However, human beings are not as good as heaven, and he has no chance to start without speaking, but the key is returned to his hands.

At this time, Xie Jun's mind can think of other things.

Xie Jun forged the key, but at this moment, the Black Mountain Witch kicked Xie Jun's abdomen, and the kick came very fast.

It was precisely at the moment when Xie Jun was unable to guard against it, so Xie Jun was unavoidable, and he took the kick in an instant.

The key had already flown out of his hand, because his whole body had been kicked into the wall like a broken kite, and fell from the wall to the hall on the first floor of the house.

Xie Jun slammed heavily on the ground.

Although this kick is heavy, the power of the kick is not enough to make Xie Jun unable to stand up. Xie Jun quickly turned over at the moment of landing, because the witch of Montenegro knew that this kick of her own could not be eaten by Xie Jun. to the suffering it deserves.

The second wave of the offensive has followed.

Xie Jun got up quickly and took out his weapon. It was a slender sword. Xie Jun never paid much attention to his own weapon, so in fact, the weapon he equipped on his body was always an ordinary long sword.

Not one, not ten, but thousands!Thousands of ordinary long swords are all placed in his storage ring. Xie Jun has always believed in replacing quality with quantity!

Because before getting real quality, he believes in winning by quantity.

Of course, except for the Dragon Blade Sacred Sword that he dreamed of, because that was what he really called a magic weapon that could perfectly explain and contain all the qualities of it.

Therefore, only after getting an epic weapon like the Dragon Blade and Holy Sword will Xie Jun abandon the philosophy he has always used and believed in, that is, winning by quantity!

However, the Dragon Blade Sacred Sword has not yet arrived in his hands, so although Xie Jun's long sword is an ordinary weapon, there are thousands of houses in his storage ring.

Xie Jun named it "Arsenal"!

Because this is a veritable name, no one could have imagined that there are thousands of long swords of the same quality and shape in Xie Jun's storage ring.

Xie Jun wasted one, and there was another. Under his quantitative offensive, the weapons in his hands were like living water at the source, which was endless.

So Xie Jun simply shot 30 long swords in a row. These large swords turned into [-] needles in Xie Jun's hands, and quickly shot at the Black Mountain Witch!

The Black Mountain Witch smiled ghostly, the black light flashed in her hand, and a long whip appeared. The Montenegrin Witch slapped the whip on the ground and stretched it out. There was no fear in her eyes. The thirty long swords were shot at her like poisonous needles. .

With a flick of the long whip, it directly hit the thirty long swords that were shot at her. The long whip seemed to have spirituality, and it was like a poisonous snake covered with black scales in the air.

This black poisonous snake actually rolled up all thirty long swords!

Seeing this, the Black Mountain Witch laughed and shook the whip again. All thirty long swords were thrown against the wall, and the swords sank into two-thirds of the depth of the wall.

Xie Jun was startled, turned around and wanted to run away.

But the black light behind him was even faster than his speed. The Black Mountain Witch had already swung her whip, and the long black whip was like a wave in the air.

Biting Xie Jun's waist directly, he lifted his whole body out of thin air.

"Want to run? It's not that easy!" The Black Mountain Witch laughed and threw her long whip, and Xie Jun was smashed against the wall. This shock was ten times stronger than the gravity of the fall just now.

Xie Jun let out a scream, only to feel that his body seemed to fall apart at this moment.

The Black Mountain Witch turned into a black light and appeared in front of him.

After more than a dozen whips, Xie Jun was already on the verge of death, and his clothes were messed up, all of which were broken by the whip.

The pure white body was eroded by the tragic long whip, and hundreds of blood-red marks appeared in a crisscross pattern!

The situation was appalling. Xie Jun sat paralyzed on the ground, blood overflowing from the corners of his mouth. It seemed that in just two or three rounds, he had already been defeated by this witch's black whip.

Xie Jun can barely open his eyes, and if his mouth is a little harder, he can still speak.

"Lord Black and Black Mountain Witch, Xie Jun can't figure it out, what are you doing? Didn't I already give you the Dragon Blade key back? Why do you still treat me like this?!"

Xie Jun said vigorously, although the voice sounded only a low roar.

The Black Mountain Witch put away the black long whip and held it in her hand temporarily. After all, Xie Jun had been beaten to pieces by his long whip, and it seemed that he would not run away for the time being.

"Well, I can't figure it out. Now I'll teach you how to figure it out. Why should I treat you like this? Didn't I know it well? Why ask it!"

The Black Mountain Witch couldn't help but gave Xie Jun's upper body full of blood-red whip marks two more whips.

The two crisp sounds of "pop" can't be said to be resounding through the ground, at least they echoed in this room.

Xie Jun's undamaged upper body spattered a few drops of blood again, and he spat out a mouthful of dark blood again.

The Black Mountain Witch felt that only in this way would this Xie Jun be truly honest. She stepped on Xie Jun's abdomen and twisted a few times.

This is the action of pouring salt on the wound, Xie Jun let out a painful scream, as if a thousand arrows pierced his heart, the pain is naturally self-evident.

The Black Mountain Witch's face was close to Xie Jun. When Xie Jun saw this pale face, he felt as if she was a female ghost crawling out of a grave from hell.

"The dragon blade key you gave me is a fake! Isn't it!?"

The Black Mountain Witch said angrily, she increased the strength on her feet.

"Just this little trick, you want to hide the sky in front of me? Aren't you too naive!?"

Xie Jun's heart was like being struck by lightning, but he actually thought when the witch of Montenegro gave him the kick, this witch really found out that her key was fake.

"Haha, Lord Black Mountain Witch is really smart!"

Xie Jun smiled reluctantly, because he found that if he laughed indulgently now, his chest would become very painful. He had been beaten hundreds of times, and his whole body was covered in blood. woman stepping on her chest.

Therefore, Xie Jun's first discovery, wanting to laugh is actually a more difficult thing!

The witch of the Black Mountain is still quite disgusting with the appearance of Jie Jun. She can still laugh at this time, and immediately said: "How is it? Is it an admission?"

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