Obviously impossible, the time to take out his hands is obviously too late.

Between the lightning and flint, Mu Feng's Cold Shadow Sword was less than a dozen hairs away from his back, and he absolutely couldn't dodge it.

"Let you become the Nth soul under the Cold Shadow Sword!"

Mu Feng slashed at Xie Jun, who had his back turned to him, and the sword slashed straight down, only to hear the sound of the long sword sinking into the flesh, followed by blood.

Mu Feng quickly withdrew his Cold Shadow Sword, only to see a pool of bright red blood explode on the spot.

If it wasn't for Mu Feng's dodging in time, it would be a trivial matter to be splattered with blood, and it would be a problem if he was injured by this bloody explosion.

In a hurry, Xie Jun actually used the blood-light body-changing method, that is, sacrificing one of his arms, so that his whole body could retreat under any threat of death.

At this time, Xie Jun's left arm had been chopped off by Mu Feng, but his man was gone.

Mu Feng knew that this guy was also learning from himself and escaped into the ground. What should he do now, he didn't think about this guy before he died.

To be able to use such a maddening evil spell, of course, if you think about it carefully, at that moment, sacrificing a left arm is nothing compared to your own life.

Now the situation has changed again, it has become Mu Feng in the bright place, and that Xie Jun has come to the dark place, this way, I am afraid it will be more beneficial to Xie Jun.

Without waiting for Mu Feng to think about it, as expected, there were ups and downs in various places on the ground immediately, and blood lights flew out from the ground, forming a very concentrated firepower attack point.

All of them hit Mu Feng intensively, and Mu Feng Shi unfolded thousands of sword shadows, barely resolving all these attacks.

But of course Xie Jun's attack didn't stop there, when Mu Feng was doing his best to resist all kinds of attacks flying out of the ground.

Xie Jun flew out of the ground and punched Mu Feng on the back. If it wasn't for the opening of his protective net, Xie Jun would have been bounced off a lot.

I am afraid that he would have to be smashed on the spot, but even so, Mu Feng was still injured by the power of this punch, and the whole person was hit to the ground.

And Xie Jun escaped into the ground again, and Mu Feng hurriedly reluctantly flew back into the air, because Xie Jun was underground, and he must not lie on the ground.

Xie Jun gradually found a way to deal with Mu Feng underground, and Mu Feng was at a disadvantage again and again.

If you are lucky enough to escape once or twice, it's fine, but if you go three or four times, there will always be a time when Mu Feng can't be prepared. At that time, Xie Jun doesn't need long preparations.

One blow can kill Mu Feng, so in the ground, it is already conceivable that Xie Jun is laughing wildly at this time, and he has turned into a crocodile in a water pool.

At any time, his head may pop up from the pool, bite the neck of the elk or goat drinking on it, slip off to the center of the pool, and slowly kill the creature.

When most of the pool water was dyed red, this creature could only obediently become a feast in the belly of a crocodile.

In such a critical situation, why does Mu Feng continue to take defensive measures? Does he really have no solution to the current predicament?

Of course not, although Mu Feng is in adversity, if a careful person observes carefully, he will find out.

Mu Feng seemed to be counting things all the way. He carefully looked at Xie Jun's movement in the ground, and the corners of his mouth gradually rose, revealing a smile.

He is not without offensive methods, certainly not only passive defense.

Defense is useless, and the follow-up offense can only depend on the strength and contrast of the two sides, and only the offense has been set up as a layout from the very beginning.

Such an attack is an attack in the absolute sense. The so-called surprise attack is exactly what it means!

The attack that was thought of from the beginning is the attack!What Mu Feng is about to show is his perfect theorem.

"Today, I will let you, this yellow-haired boy, die without a place to be buried!" Xia Jun's crazy laughter came from the ground.

At this time, Mu Feng deliberately pretended that he was entangled by his blood light attack again, and had no time to take care of the changes in other places.

So there was a wave in the ground, Xie Jun flew out from the ground, this time Mu Feng's flaw was bigger than the last time.

Under the long-term offensive and defensive battle, he, the defender in the bright spot, finally couldn't take it anymore, his speed slowed down, and his consciousness could hardly keep up with his movements.

Xie Jun knew that this guy was about to die, just above this attack.

However, Mu Feng turned his face, and Xie Jun found that the face of this man was not fear, but a smile!

What the hell is going on here, has this guy been frightened?Suddenly, the anomalies around him gave him the answer he deserved.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he suddenly noticed that a flash of blue light suddenly appeared around him, as if hundreds of light bulbs like stars were spread out around him.

How is this going? !

Immediately afterwards, those gleaming star-like blue lights located around Xie Jun began to rise with him.

It can be seen that these bright spots are not independent of each other, but are actually linked by a hair-like black line.

If that's the case, isn't this a net?

Xie Jun finally realized that something was wrong, but it was too late. His whole person came with this net, not this net laid down from above.

Mu Feng finally smiled, because this was his unexpected move, and this was his first move—the Arctic Sky Silkworm Net!

From the very beginning, he had already thought about how to deal with Ruoruo Xiejun when he went underground, so he had secretly buried this magic weapon when he was underground.

And Xie Jun's rampage in the ground is just that his body has already been covered with such hair-like traps without knowing it.

Finally, at this moment, Xie Jun, who was running around, triggered the magic weapon that had already been laid on him.

At this time, the arctic silkworm net is covered with all the space that Xie Jun can move, and it is impossible to go further up.This arctic silkworm net has already appeared on the ground!

"No, I don't believe it!" Xie Jun used all his strength, but still couldn't shred this seemingly slender net: "When did you lay it down?"

Chapter 874 Ancestor Jinhong

Mu Feng's face was as cold as ice, and he said coldly, "The moment I entered the ground!"

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