The plan wrote in public that during the voting process, the voting device in the hands of the people was actually two completely unrelated things with the real-time votes displayed on the screen.

The number of votes on the screen was completely controlled by the person who was entrusted by Ancestor Jin Hong to hide in another room.

At the beginning of the process, everyone was leveled first, and the three major sects began to lead in the middle, and at the end, the Jinhong ancestor suddenly won.

Even Fang Yongshou jumped out to accuse Ning Wuming of cheating in the middle of the plan, which belonged to the script that was already in the plan, which means that Fang Yongshou and Jin Hong's ancestors were in the same group.

As soon as the news was announced, it was thrown into the calm lake like a boulder in an instant, causing a thousand layers of waves.

Ancestor Jin Hong originally wanted to try his best to justify it, but after all, the anger was hard to come by.

"These are all fabricated by you. Anyone who dares to slander me at will, will be executed!"

Seeing this guy finally revealing his fox tail, the audience was shocked and fled the scene one after another, only a few people were still waiting for the final outcome.

Suddenly, Xu Xiaoqing said something to Mu Feng's ear, and Mu Feng's face suddenly changed.

He said to the ancestor of Jin Hong: "Let's fight slower! I'm afraid there is a more important thing now!"

Seeing that Jin Hong's ancestors were puzzled, Mu Feng didn't need to sell off, but said it to everyone in the audience.

It turned out that Xie Jun not only stole the Sword of Fire Essence from Boundless Mountain, but also planted [-] bombs in the Zhunti Hall.

Now others are already in the Liuli Palace, and his purpose is to blow up everything in the lobby, so that he can swallow all the property and Xuanyuan Sacred Sword in the Liuli Palace!

Everyone heard the explosive news from Mu Feng's mouth again, and at this time the door had been blocked.

Some timid people seemed to feel the collapse of the world in an instant, and fainted, and now there are [-] people in the audience who can't actually walk away.

Xie Jun not only buried [-] bombs, but also made a door made of black iron, blocking the only exit of the lobby.

Mu Feng looked at the time, and there are still [-] minutes to arrive at Wei Shi!

Not only will there be an explosion here, but the Xuanyuan Sacred Sword of Liuli Palace will also be activated in the future!

Mu Feng and the others could have escaped in the sky, but most of the [-] people in the venue were ordinary people. How could they all escape in such a short period of time?

The Zhunti Pavilion was built extremely sturdy, and the ceiling was only [-] meters away from the ground, which was like a ten-story building.

The audience fell into chaos, and most of them were about to die, which made them not afraid.

However, what shocked Patriarch Jin Hong the most was that Xie Jun, the traitor, had already found the position of Xuanyuan Sacred Sword. Instead, he, an outsider, was still struggling to design a boundless convention here.

It's really ridiculous to think about this, and now I don't care about everyone in the audience.

It turned into a green light, broke through the roof of the Zhunti Pavilion, and flew directly to the Liuli Palace.

Of course Mu Feng can leave, but what about the [-] people in the audience?Are you just watching all the [-] people die tragically?

Chapter 900 Time and Space Transformation

He glanced at everyone in the audience, and these people did not want to die.

However, Mu Feng could only save [-] people, [-] people at most, and it was obviously impossible to save [-] people at the same time.

How to do?For the first time, Mu Feng felt that he was caught in a huge problem!

"Mu Feng, let me help you this one last time!"

At this moment, the voice of Lao Mu, who disappeared for a while, resounded in Mu Feng's mind again.

Mu Feng immediately jumped up excitedly and said with a smile: "Okay! You have been hiding for so long, and finally appeared again!"

Lao Mu teased a few words at random, but he seemed to hear another meaning from his words. Seeing that there was not much time at the moment, Lao Mu told Mu Feng about business.

"Do you still remember the time-space transformation method?" Lao Mu said.

Mu Feng's mind flashed, and he nodded, this is a spell that consumes a lot of spiritual power and time.

As the name suggests, it is a spell that can instantly convert all substances in a certain space to another designated space.

"But, is there still time now?" Mu Feng looked at his watch, only less than ten minutes left, and if he spent most of his spiritual power here.

What should I do when I go to Liuli Palace to face the ancestor of Jinhong later?

"That's why I said I'll help you!" Lao Mu's voice sounded, and he said, "Now you just need to cover all the [-] people present with your consciousness!"

"I'll take care of everything else!" Lao Mu's last voice was a little lonely, but Mu Feng didn't hear it.

In this way, with the help of Lao Mu, Mu Feng actually transferred all the ten thousand people above the entire Zhunti Hall to Boundless Island in an instant.

Everyone only felt the wind whistling in their ears, and in the blink of an eye, the surrounding scenery changed, and they came to the seaside beach of Boundless Island.

And the towering Wuliang Mountain is not far away, not to mention the Zhunti Pavilion on the top of the Wuliang Mountain!

Just when everyone came back to their senses, they only heard a long series of loud noises from the whole world, and the whole earth shook a few times.

The Boundless Mountain in the distance was actually collapsed by the earthquake, and the Zhunti Pavilion was naturally turned into a piece of ashes.

A huge mushroom cloud appeared in the sky. Although it was thousands of miles away, it could still be seen clearly. One could imagine the power of this explosion.

If everyone is still in the lobby of Zhunti Pavilion at this time, I am afraid that there will be a long queue in the passage leading to hell at this time.

Everyone knew that it was Mu Feng who rescued them. At this time, [-] people knelt down before Mu Feng on the beach, thanking Mu Feng for giving them a new life.

They are willing to directly give up the position of the Infinite Alliance Leader to Mu Feng.

Mu Feng's generosity was difficult to accept, and finally he pulled out his apprentice Zhu Lixuan, saying that he would give up the position of the Boundless Alliance Leader to Zhu Lixuan.

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