Even if it is a two-star cultivation base in the legendary realm, it is extremely difficult to win it.

But such a terrifying existence was easily killed by the young man in front of him. What was that next to him? ? ?

Song Qi swallowed hard and secretly said: "He is at least a two-star existence in the legendary realm."

The fear of the young man in front of him was deeper, and he thought to himself: "And it is definitely not an ordinary two-star legendary realm. It is absolutely impossible for an ordinary two-star legendary realm to kill this crimson poisonous scorpion."

Song Qi had mixed feelings, looked at the crimson poisonous scorpion that had been smashed, flew over, and said distressedly: "Oh, it has been smashed, and it won't sell for much money."

When Mu Feng heard that he couldn't sell the money, he frowned and said, "Why didn't you make it clear before?"


Song Qi felt so wronged, and he thought it would be good to win, but he still thought about winning decently and keeping the whole corpse.

He said: "However, the star core that has gathered a lot of star power, and these broken shells and poisonous scorpion tail needles are all very valuable. This pile of corpses can also be sold for [-] spirit stones."

Song Qifei fell down, carefully cleaned up the corpse, and dug out a brown inner pill from the scorpion's head, and said with joy, "Fortunately, this thing is not broken." He took out a jade box and put Xingdan carefully into it.

Then he began to deal with those broken shells, tail needles, venom, etc., while explaining: "The deep red poisonous scorpion is the most common star beast in the secret realm of the virtual sky, and all chambers of commerce will buy its corpse, and this star pill, basically It is hard currency, and it is said that the one-star barren pill in the realm is [-] spirit stones."

After Song Qi finished disposing of the corpse of the poisonous scorpion, he began to dispose of the unrecognizable corpse. It was not only severely corroded by gastric juice, but also had extremely strong toxins on it. Song Qi did not dare to touch it with his hands, but took out With a sword, all the valuables on the corpse were taken down.

Seeing Song Qi's familiarity with the road, Mu Feng knew that he must have done this kind of thing a lot.

But in this harsh environment, resources are extremely scarce. If you want to hit the seventh level of the legendary realm as soon as possible, or even just survive, you have to give up many principles, even no compromises.

Song Qi cleaned up those scattered things, divided them into several piles on the ground, and said, "Brother Mu Feng, look at how to divide them."

Mu Feng calmly collected [-] spirit stones, and then picked out some valuable stones, materials and the like from the items. After taking about half of it, he stopped.

Song Qi breathed a sigh of relief, and said to himself, "This person is quite loyal and worth making friends. Otherwise, with his strength, even if I take more or even all of it, I can't do anything about it."

At the moment, Song Qi put away all the rest, even those clothes, water, ordinary swords and armor, and put them all away.

Mu Feng's heart suddenly burst when he saw it, and he thought to himself, "Could it be that Xutian City's materials are so scarce that even this garbage is needed?"

What he guessed was right. In the City of Void Sky, everything had to be purchased with spirit stones. Even a piece of clothing would cost hundreds of thousands of times as much as outside. , , .

Chapter 428 Sand Spirit

Song Qi said with satisfaction: "This trip is not in vain. These resources are enough for me to practice for two months. Let's go back and make money in two months."

Mu Feng asked inexplicably: "Why don't you kill more star beasts once and go back, and come out once every two months, isn't it a lot of delay in cultivation?"

Song Qi said bitterly: "It's really a hungry man who doesn't know how hungry he is. Do you think it's so easy to kill a four-eyed crimson poisonous scorpion like you? For us, killing a crimson poisonous scorpion is also very dangerous. If it is not really ineffective. I will not come out to take risks, every time I go out of the city, I try to raise my strength to the peak as much as possible, but even so, there are still a lot of experienced disciples who died in this desert."

The corpse was still lying there quietly, as if to confirm Song Qi's words, but it was soon buried by quicksand, and there was no trace of this person in the world.

Song Qi sighed and said, "Let's go." There was indescribable sadness in his tone.

Mu Feng also finally understood why this place of experience was made to be a benevolent person.

The meaning of this experience is to die and then live. A large number of sects put their outstanding children into this secret realm. Even if nine out of ten die, as long as one survives, they can become the mainstay and backbone of the sect after going out.

The two were about to leave when Mu Feng suddenly stopped and his face changed slightly.

When Obito was summoned, he slammed a talisman and made a huge explosion, which shook the boundless sand, constantly spinning in the air, turned into a sand pillar, and shot into the sky.

Afterwards, the yellow sand exploded on the sides of the two, and the sand pillars rose into the sky, dancing like long snakes, criss-crossing the sky.

In an instant, the sky and the earth turned into a dim yellow, surrounded by flying sand and rocks, turbid and charming.

The sand pillars danced wildly in the air, like giant pythons, more and more, a total of eight pillars gathered, moving in the air, bringing quicksand like a river, and the entire sand field was under a strange force.

Song Qi's face was full of horror, and he cried out miserably: "It's the elf of sand!" There was a deep despair in his voice.

Mu Feng said in a deep voice, "What is the Spirit of Sand?"

Song Qi said bitterly: "The elves of sand, the yellow sand that absorbs a lot of star power, the elves born are similar to star beasts. The body is sand, and in this desert, it is even more invincible. It's a blessing and misfortune. Relying on, fortune and misfortune, how could you encounter this thing."

Mu Feng asked with a sullen face: "The cultivation base of this thing is..."

Song Qi gritted his teeth and said, "There is a huge gap in cultivation, ranging from one star in the legendary realm to nine stars in the legendary realm."

With earnest expectations in his eyes, he said: "If it is a one-star sand elf in the legendary realm, we still have hope of survival. But this thing has a very keen judgment on its prey, and if it feels dangerous, it will not come out. "

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