The folding stool was opened unhurriedly, and then placed heavily in the center of the venue, the whole person sat on it.

Monk Xiuzhai raised Erlang's legs and pointed at the man opposite him with an expression and tone that was not afraid of the sky falling.

"The situation is very simple now, that's it, you get through the stool I'm sitting on!"

"I will forgive you. Isn't Han Xin in the Han Dynasty willing to bear the humiliation of the crotch? Today I will give you a face, you have the opportunity to be Han Xin, just get over this bench!"

After the monk Xiuzhai said this, he pointed to his crotch with a proud look on his face. Even he was surprised, how could he come up with such a wonderful solution.

Today, I have to have a good taste of insulting people, it must be very refreshing.

As soon as monk Xiuzhai said these two words, the audience immediately burst into laughter. Everyone felt that this bald monk was really bold, and the person opposite was not simple.

It is said that he is the upcoming heir to the head of Yudinggu, one of the three major sects in the Elysium, and his own strength has already reached the fairy level.

A person whose status and strength are so highly respected, today he wanted to make a big deal a little smaller, but he was humiliated in public by the unknown monk Xiuzhai.

If he could have tolerated a little bit of the cursing before, then in the current situation, if he tolerated it any longer, it would be equivalent to admitting that he touched a woman's butt and that he was completely resigned in this matter.

Can Xia Liuchuan do these two points?

Obviously it can't be done. Xia Liuchuan did look at the woman a few more times today, but if he said something like touching the other's butt, it would definitely be slander.

In the eyes of the public, Xia Liuchuan didn't want to cause trouble at first, so he chose a more moderate tone as much as possible, and wanted to make big things small and small things.

I originally thought that the opposite was a monk, and it might be easier to talk, but I didn't expect that he was still wrong. To be honest, it was really unexpected, and the wrong was more outrageous.

This bald-headed little monk is like a demon king alive, and he has no intention of relaxing at all. He doesn't let himself down at all, nor does he let himself down.

Make it clear that you want to make things bigger, or you will never give up.

Just when Xia Liuchuan was thinking about what to do next, the bald-headed monk made a surprising move.

He placed a stool in the center of the field, sat on it leisurely, and said that if he drilled through the stool he was sitting on, he would let him go.

Really?Are you sure you really want to cause trouble today?

Xia Liuchuan clenched his teeth with a "crunch" sound, and he clenched his fists slightly. At this moment, he was finally angry, and his anger had been completely ignited by this bald head.

"Ha!" Xia Liuchuan chuckled lightly, as if he couldn't hold it in any longer.

Monk Xiuzhai continued to sit on the stool leisurely and said, "What? To drill or not to drill? Give me an indication! Just laughing is useless?"

"Mr. bald, I will give you one last chance. If you take down your stool now, and apologize to me solemnly, maybe I will let you go today!"

When Xia Liuchuan said these words again, a chilling spiritual energy was already exuding from his whole body, and when he saw it faintly, the purple light one after another actually tore apart the surrounding air.

"Don't talk nonsense, to drill or not to drill? If you don't drill, don't think about leaving this place safe and sound today!"

Of course, monk Xiuzhai wouldn't buy it, he didn't even listen to the other party's words.

Gao Jin in the crowd saw this situation and thought that the monk's behavior was indeed a little overbearing, or rather unreasonable.

But Gao Jin thought that this flower monk was Mu Feng's friend next to him after all, and he still wanted to give this face to Gao Jin.

I was ready to go out at the moment, because if I didn't go out at this time, the first thing would be really serious, and secondly, the life of the monk Xiuzhai might be in danger.

Unexpectedly, just when he was about to come forward, Mu Feng grabbed him and gestured, "Don't worry about that slut! Let him suffer a little!"

Gao Jin was stunned for a moment, thinking that this suffering might end up in hell, is Mu Feng really not going to come forward?But since it was Mu Feng who blocked it, he must have his own ideas.

Gao Jin nodded and had to stand back and wait for the development of the situation.

Mu Feng figured out the general cause of the incident from the very beginning, because after monk Xiuzhai's big mouth repeating it again and again, he could not hear clearly unless he was deaf or mentally retarded.

The general idea is that at this dance, monk Xiuzhai thought that the person named Xia Liuchuan touched Xiao Qi's buttocks while taking advantage of the confusion. Xiao Qi was a female disciple of their Fenye League.

The appearance is not bad, but the monk Xiuzhai and her are not in a relationship between men and women, because the monk Xiuzhai already has Su Waner.

In this regard, monk Xiuzhai is still quite conscious.Monk Xiuzhai himself said that Xiao Qi was actually his girlfriend, and they became the so-called best friends as soon as they met.

It was because Monk Xiuzhai didn't even bother to go back to his Jade Dinggu for the time being, and the reason why Lai Zai Zai Yemeng didn't leave was partly due to his good best friend, Xiao Qi.

So today Xiaoqi was eaten tofu by others. It was normal for monk Xiuzhai to ask for justice, but the other party obviously wanted to apologize.

But this guy who doesn't give up without causing trouble is unrelenting, and he has to be divided before he is willing to rest. Of course Mu Feng knows the reason why this troublemaker is so arrogant.

First of all, his own nature is like this, and it is impossible to change his nature.The second is that his strength has increased a lot during this time, of course, with his own help, so he thinks that he has nothing to fear.

However, with the development of the matter, from the chattering voices of the onlookers, Mu Feng actually heard a piece of news that surprised him.

Chapter 882 Xia Liuchuan

This Xia Liuchuan was actually from Yuding Valley.

Not only that, according to these people, this so-called Xia Liuchuan is also the most promising heir to the next head of Yuding Valley.

Mu Feng felt more strange at this point.

It is said that he and Monk Xiuzhai have only left Yudinggu for more than a month. Where did this Xia Liuchuan come from?

And when Mu Feng took the monk Xiuzhai back to Yuding Valley, he had already informed the second master, Zhu Ziyu, that their elder brother Zhu Ziqi had passed away.

And in the words intentionally or unintentionally hinted that Zhu Ziqi meant to let his son Zhu Lixuan, that is, monk Xiuzhai, become the next head of Yudinggu.

At that time, except for the furious Zhu Li'an, everyone else probably understood the meaning, including Zhu Ziyu nodded.

But today, such a guy suddenly appeared. He looks like a handsome young man, and his strength is extraordinary. Monk Xiuzhai is by no means his opponent.

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