Finally, the game started.

After all, a competition of [-] million times is not something that everyone can afford, so most of the men in the audience have become onlookers, and there are only a dozen people who can participate with a lot of money.

But this number alone is enough to make everyone in the audience boil.

Finally, Fahe, the smiling tiger, shouted on the stage, "Now, the game begins!"

Immediately, he swiped the revolving wheel as large as the wall behind him, and the guy immediately spun at a high speed.

If it's just an ordinary person, it's impossible to tell where the so-called first prize Yuwen Jingxian is, which means that in the eyes of ordinary people, this is really just a game of luck.

But for cultivators like Mu Feng, then this game has certain tricks and skills.

Is it just that this thing is too simple?

Mu Feng thought to himself, after all, for a person of his realm, even if it is a high-speed spinning roulette, he can still find the one that belongs to Yuwen Jingxian with his extraordinary consciousness.

Do you really want to sleep with that woman for one night?

Mu Feng suddenly realized that he had this idea, and then shook his head again, thinking that he should save some physical strength, after all, there will be an infinite conference in two days.

And recently Lao Chen disappeared again, and Mu Feng had an ominous premonition in his heart.

So now Mu Feng is just thinking about it, not very interested.

I saw that under Fahe's "start", these people were not ambiguous. The first experimenter went up. According to Mu Feng's observation, this person's strength is actually not simple.

If there is no accident, I am afraid that the woman will be taken by this person.

It's just that this guy has a fat head and big ears and a short body. It's a pity that the beauty is.

The fat pig-like guy held his breath for a while, then suddenly opened his eyes and shot, the dart in his hand landed on the spinning roulette.

The audience was startled, all eyes immediately focused on the roulette wheel in the center of the field, and the spinning wheel quickly stopped.

The fat man felt that his confidence should be guaranteed, and he looked at the roulette with anticipation, only to see that the fat man's dart did not appear in the square of Yuwen Jingxian's head.

Instead, it was nailed to the body of a pig.

A burst of laughter broke out in the audience immediately, the fat man showed disbelief, and then stepped down amidst the boos of the crowd.

I'd say it's not that simple! !

Mu Feng couldn't help but smile immediately, and he immediately analyzed the tricky things in it. It stands to reason that the fat man looks not so elegant.

But after all, he is also a cultivator of the Golden Immortal level. His shot was completely aimed at Yuwen Jingxian, but he didn't find it.

Just when the dart he shot was about to hit Yuwen Jingxian's grid, an invisible force appeared to slightly adjust the direction of his dart.

It is this difference that is almost indistinguishable with the naked eye, so that the fat man who could have hugged the beauty can only turn to hug a pig, which is more reasonable.

But since someone secretly did something, is it someone else, or the organizer of this game?

Then Mu Feng is unknown, because at that time this power came from a strange way, and Mu Feng did not come and observe the source of the power for a while.

Gao Jin and Xia Liuchuan also clearly saw the tricky things in it. The two remained silent. At this time, they were both thinking about how to break the secret power.

Only monk Xiuzhai was completely unaware, and was still laughing.

Immediately afterwards, the second person and the third person went up, whether they found it or not, they all failed on it.

Counting carefully, seven people should have failed. At this time, apart from Mu Feng and the others, there are actually only a few people who participated.

Xia Liuchuan said with a smile: "Why, everyone is so calm, why don't you take action?"

Gao Jin replied: "I'm still weak at the bottom, and I can't analyze how the game is played."

But Mu Feng was reluctant to speak, but just expressed the same meaning as Gao Jin, Xia Liuchuan felt bored, thinking, if you don't take action, neither will I.

At this time, a man with a top hat walked up. This man was short in stature, with a big black mole above the corner of his mouth, and two disgusting beards hanging from the big black mole.

I saw this thief-eyed man walked onto the stage without speaking, but after looking around the audience, his eyes focused on the spinning roulette.

Suddenly, when everyone was not paying attention, he shot at the fastest speed and shot a black light, aiming directly at Yuwen Jingxian, the first prize.

Everyone exclaimed, watching this black light flashing in front of their eyes, but Mu Feng and the others discovered the abnormality of this black light.

It turned out that what this guy hit was not the dart he bought, but a stone at all!

In order to avoid the situation where every dart was finally twisted by a mysterious force, the first thing this guy hit turned out to be a stone!

Good trick to ask the way!

Mu Feng was startled, thinking that this person should have the next move soon, and sure enough, just as the guy hit a stone with his left hand, another black light was thrown almost at the same time with his right hand.

His second shot was a dart!

Chapter 889

Sure enough, the stone that attacked first couldn't resist the blow of the mysterious power, and when it touched it, it exploded in the air and turned into a pile of powder.

And this guy's first-hand slingshot to ask for directions is probably going to deceive this mysterious mechanism, because his real darts have followed closely behind.

It can be said that the stone is just a cannon fodder to open the way ahead, and now the real attacker has come under the city.

It looks like no one is going to be taken by this dwarf!

This is what everyone thinks, what to do?Even Xia Liuchuan was thinking at this moment whether he should take action!

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