On the contrary, it was really like scratching the itch.

Sikong Da had been around for a long time and felt really boring, so he slowly crawled out of the underground organ under the eyes of everyone's astonishment.

His whole person appeared on the hall again. He glanced at the mechanism and said with a smile: "What a piece of shit, I'm doing charity today, I don't want to destroy it for the time being, so I have to slowly climb out."

Otherwise, with his temperament, if he moves his entire body casually, let alone this broken mechanism, the entire hall has to be turned upside down.

Zhu Ziyu has nothing to say, the whole person has only now realized that there is a huge gap in strength between himself and the person in front of him.

Sikongda smiled and said, "I can't help you now. Since you answered that you can't do it, can't I act on my own?"

Saying that, the huge body was like a small hill, and it began to move towards Zhu Ziyu, opening his fat hand and grabbing towards Zhu Ziyu.

Zhu Ziyu slashed more than a dozen swords. For Sikongda, it was as if he had wiped the towel on his hand, and he grabbed Zhu Ziyu.

The audience exclaimed, and Zhu Li'an shouted: "Second uncle!" The whole person was afraid to watch Sikongda's next move.

Sikongda held Zhu Ziyu like a toy in his hand, and the dignified fairy-level expert fell into Sikongda's hands at this time, but he couldn't move.

Sikongda found Zhu Ziyu's left leg, pinched it between his thumb and index finger, and gently pulled it back.

Zhu Ziyu's left leg was forcibly torn off by Sikongda, and the entire scene was immediately covered with red blood spurting from Zhu Ziyu's broken leg.

The slightly pungent and disgusting smell of fresh blood floated in the air.

Zhu Ziyu trembled and let out a piercing scream, but Sikongda had no intention of taking his life.

After taking off one of his legs, he kept his promise and threw him to the ground, then looked at Zhu Li'an.

Sikongda walked towards Zhu Li'an, Zhu Li'an was so frightened that he shuddered.

"I beg you two to save me, now I know I'm wrong!" Zhu Li'an made an instinctive cry for help.

Monk Xiuzhai was already stunned, things happened too quickly, it was too late for him to jump out, at this time Sikongda had already pinched Zhu Li'an in his hand.

"Grandpa Mu, it's over, save us Yudinggu!"

Monk Xiuzhai fell to his knees in front of Mu Feng who was sleeping. Although Zhu Li'an was his enemy and rival in love, now is not the time to think about these hatreds.

If Mu Feng didn't act again, Yudinggu would be destroyed. His father, Zhu Ziqi, had already died in the dungeon. He did not want his sect, Yudinggu, to die out today.

"Don't save, don't save, who told me to shut up just now, who looked down on me?" Mu Feng didn't even bother to open his eyes this time, and came out of his mouth with this weak voice.

Mu Feng thought to himself: If I don't give these idiots a little pain, how can I look like Grandpa Mu and me? !

Sikongda did the same, tore off Zhu Li'an's right hand, the bright red blood cut a beautiful arc in the air, and then the remaining blood spurted out like a water pipe like a faucet.

This time, no one could save Zhu Li'an. He was thrown to the ground, and the roar was no longer enough to describe the pain he felt at this time.

He was trembling all over, his face was pale, and it seemed that he was not far from death.

The remaining disciples in the entire Yuding Valley dropped their weapons and ran away in a hurry. Those who failed to run were not because they had the backbone, but because they lacked the strength to run.

Finally came to Su Wan'er's side, Sikongda looked at Su Wan'er who was pale and couldn't help swallowing, and became more lustful.

Su Wan'er protected her chest and looked helplessly at the monster walking towards her step by step.

At this time, she finally burst into tears and asked monk Xiuzhai and Mu Feng for help: "Brother Lixuan, it was my fault, I was sorry for you before, I shouldn't look down on you!"

"Now I just ask you to save me and ask for that friend of yours for me, okay?" Su Wan'er's voice came, and her clothes had already been torn by Sikongda.

Monk Xiuzhai finally went crazy, because he had heard Su Wan'er admit to him that she was wrong, and Su Wan'er asked him for help.

This is a scene he has only dared to think about but never expected to happen for so many years, how could he not be shaken?

Monk Xiuzhai immediately looked at Mu Feng again. He was kowtowing one head just now, but now he is kowtowing ten hundred times, even if he kowtows until his head breaks blood.

"Grandpa Mu, don't sleep, just give me this chance. It's okay to help me. I know they offended your old man, but I'll accept the punishment later."

"That Demon King of Chaos has already taken off Wan'er's clothes, and is about to rape her. Grandpa Mu, he is so big, and he is on Wan'er's body, and Wan'er may die!"

Monk Xiuzhai cried out anxiously, and there was blood on his forehead.

Mu Feng still closed his eyes, turned a deaf ear, and occasionally shook his lips, otherwise he would have thought that his people were also dead.

"Brother Lixuan!" At this moment, Su Wan'er's miserable voice came again.

Monk Xiuzhai turned his head and saw that Sikongda's hand had already reached deep into Su Wan'er's thigh, and he was about to make the next move, which made Monk Xiuzhai cracking!

Chapter 844

Su Wan'er was at stake, and Monk Xiuzhai gave Mu Feng one last glance, and finally made up his mind.

Resolutely rushed out, asking for others is better than asking for herself, Su Wan'er is the girl she has had a crush on for many years, if she is spoiled in front of her eyes today.

Then he, Zhu Lixuan, will not be alive anymore. If he can't even save the woman he loves most, what qualifications does he have to live in this world!

"Damn, let go of that girl!"

——Monk Xiuzhai made what he thought was the strongest voice, and took out the long sword that he had not used for many years. With the long sword in his hand, he rushed forward desperately.

At this time, what Monk Xiuzhai didn't notice was that Mu Feng finally opened his eyes.

Seeing Monk Xiuzhai stab at Sikongda's back with a sword, Mu Feng couldn't help laughing and muttered, "Okay!At this last moment, he forced out the blood in this kid's body. Yes, there is a future!

At this time, Mu Feng suddenly had some thoughts about Monk Xiuzhai.

Sikongda's hand had just reached into Su Wan'er's inner thigh, and the moment he touched the warm, alluring skin.

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