"Lord Black Mountain Witch, this is the dragon blade key I stole from Mu Feng's safe!" Xie Jun said, fearing that the woman would not believe it, he continued to increase his tone.

"Of course, my untold hardships are nothing at all, as long as you can get the Dragon Blade Key and the Dragon Blade Holy Sword, Lord Black Mountain Witch! Then this is the greatest recognition for me, Xie Jun!"

"So, please accept the witch of Montenegro!~" Xie Jun finally said solemnly.

The Black God and Witch gave a "hmm", but she was still teasing her strand of hair, and she didn't want to do anything.

It seems that he is observing Xie Jun, observing his eyes, and the most subtle expressions.

Xie Jun knew that this woman who was seriously ill probably still doubted herself. Now the button that can make the Soul Chasing handcuffs explode and make her go to dust is still in this woman's hands, so she must not be careless.

Xie Jun worked hard to control his facial expressions, so that he could almost freeze on the same expression for a long time - the sincere expression.

Not even the slightest expression could appear, not even a cold sweat could make him shed.

The Black Mountain Witch is watching Xie Jun, but why is Xie Jun not watching her? Although Xie Jun's face doesn't dare to look directly at her, Xie Jun can perceive her current expression with his breath and feeling.

Xie Jun's set of kung fu is not simple. Not only can he freeze his own expression, but he can also perceive the other party's facial expression with his spiritual power without seeing the other party.

It takes years of practice and accumulation to achieve this. For someone like Xie Jun, it is thousands of times more useful than any life-saving spell.

"What? Lord Black Mountain Witch doesn't believe it?"

The time between the two was silent like this, and five or six minutes passed without knowing it, and the entire space can be said to be unusually quiet.

If the ears are sharper, it is estimated that the very subtle breathing sounds of the two of them can be heard. Otherwise, there is really no sound at all, especially under this ground.

Although the room was quiet, Xie Jun's heart was full of stormy voices at this time, and his heart was constantly beating drums.

What is this woman thinking now?Does she believe it or not?If you don't believe me, what's your next move?

all of a sudden.More than a dozen questions poured into Xia Jun's head with fear, making him feel that the whole person began to tremble slightly.

Xie Jun knew that in this first round of confrontation, he was completely defeated, so he could no longer continue this stalemate with this woman.

Because the longer the time, the more disadvantageous it is to oneself. Once the flaws are revealed, the tearing of the face is just an instant thing.

From the first time Xie Jun met this woman, he knew that this woman's strength was not simple and should be above him. It was because of this that Xie Jun had to take these roundabout methods.

On the contrary, Xie Jun estimated that he would only do a little trick, and then kill the opponent in a blink of an eye.

But this woman's strength is unfathomable, of course I can't do that, only forbearance, only detour, when the time comes, I can do it!This is the central idea that Xie Jun has already set in his heart, and it can also be regarded as the core guiding ideology for him to face strong players.

Therefore, Xie Jun decided to ask himself first, breaking the silence with words, and covering up everything with words.

"Master Black Mountain Witch, please believe in Xie Jun's loyalty to you, not to mention that Xie Jun's life is still completely in your hands, Lord Black Mountain Witch."

"Even if there is no threat of soul-chasing handcuffs, I, Xie Jun, will be willing to submit to your feet, Lord Black Mountain Witch, why? Because I, Xie Jun, have never been a decent gentleman who advertises themselves. I, Xie Jun, only speak with strength!"

"From the first time I met you, Xie Jun, I was deeply impressed by your strength! I know that your strength is unfathomable, and you can almost be regarded as one of the best in this island country!"

"I am very shocked and shocked. I am very honored to meet a great person like you. I know that it was my Xie Jun's three lives that was fortunate enough to exchange for a chance to serve you today!"

"So I, Xie Jun, cherish this opportunity very much, Lord Black Mountain Witch, let me tell you the truth, this little dragon blade key is just my little contribution to you!~"

"Because since I met you, I have had a bold idea, because I have been deeply impressed by your powerful strength, so I decided to worship you as my teacher! Be your apprentice! Forever Your service!"

"So, today's little dragon blade key is nothing at all, it's just me, as the first contribution of someone who wants to continue to be a bull and a horse under your door, Lord Witch of Montenegro. That's it!"

Xie Jun once again performed his tricks of bewildering people with tears in his eyes!

The Black Mountain Witch took the dragon blade key that Xie Jun was holding in both hands, looked at it carefully, and smiled.

When Xie Jun saw this scene, he was overjoyed at last, stood up excitedly, and said, "Master Black Mountain Witch, do you finally believe my words?"

The witch of Montenegro's smile suddenly became a little strange. She handed the dragon blade key back to Xia Jun and said, "You take it!"

Xie Jun was startled and said, "I have already dedicated it to you, Lord Witch, why do you want to hand it over to me? Of course you should take it."

But the witch of Montenegro was unwilling, insisting on Xie Jun holding it, and said, "If I tell you to hold it, you can hold it! What? Dare you not listen to me?"

Xie Jun thought about it quickly in his heart, but he really couldn't guess what this woman was thinking, so he had to take the Dragon Blade key back.

I can't help but hate, because the Montenegrin Witch's vigilance seems to be higher than Xie Jun imagined, which can be said to be surprisingly high.

Ever since he took over the dragon blade key that Xie Jun gave him, although he was playing with it for a while, the woman's eyes never left Xie Jun's body.

Moreover, the time was short, Xie Jun was staring at her all the time, and it was impossible for any abnormal movement, let alone reaching into his arms and pressing the button that Xie Jun prepared to explode.

Unexpectedly, in the end, this woman actually handed the dragon blade key back to her hands. Could it be that this woman has found something abnormal, or does she have any other tricks?

Xie Jun only felt that he couldn't figure it out, and he couldn't figure it out. He felt more and more that he was afraid that dealing with this woman today was not as simple as he thought, and it would really take a lot of work.

What I need most now is to find an opportunity to press the button that detonated!

However, this woman forcibly handed the dragon blade key back to her hands. What the hell is going on?

Xie Jun was forced to have no choice but to call back his fake dragon blade key.

Chapter 908

He was forced to take back the key, as if the red envelope you gave to others wholeheartedly was returned by others, which made people feel extremely embarrassed and slightly despised.

But if we talk about today's situation, it's not bad to just contempt.

Because at the moment when Xie Jun took the Dragon Blade key, he absolutely did not expect it.

Of course, Xie Jun's heart has been obsessed with how to preemptively, that is, to press the detonating button when the woman is not paying attention.

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