Ning Wuming is the eldest young master of their Yuezhi family from childhood to adulthood. There are too many things on the earth that he is nostalgic for, women, wine, honor and power, and a bunch of friends. In short, men and women are necessary for him. indispensable.

Could it be that he wants to stay here forever, to be with these seven people, and there is only one woman left in these seven people, Yi Zichen.

And a woman like Yi Zichen is actually not her own.

So Ning Wuming collapsed, and the tears finally flowed like a child, unable to stop.

Ning Wuming and Mu Feng looked at each other. In fact, they don't have as many pessimistic thoughts as other people now. Since they can come in, there must be a way out!

This is the common inner thought of the two!

Chapter 928 The location of the exit

"Lord Leader, where do you think we are now? Is it still on Earth?"

If one were to choose one of these six people who most sincerely believed that Mu Feng was the leader of the alliance, then the most sincere candidate would undoubtedly be Ning Wuming.

Therefore, even though he was rushing towards the Dragon Blade Sacred Sword just now, once he arrived in this different world, Ning Wuming himself still trusted Mu Feng very much.

So Ning Wuming chose to ask Mu Feng, because he was the only one who didn't cry.

Mu Feng was also not surprised that Ning Wuming would still talk to him, because Mu Feng also understood that the Dragon Blade Sacred Sword is something that everyone's desires cannot be suppressed and must be obtained.

So Mu Feng didn't blame Ning Wuming for participating in such a battle.

After all, fair competition is always better than playing tricks behind the scenes.

"I think the world we see is an illusion. In fact, our bodies are not only still on the earth, but more accurately, in that stone room!"

Mu Feng directly stated his guesses that he thought possible.

Ning Wuming's eyes lit up obviously. It seemed that he and Mu Feng thought almost the same. Ning Wuming immediately asked, "Why do you see it?"

Mu Feng frowned and explained, "I have always had an extraordinary sensitivity to my environment and a strong ability to remember the environment."

"Don't look at the fact that we seem to be in space now. In fact, I can feel it. The foot I'm stepping on now is the floor tile of the stone room where we were originally!"

"I can even feel which piece it is. If my guess is correct, the position under your feet, Ning Wuming, should be the [-]th from the second row in the southeast corner of the original stone room. Where a floor tile is!"

Ning Wuming couldn't help being taken aback, he didn't expect Mu Feng to be able to say such accurate data, what a keen observation and memory this is!

"However" Ning Wuming seemed to have found something wrong and asked with a little doubt: "But if I remember correctly, according to the current position, I should have been from the northwest corner at that time!"

That's right, although Mu Feng said such accurate data from his mouth, Ning Wuming remembered that he had always been in the northwest corner of the stone room, and why did Mu Feng now say that he was in the southeast corner Woolen cloth?

"And I haven't moved half a step until now!" Ning Wuming continued.

"This is exactly what I want to say, that is to say, in fact, each of us has not moved half a step, but why is Shibata-bro, who should have been in the northwest corner, your current position has become the southeast corner?"

Mu Feng said: "Because, the entire stone room has rotated [-] degrees!"

Ning Wuming was shocked and blurted out: "You mean? The stone room we are in actually rotated [-] degrees?!"

If this is the case, it can also explain why Ning Wuming, who was originally in the northwest corner, didn't move half a step, but his position changed in Mu Feng's mouth, becoming this one in the southeast corner. A question.

"That's right!" Mu Feng nodded.

"But if that's the case, then why is there such a big movement that none of us feel it?"

Ning Wuming's question is also correct, because it is extremely unimaginable that the stone chamber will rotate, but what is even more frightening is that the stone chamber has undergone such a big change, and they don't even feel the slightest abnormality in it.

If it wasn't for Mu Feng's reminder.

Mu Feng continued to express his views, he said: "In other words, according to my reasoning, our bodies are still in the original stone room, but the scene we see has changed!"

"Because this change is too real, it even affects our perception, so we will have the feeling of falling into a chaotic different world."

"And why am I talking about this now? That is to say, we can rely on our memory to find the entrance to the original stone room in this completely bewildered different world!"

Ning Wuming finally knew what Mu Feng was going to do!Immediately continued: "That is to say, find the entrance to the stone room first, this will be a great breakthrough!"

"The outside of the stone room is actually still in the midst of that group of people fighting, but no matter what? We just need to find the location of the original entrance to the stone room!"

Mu Feng nodded and said: "Then maybe you will find something, because the entire stone room is almost sealed except for the entrance!"

"In order to determine whether the entrance is still there, or even to return to the real world by means of that entrance! We all need to find that entrance!"

At this time, Yi Zichen, Lu Yuanyi and the others immediately knelt down on one knee in front of Mu Feng, and clasped their fists together to ask.

"If this is the case, then we will have you, the leader of Lao Mufeng!"

What Mu Feng and Ning Wuming said were naturally listened to by everyone, including Ning Wuming, who had collapsed on the ground in pain. They saw the hope of being able to go out again from Mu Feng's mouth.

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Of course there's no problem. Who are you going to walk now? That is, to execute according to what I said? There can be no errors. Let's see if we can find the entrance to the original stone room in this endless place!"

Everyone looked at each other in dismay. The two big men, Shimadzu Nobunaga and Fang Yongshou, naturally couldn't do such a delicate job, and Ning Wuming and Lu Yuanyi were two children who had not grown their hair yet. They didn't make mistakes. Fortunately, how could they be asked to do such delicate work.

In the end, everyone's eyes were focused on Yi Zichen's face.

Only this woman is the most attentive person in the audience, so there must be nothing wrong with her!

Yi Zichen thought about it for a while, and finally decided to accept it happily, because I am afraid that among the people present, if he does not go out of his way, no one will be able to do it.

"Okay! Lord, you said, I'll walk!" Yi Zichen stood up with a look of determination.

Mu Feng was still very satisfied to have someone like Yi Zichen come out. Before he knew it, the people who were still fighting for the sword became unusually united in an instant. This is probably the complexity of human nature.

"Yi Zichen, listen carefully. The length and width of each floor tile in the stone room is 800*800mm. According to this specification, you can estimate the distance between your steps in your mind!"

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