But time passed by, and in a moment of hesitation, everyone could only see that the dart of the dwarf had touched Yuwen Jingxian's head.

At this time, the short-haired dwarf also showed a smile.

No, Mu Feng suddenly discovered something abnormal!I am afraid there is more than one organ in this!

The next second, just as the dart was about to win the first prize, a red force shot again from the front left of the dart, wrapping the shorty's dart.

He dragged his dart abruptly to the side, and when everyone came back to their senses, the roulette stopped turning, and it was already stuck in the tail of a mouse.

The crowd immediately roared again.

The thief-eyed guy was so angry that his two disgusting beards almost stood upright.

"I don't agree!"

At this time, he fell off the stage in a duel, and the crowd immediately made room for this furious guy.

I saw him kicking the things around him and shouting: "I saw it, someone made a ghost! I hit my dart crooked in the dark!"

"Who is it? Take the initiative to stand up for me, maybe you can spare you from dying. If you are one step later, if you are caught out by me, you will surely die!"

Everyone wanted to ridicule a few words that they lost and didn't admit, but when they found out that this guy turned out to be the money rat, they all chose to shut up.

This guy can be said to be well-known in the Three Realms, his strength itself belongs to the top-level quasi-holy rank, and his temper is extremely strange.

Who would dare to provoke such a person?

Even Fahe, the smiling tiger, couldn't find words to persuade him for a while.

"I can't come out, right?" Cao Shangfei nodded at this time, and said bitterly: "I gave you a chance not to, do you think I don't know who you are?!"

As he said that, he pushed aside the crowd, and some people were even pushed by him because of this, Kasaka Fei pushed away the crowd and walked towards his left front.

And the front left of him was actually the corner where Mu Feng and the others were standing.

Mu Feng thought to himself, could it be that this person is still coming towards us?This is all hiding in the corner, and it is suffering. It's really bad luck.

Sure enough, Cao Shangfei came straight to Mu Feng and stood in front of the four. Xia Liuchuan immediately sensed that the momentum was wrong, stepped forward, and blocked the way.

"My friend, what do you mean now? Do you suspect that the perpetrators are some of us?"

Cao Shangfei raised his brows and said viciously: "Yes, I still suspect one of the four of you!"

When the monk Xiuzhai heard the words, he also rushed to the theory: "Why, you are so ugly now that you are suspicious of me! I will tell you clearly, don't say that my grandfather Xiuzhai did it today— —”

"It's just that my grandpa Xiuzhai has done it, what can you do with me?!"

Monk Xiuzhai has the backing of Mu Feng, and he has already obtained a good deal from Xia Liuchuan, and now he is too lazy to look at a guy whose height is less than his chest.

"What about you?" Cao Shangfei suddenly had a fierce look in his eyes and shouted, "I want you to die!"

I saw that five iron claws immediately grew out of his hands, and they came straight from the chest of the monk Xiuzhai.

The step is to forcefully insert his five claws into the enemy's chest, then find the position of the enemy's heart, and pull the heart out.

If Kagami Fei is interested in something, he will eat the heart of the enemy he pulled out in one bite.

Therefore, such a madman is the existence that everyone in the entire cultivation world is afraid of, and everyone does not know when this guy sneaked into this ship.

And now this guy got into trouble with Mu Feng and the others, I really don't know how they should deal with it.

But now the life of monk Xiuzhai is at stake, and it is a murder case, of course, Xia Liuchuan will not let this guy be brave in front of his eyes.

He didn't shoot for Monk Xiuzhai. Sooner or later, he had to find a chance to kill this guy. He shot to gain Mu Feng's trust, and secondly, to save the face he just lost.

Xia Liuchuan's speed was like an afterimage, and he appeared in front of the monk Xiuzhai in an instant. A paper fan was opened, and it blocked the five iron claws flying on the grass!

Xia Liuchuan threw the paper fan in his hand to the back, and Cao Shangfei's body took three steps back.

When Cao Shangfei saw this scene, instead of being surprised, he burst into laughter: "Hehe, it's just a matter of other people's heroes saving the beauty. You dare to join in the fun based on your character! It's just courting death!"

Immediately, he turned his five claws into ten claws, and attacked Xia Liuchuan side by side. Xia Liuchuan thought that he should have no problem with this guy.

Unexpectedly, with the passage of time, Xia Liuchuan gradually became unable to bear it, and one of the claws flying on the grass caught on his thigh.

In an instant, the trousers were scratched, and five uniform bloodstains appeared. Xia Liuchuan stood unsteadily, and the offensive in his hands had slowed down.

Kashang Fei looked at this gap and stabbed his claws from above, but this time he didn't grab Xia Liuchuan's brain!

Suddenly, Cao Shangfei felt that his claws had indeed penetrated into Xia Liuchuan's head, but it turned out to be a dry pile of weeds?This is absolutely impossible!

It was strange that Xia Liuchuan underneath had long since disappeared, his claws were grabbing a handful of thatch, and he was staring at it in a daze.

And Mu Feng turned into a cloud of blue smoke, appeared in front of this guy, kicked him in the chest, and Fei Shang Cao fell to the ground.

The injured Xia Liuchuan was helped by Mu Feng to the side to rest.

Xia Liuchuan, who wanted to be in the limelight by himself, didn't expect that stealing chickens would not be a loss of rice, but this time, Mu Feng was in the limelight again, and now he had to swallow the bad breath.

"Many thanks to the leader Mu for your help!"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "You are generous, and you have sponsored [-] million for each of us. It is also your duty to help you!"

Chapter 890

It's true that Mu Feng wanted Xia Liuchuan to be deflated, but that was in his own hands.

Others can't just teach him a lesson for themselves, let alone rush to kill others in front of them, which is greatly unforgivable.

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