"Attention, the error should preferably not exceed 10 cm!"

Chapter 929 Space Coordinates

Mu Feng said: "From now on, let me tell you, come and go!"

"The most important thing is to measure the distance of your own steps in your heart, and there should be no more than 2 cm error between each step and the next step, and then combine the ratio of 800*800mm floor tiles in the stone room!"

"Make sure of the distance you need to take with each step and the speed of your footwork!"

Mu Feng is now like a sports coach who is in charge of the footwork training of each member of the national team. Mu Feng's tone is severe, because in this endless blue world.

Once a mistake is made for the first time, it will greatly undermine everyone's confidence. Once confidence is lost, it will affect people's judgment.

In the case of a wrong judgment, it is basically impossible to accurately find the location of the entrance, and there will only be a situation where ghosts hit the wall and loop back and forth on a repeating line.

In the end, they fell into an inextricable panic. How many people turned into a pile of hatred bones like this, and got lost in the deep mountains and forests that they could not get out of!

So it's best to be a game that can be successful the first time, with no room for one mistake!

"Give you a few minutes now, and think about the length of each step you want to take in your mind!" Mu Feng said.

It was not until this moment that everyone clearly felt the tense and suffocating feeling of being a member of the same team. At this time, they were like standing under the ring to cheer for the same period, and they couldn't do anything but this. Anxiety about what to do to help also permeates everyone's heart.

Yi Zichen abandoned all distracting thoughts, closed his eyes slightly, and took a deep breath. He understood the feeling that everyone was pinning on her now, and she experienced this feeling even more clearly now.

I can't tell if it's pressure or something else. In short, the pressure always disappears at the moment before playing. The so-called pressure is actually off the court.

Once every athlete is on the field, his head is either blank or he can only see the word victory.Stress does not exist at this moment.

"Are you ready?" Mu Feng's voice broke the silence, like gunshots on the track and field, the game is about to start.

Yi Zichen opened his eyes confidently and replied, "Lord Alliance Leader, tell me! Yi Zichen is ready!"

Mu Feng nodded, indicating that it was good, and then said: "In that case, let's start!"

"Remember, where you are now is due south, and the entrance is due north of you!"

Mu Feng started his verbal command, and now he has entered a battle where one person uses his head and one person moves his feet, Mu Feng suddenly said.

"Attention! From now on, remember the position of the floor tile under your feet, use it as the starting point, and set it as A. The coordinate position of this point A in the entire stone room is the thirty-seventh row of the horizontal y-axis!"

"The one hundred and seventy-sixth row of the vertical X axis can be recorded as X176, Y37!"

"From now on, turn left and take fifteen equal steps forward! Then turn right!"

Yi Zichen got the order, and under Mu Feng's command, he took his first step, and everyone's heart immediately dropped with Yi Zichen's right foot.

Immediately when Yi Zichen's left foot took the second step, his heart repeated the above process again, lifting it up to putting it down.

It seems that Yi Zichen is not walking on a road that is not actually dangerous, but a road full of landmines, and this path full of landmines also involves everyone's lives.

This is a game where everyone will die if Yi Zichen dies.

"Go straight forward thirty-five steps! Turn right!"

Mu Feng's commanding voice continued, and Yi Zichen's footwork continued to move, and everyone gradually admired the seamless cooperation between the two.

Mu Feng's command could not be wrong, and Yi Zichen's movement could not be wrong either, but everyone found that Mu Feng's voice was calm, and the time interval between each command and the next command was almost the same.

It proved that when he took a step, he already had a completely clear plan in his mind for the next few steps.

When looking at Yi Zichen, he was equally surprised to find that the distance between each step of Yi Zichen was exactly the same.

Even if the machine is used for accurate measurement, the estimated error will not be within 1 cm, and it is still in the case of walking nearly [-] steps.

It shows that the perfect cooperation between the two has reached an astonishing level!

"You must be right! You must find an exit!" Ning Wuming whispered that he cheered, he clenched his fists and stared at Yi Zichen's footsteps.

His expression was even more nervous than watching a World Cup final. After all, he didn't want to stay in this strange space all his life, and in fact, his whole life was a false proposition.

Because as long as they have been trapped for ten days and a half and have nothing to eat and no water to enter, then they will all starve to death in it in just one month instead of a lifetime.

Cultivators above the Loose Immortal level are basically considered to have cut off the grains of the world, and the cultivators of the upper-level Nascent Soul stage actually still need to eat, not as the outside world advertises, they have cut off the grains!

And even if you take other people as rations and eat it into your own stomach, it can last for up to four months, and eventually you will starve to death in this chaotic world.

And even if it is to the point of eating people, it is estimated that Ning Wuming will be the first to be eaten. With his strength in the crowd, how could he still eat others?

"So please! No matter what, we must succeed!" Ning Wuming actually closed his eyes, put his hands together, and prayed to the various gods in his heart.

Sometimes Mu Feng actually told Yi Zichen to walk more on purpose, or to take a few steps in other directions, but it wasn't to deliberately rectify Yi Zichen.

Mu Feng would not have this interest in normal times, let alone at this time.

What Mu Feng did was actually secretly testing his mastery and familiarity with this space, whether it was really as he reasoned that this blue space completely overlapped with the original stone room, and it was like a space in space. The blue world is nothing but a false barrier.

Mu Feng found that his guess should be correct, because he was using the "Ten Thousand Mile Tracking" skill to detect, so the information fed back to his brain was very accurate.

Gradually, Mu Feng knew that he was approaching the final destination, and this time, Mu Feng did not let Yi Zichen go any more wrong ways.Because time has come to the end of the drama, can it be hesitant when it comes to the end?

Because by this time, the experiment was actually over, and Mu Feng opened his mouth and showed Yi Zichen the closest way to the exit he had detected.

Success or failure, it depends on this time!

Chapter 930 The test of human nature

"Xiao Ning! Don't beg your gods and Buddhas!"

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