It was too late for Jin Hong's ancestor to stop it, and now Mu Fengren has also been killed.

Not to mention the other people present, even Ancestor Jin Hong felt that he had nothing to say. First, it was because of his status as the leader of the Fenye Alliance, and secondly, his strength lay there.

If you still want to go deeper, the battle with Mu Feng will be ahead of schedule, and Jin Hong's ancestor doesn't want to tear his face with Mu Feng now.

So everyone had to be silent, and Xia Liuchuan died tragically.

Zhu Lixuan successfully became the heir of Jade Dinggu, and he will also be the candidate of Jade Dinggu to compete for the position of the last Infinite Alliance Leader.

Ancestor Jin Hong saw that things were almost over, so he announced that the preparatory meeting was over, and seven days later, he would officially hold an immeasurable meeting in the lobby of Zhunti Pavilion!

And choose the final leader at the Infinite Conference!

The matter was finally resolved. During these seven days, all parties were thinking about how to make their representatives win, and some manual solutions such as canvassing votes and bribery were quietly produced in private.

These ancestors of Jinhong are all in the eyes, what is more strange is that he does not have any action.

Of course, the people who didn't do anything also included Mu Feng. Since this time, Mu Feng has returned to the Liuli Palace several times again, and found that there is no figure of Xie Jun. He wondered if this guy really evaporated from the world?

In his spare time, he is exercising Zhu Lixuan, and now he has officially recovered his identity.

Mu Feng took him as an apprentice, and in just seven days, Zhu Lixuan's strength was directly raised to the level of a fairy!

Finally, seven days later, the Boundless Conference was held in the splendid Zhunti Hall of Zhunti Pavilion.

The seats that can hold [-] people were all filled up. These are all people who have the right to vote today.

There are also seven seats on the summit stage, which are the representatives selected by each faction.

The final Infinite Leader will be created among these seven people, and the next one with the highest number of votes will win.

The seven people are: Ancestor Jinhong from Zhunti Pavilion; Mu Feng from Fenye League; Zhu Lixuan from Yudinggu; Yi Zichen from Xingyue Sect; Fang Yongshou from Xiaoxiang Building; Lu Yuanyi from White Tiger Society; Ning Wuming.

A total of seven candidates from seven sects.

At this time, they were sitting on the summit stage respectively. After Jin Hong's grandfather finished his long and boring opening speech, the Boundless Conference was officially held!

Ancestor Jin Hong looked around the audience and said, "Now you can start voting! Choose the person you think is the leader of the Infinite Alliance. The conference adopts an anonymous voting system!"

Immediately, a wall showing the real-time votes appeared behind the seven people on the summit platform, which was divided into seven columns of different colors. Obviously, the one with the most votes, the higher the column representing him.

The tense voting has finally begun. Who will get the final leader? The column begins to change!

Chapter 899

Ten thousand people at the venue began to cast their votes one after another.

Each of them has a voting machine in front of their desk, and they just need to vote by the button's name.

The seven turned their heads and began to pay attention to the movement of the column behind them representing their votes.

In the early days of voting, the number of votes of the seven people increased steadily at the same time, showing a situation of equalization, which was unexpected for the seven people. Look at me and see you.

In the middle of the voting, there was finally a change. It was obvious that the three major sects started to take the lead, and Ning Wuming of Shengtian Academy was also closely behind.

The votes of the other three denominations began to fall significantly behind.

Minutes and seconds passed, and finally came to the final solution of voting. Suddenly, the votes of the three major factions no longer changed.

But Ning Wuming from Shengtian Academy's votes soared in a straight line, and he actually came to the first position, and he was about to reach the top!

At this time, Fang Yongshou of Xiaoxiang Building suddenly jumped out and requested that the voting activities be stopped immediately. It turned out that he actually discovered that Ning Wuming of Shengtian Academy was cheating!

The two immediately clashed, Ning Wuming certainly wouldn't think he was cheating, what he was operating was just a toy of his own.

So the two of them actually started to move on the summit stage. If Ancestor Jin Hong hadn't removed the summit stage in time, this Nuoda table would have turned into powder in an instant!

Ancestor Jin Hong saw that this situation went on, and there was no need to open the Boundless Conference. He immediately took action and caught the two back like chickens.

The entire voting activity was able to continue without any risk.

And the extra votes from Ning Wuming's final solution were reset to zero and not counted.

This time, not many people had objections, so the voting continued. This time, the votes of the three major sects returned to their normal positions, far ahead of the other sects.

In the end, the number of votes for Mu Feng of the Fen Ye League stagnated, leaving only the ancestor Jin Hong and Zhu Lixuan to compete.

This made this kid extremely excited, as if gambling, shouting that his votes were rising quickly!

At the last moment, Ancestor Jin Hong's votes surpassed again. Zhu Lixuan's whole body turned pale with shock, he was clearly number one just now!

Ancestor Jin Hong finally showed a smile. In less than a minute, the voting will end. The current leader is Ancestor Jin Hong!

At this critical moment, Mu Feng suddenly attacked and also requested to temporarily suspend the voting activities.

Ancestor Jin Hong was furious. He didn't expect that Mu Feng would still be making a scene at this moment. He just wanted to say that voting cannot be interrupted casually.

I saw that the door of the Zhunti lobby suddenly opened, and under the attention of [-] people in the audience, Xu Xiaoqing walked in alone.

Zhu Lixuan didn't understand what was going on with his master Mu Feng and his wife, but he would support them if they were to carry out activities such as the robbery field.

I saw that Xu Xiaoqing brought a person and took out something that claimed to be a plan.

"We found the problem with this vote, that is, the old ancestor Jin Hong himself cheated! This plan in my hand is the proof!"

After he finished speaking, he handed the plan to Mu Feng. Seeing the skillful movements of the two, Zhu Lixuan suddenly realized that Mu Feng had not done anything for the past seven days, but he had already arranged everything in private.

Mu Feng announced the contents of the plan in public. It turned out that this was the plan of Jin Hong's ancestor planning this infinite conference!

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