So Mu Feng suddenly wanted to understand the important joints, the reason why monk Xiuzhai was so arrogant and unreasonable today.

In addition to the above two, there is actually a third reason, which may be the main reason at a deeper level, which is why it can make monk Xiuzhai so angry.

Although Monk Xiuzhai has always, at least on the surface, expressed his disdain for Yudinggu, let alone inheriting the position of the head of Yudinggu.

Mu Feng once asked him directly, saying that he could support him to become the next head of Jade Cauldron Valley.

But at that time, the guy's attitude was to pretend he couldn't hear or didn't understand.

Mu Feng knew that this was because he had a conflict with his father Zhu Ziqi, so he also had hatred for this Jade Cauldron Valley, or had a grudge against him.

But when he saw that his father died for his only son in the Fenye League dungeon, Mu Feng could still see that Monk Xiuzhai had gradually forgiven his father.

After all, the father-son relationship for many years is not so easy to break. Monk Xiuzhai's heart was moved. For a period of time, he was just trying his best to choose and digest it.

In other words, he was trying to calm himself down temporarily. Mu Feng could of course see the blow to him, so he didn't ask any more questions about whether he wanted to inherit Jade Dinggu.

Therefore, monk Xiuzhai chose to rely on the Fenye League and did not go back. He did not forget Yudinggu, he was just trying to adapt to his heart.

But things have come to this day, and he chose to be so serious at this unexpected dance, which was originally a small matter.

Presumably he also knew the identity of this Xia Liuchuan, so this was unbearable in his heart.

Although he was reluctant to admit it, he still knew in the deepest part of his heart that he would face it sooner or later. After all, he was his son of Zhu Ziqi, and he had to take on the future of the entire Yuding Valley.

But today a Xia Liuchuan unexpectedly appeared. He didn't know it at all, and his position was robbed like this, without even a word of notice.

What happened in Yuding Valley?What do people think?Is Zhu Ziyu still dissatisfied with himself?

These monks Xiuzhai didn't care. He just refused to accept it, or was a little angry. Why did he give his position to others without consultation?

Although he didn't nod his head, did he deny it?

This is his own family property, this is the family property left by that father, this is his only concern, and I cannot let him be taken away by outsiders in my own hands.

So the monk Xiuzhai decided to deliberately make things worse, he just wanted to see, what kind of way is this Xia Liuchuan?Why can he be the heir to the next head of Yudinggu?

With Mu Feng on the side, he suddenly detected this idea deep in the heart of monk Xiuzhai, and he couldn't help but greatly changed his mind about this flower monk.

"It's a pity, my young master Lixuan!" Mu Feng sighed inwardly: "Your idea is good, I'm very pleased that you have this ambition!"

"But the current situation is that the Xia Liuchuan opposite you is really tough. I'm afraid you are not his opponent! What should I do?"

Mu Feng fell into contemplation, but the situation on the field suddenly changed.

Xia Liuchuan didn't know the inside story. He didn't even know the bald-headed monk at all, let alone Zhu Lixuan, who was also a member of Yudinggu.

The only thing he knew was that when he wanted to retreat again and again, this guy was determined to make trouble.

"Since this is the case, there is no need to discuss it?!" Xia Liuchuan asked.

"No, don't even think about it!" Monk Xiuzhai replied firmly.

Xia Liuchuan nodded, he turned around, took a few steps forward, and the whole crowd immediately followed his footsteps back a little.

Is this guy really going to run?impossible?How could the heir of the dignified Yudinggu want to run away?

If he is cowardly at this time, then he will not want to be the heir of Yudinggu, right?How will he face the crowd and his own disciples in the future, what does Xia Liuchuan want to convince the crowd?

Xia Liuchuan walked forward with his hands behind his back

Monk Xiuzhai stretched out his hand and was about to shout "Stinky boy, where are you running".

Of course Xia Liuchuan didn't run. When he walked forward, he was actually taking out his hidden weapon. He took out a dart from his cuff.

This dart is not an ordinary dart. It is a poison dart that has been soaked for a year with the toxins taken from the ice silkworms in the extreme cold of the north.

As long as blood is seen, it immediately spreads to the entire body of the person along with the meridians, and the speed is rare in the world.

And it can't be seen from the skin on the outside, but its terrible toxins can erode everything inside you, including the bone marrow.

That is to say, the person who has been hit by the ice silkworm poison dart will only have a piece of skin left in a few minutes!With a little luck, you may still have a few bones left!

Xia Liuchuan took out the poison dart, and it was an absolute dead hand!If he doesn't make a move, he will kill someone if he makes a move!This is his own style of behavior, a belief that has already been established!

Because once the shot is taken, people who still have the benevolence of women are not enough to survive in this Three Realms.

Second, only in this way can this trouble be solved in the fastest time, and if the time drags on, it will probably cause more trouble.

Chapter 883 Instant Shot (Part [-])

He is going to become the head of Jade Cauldron Valley in the near future, and he really doesn't want to cause more trouble, especially now that the "Bliss Island" ship has gathered experts from the Three Realms.

This is why he chose to give in in the first place. If it was in a desolate wilderness, would he still have the concession he has today?Obviously not possible!

So now, although he didn't want to happen, it happened after all, and it was uncontrollable.

If he really chooses to get under that bench, then his position as the heir to the head of the family will not be considered, and he will not have the face to continue doing it.

So he must be quick to shoot now, to let this guy kill him with one blow!

At the same time, take this opportunity to let the people around you know your means!In fact, it is also an opportunity to show yourself.

Xia Liuchuan thought of this and suddenly stopped.

Turning around, he threw the dart in his hand at a very fast speed, and shouted angrily: "The guy who doesn't know how to advance or retreat, since you are determined to die, today I, Xia Liuchuan, will fulfill you!"

Even if it was a hundred miles away, Xia Liuchuan was still confident that his darts could hit [-]% accurately, not to mention that Monk Xiuzhai was right across from him.

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