Chapter 872 Confrontation Again

The two met with great speed for the first time.

The blue cold light met the terrifying blood color, and the touch between the two extremely powerful forces almost tore apart all the air in that block.

The explosions came one after another. Xie Jun's weapon was a pair of huge silver gloves. He had already lost his hands by Mu Feng in the last confrontation.

But until now, he still thinks that the last confrontation was just his negligence, allowing this kid to take advantage.

So fortunately, he made this pair of gloves to serve as his hands and also his own weapons.

In this way, with the new hatred and the old hatred, Xie Jun's eyes were already full of boundless anger, and he was bound to tear this guy to shreds today, and he must not be left alive.

So the one who should escape today is not himself, but the man in front of him.

Because of Xie Jun's anger, his attack turned out to be quite sharp, and his moves were fatal, and every blow was comparable to an attack that could be used to end the battle.

Even though Mu Feng used hundreds of swords within a few minutes, his initial attack gradually turned into a defense.

This guy is really interesting.

"I'm not afraid to tell you, I will not only kill you here this time, but also the two magic weapons you stole will belong to me!" Mu Feng tried to anger the guy first with words.

"You know too many secrets, you will definitely die today!" Xie Jun became more and more angry, although he was on the offensive right now, but this offensive did not pose a threat under Mu Feng's defense.

Xie Jun didn't believe that, with his strength in the entire Bliss Realm for a hundred years, he would be so hard on the last nameless boy today.

This was the most unbearable thing for him, but at this juncture, he suddenly took a step back, and Xie Jun temporarily retreated from the battle circle where the two were at a stalemate for a while.

Mu Feng was greatly puzzled, this move was originally about to be used by him, but this guy was actually one step ahead of him.

At this time, Mu Feng suddenly realized that the situation was not good. Since the other party used this trap earlier than himself, then what followed was the danger after the trap was opened.

Sure enough, a bright light flickered, and I saw a blood net falling from the sky at some point, covering my body.

This guy can still cast magic weapons in a fierce fight?Mu Feng was caught off guard, the blood-colored net was getting tighter and tighter, and if this continued, within ten seconds, he would become a piece of fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.

When Xie Jun saw that his plan had been completed, he immediately smiled, but this guy was able to force himself to use such an offensive method, and it really wasn't easy.

However, it is a pity that he could not receive his subordinates as a dog. Today, this person must not be kept, and the word "death" can only be given to him accurately.

Xie Jun didn't have to wait for ten seconds at all. As soon as the blood light net was sent out, his figure immediately moved with it.

No matter how hard Mu Feng works, even if he is a quasi-level-up master, it will probably take a long time. Just imagine, at this moment, will Xie Jun still wait by the side to give him time to break free?

Xie Jun's iron fists fell on Mu Feng's body like raindrops, and Mu Feng's body bound by the blood net could no longer be avoided.

"This time, I'm afraid you won't turn into pieces and die for Lao Tzu!" Under Xie Jun's iron fist, a thunder-like explosion resounded throughout the Chenxiang Pavilion.

I saw that Mu Feng, bound by the blood net, suddenly disappeared after the explosion. Xie Jun thought to himself, had this set of attacks of his have knocked the person in front of him into air, and not even a single piece of debris disappeared?

Soon, Xie Jun denied his idea, Mu Feng must have run away!

Thinking of this, Xie Jun was shocked. How could anyone escape under his own bloody magic net?And still unsuspecting?

"Where the hell are you? Come out if you have the seeds, don't hide what a hero?"

While scolding, Xie Jun also used his divine sense to scan the entire room. There was nothing in every corner, nor on the roof.

Suddenly, the ground shook for a while, and it seemed that something seemed to be moving towards him at a very high speed.

It turned out to be hiding in the ground!Xie Jun was furious, and immediately punched into the ground, but a hand appeared behind him.

This hand grabbed his foot, and Xie Jun was shocked. If he was caught inside like this, he would only die.

At the moment, he forcibly turned around and hit the hand with a punch. The speed was even faster than the movement of the hand. The hand knew that there was no way to do it, so it quickly retracted.

Xie Jun was negligent again for a while. This was his own opinion, which made Mu Feng escape into the ground.

The situation turned against him all of a sudden. At this moment, he was in the light, and Mu Feng was in the dark. If he didn't go in, it would not be easy to find him.

But if he goes in, maybe his sword is already waiting for him, and he is not familiar with the situation at the moment he enters, and he may have already separated.

Mu Feng kept calling hidden weapons into the ground, Xie Jun dodged left and right, but he could only act as a passive defender.

Xie Jun couldn't hold his breath more and more, he felt that going on like this was not a solution at all, and suddenly shouted, and the whole person pierced the surface with two iron claws.

Then one after another blood light spread from his claws, and soon it covered the ground of the entire room.

Xie Jun seemed to want to open the entire surface of Chenxiang Pavilion in an instant, which would require a lot of spiritual power.

"In this way, I see how you can keep hiding inside!" When Xie Jun said this, his hands began to slowly pull up, and the whole piece of land was slowly pulled up by him.

At this time, Mu Feng, who was in the ground, knew that the situation was not good. This way of tunnel warfare was no longer available, and flew out of the ground.

Unexpectedly, the gap just came out of the ground, because Xie Jun's hands didn't have time to pull out from the soil more than ten meters below the ground.

This was a real negligence of Xie Jun, and it also gave Mu Feng a great opportunity. When Mu Feng came out of the ground, Xie Jun just turned his back to him.

He saw Xie Jun, and Xie Jun also felt that Mu Feng came out from behind him.

Faced with this opportunity, Mu Feng will naturally not be polite. Every soft part of the enemy will always cause great harm to himself in the end!

Mu Feng understood this truth, Mu Feng's Cold Shadow Sword immediately slashed at Xie Jun, who hadn't pulled out his hands yet, Xie Jun hurriedly wanted to take his hands out of the ground.

But would the speed at which he pulls his hands out of the soil and rock layers under the ground really be faster than the speed at which Mu Feng slashed?

Chapter 873 The Arctic Silkworm Net

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