Monk Xiuzhai came behind him, only one centimeter away, Sikongda frowned and finally became impatient.

I think it's better to get rid of this annoying guy first, this woman is no later than a moment, and it won't take too long to get rid of this ant behind him.

Suddenly, clusters of golden spiritual energy appeared on Sikongda's back, which was even faster than the attack speed of Monk Xiuzhai.

At the moment when the tip of Monk Xiuzhai's sword was about to touch Sikongda's back, a protective net was formed, and Monk Xiuzhai's sword touched the golden protective net.

The long sword made a sound of "kara", and the tiger's mouth of the monk Xiuzhai was instantly bleeding due to the vibration, and the long sword was climbed up by the golden spiritual power at this moment.

If the long sword is iron, then these golden gases are the oven with a high temperature of [-] degrees. The long sword melts at a speed visible to the naked eye, turns into molten iron, and drops drop by drop into the ground.

What was even more terrifying was that Monk Xiuzhai wanted to draw out the sword, but found that Sikongda's back seemed to have stuck the long sword, and he couldn't pull it out at all.

I was shocked, I wanted to let go of the long sword, and my people left first. At this moment, I found that I couldn't even move my hands, and my whole body stood in the air.

The long sword has been melted by the golden spiritual power to the hilt, but it only took ten seconds. In the next ten seconds, how can my body resist the eroded golden gas that climbed up? .

In the next ten seconds, he will also turn into blood, drop to the ground, and finally disappear into the Three Realms.

I am afraid that even a fingernail or a piece of clothing cannot be left. If future generations want to build a tomb for themselves, I am afraid that they will not find the relics they should have.

Monk Xiuzhai shed a drop or the last drop of a man's tear: "I'm sorry, my Wan'er, I'm useless, I'm afraid I can't be with you today."

Sikongda couldn't help laughing: "That's right. If you want to stop my good deeds, how many people in the Three Realms can do it?"

To be able to stab himself with a sword at this time, the spirit alone is enough to move people, so in order to commend his man-like spirit.

Sikongda chose to melt his body with the golden feather poisonous silkworm gas, why?Because at least this process will not have any shreds of pain.

This will allow the monk Xiuzhai to melt into this world silently, which can be regarded as a manifestation of his last kindness as today.

Sikongda thought so, then he can enjoy the girl in front of him, the feeling of "pop" makes him very excited.

"Hey, it's a pity, I'm afraid it's hard to accept your kindness, it's better than this, I'll give you a kindness!"

——At this time, even Zhu Ziyu on the ground, including Zhu Li'an, and all the disciples up and down the Jade Dinggu, thought that today's Jade Dinggu would become an eternal history.


Sikongda's ears heard this seemingly distant sentence, but in fact it felt as if it came out of his own ears, a lazy voice.

Except for Sikongda, everyone present could not hear this sentence.

But they saw what they saw, unbelievable.

I saw the melted long sword that the original monk Xiuzhai stabbed at Sikongda's hand, and the drops of molten iron that fell on the ground gathered again.

A brand new long sword just reappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye. It can be said that it grew. Monk Xiuzhai looked at the long sword that reappeared in his hand in disbelief.

And Sikongda also clearly felt the sudden abnormality of the atmosphere, and his golden feather poisonous silkworm gas was suppressed.

Instead, it seems to be a steady stream of other terrifying spiritual powers, which are gradually dispelling his Golden Feather Poisonous Silkworm Qi.

"Who? What's going on?!" Sikongda wanted to stand up, but at this time, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, because this time the situation was reversed.

When it was his turn, Sikongda couldn't move. Monk Xiuzhai's long sword turned into a blue long sword, shining brightly.

Suddenly, the golden gas finally couldn't hold it anymore and burst open, and the long sword in Monk Xiuzhai's hand finally stabbed into Sikongda's body at this moment.

Sikongda let out a painful cry and screamed in the sky, but after gathering the spiritual power of his body, he was still immobilized and unable to stand up.

In this Three Realms, within the scope of one's own cognition, at this point in time, can there still be people in the world that one cannot move? !

One can imagine the shock in Sikongda's heart. He felt that the tip of Monk Xiuzhai's sword was slowly sinking into his own flesh.

Even if his fat was as thick as a palm, it was gradually unable to resist the terrifying spiritual power of the sword, the terrifying speed of immersion.

If this goes on, his body will be pierced, and when the tip of the sword appears on his chest from his back, he will not be far from death!

Monk Xiuzhai looked at the long sword in his hand, and it slowly pierced into Sikongda's back, but in his body, he felt the energy that he had never had before, as if it was transmitted from another dimension.

Filling his entire body, his body has never felt such an amazing spiritual power.

"Grandpa Mu, is that you?!" At this moment, monk Xiuzhai not only felt a hint of warmth in his heart, but also flashed Mu Feng's playful and unruly handsome face in his mind.

"Of course! Who else can I have?" Mu Feng's familiar voice sounded in Monk Xiuzhai's mind.

Chapter 845 Liquefaction

Sikongda found that he seemed to be involved in a deep vortex.

His feet were glued to the ground, and he couldn't move at all. As if he was electrocuted, he suddenly thought of something.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he looked back instantly, and found that in the original corner, the figure of that person was still there, Mu Feng put his hands on the pillow, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

How is this going?Sikongda's forehead gradually broke out with cold sweat, isn't it that strange guy?Could there be another master hidden in this room!

If this is the case, what kind of master is it that he can be so unknowing, even himself being deceived?

Monk Xiuzhai and Sikongda also noticed this. Mu Feng was clearly still there, and his people were still sleeping there. He said that he would not help.

"Who are you?" Monk Xiuzhai responded to the voice that appeared in his mind.

Unexpectedly, there was an unhappy sneer waiting for the voice, and the voice said, "I'm your grandpa Mu!"

Because Mu Feng later felt that this monk Xiuzhai looked a little cowardly and a little stupid.But this person has the potential to develop, and it may be a good choice to use it as his follower or something.

So he told him his real name, but he didn't expect that this guy just nodded after hearing his name, without any excitement or abnormal reaction.

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