Ning Wuming almost felt that he was about to enter a state of cardiac arrest. He clasped his hands together and muttered words in his mouth. Hundreds of immortals had begged all over the place, just asking them to bless Yi Zichen to find his way back to Earth.

He tried to gather all the energy in his body, his lips were white due to excessive force, and his whole body was shaking.

Until the left shoulder was patted.

Ning Wuming felt that he broke out in a cold sweat and almost flew out of the sky.

"Who? Who's calling me?"

In a trance, I finally saw Lu Yuanyi looking at his face, and then he came back to his senses and asked, "Why did you wake me up suddenly, didn't you see that I was doing gong? Sincerity is spiritual, I must achieve A state of sincerity!"

Lu Yuanyi said disdainfully: "It's useless, it's useless to ask for any gods and Buddhas, see if you don't!"

"What did you see?" Ning Wuming followed Lu Yuanyi's finger and looked, only to see that Yi Zichen stopped at one point and did not leave, her back was still dotted with stars.

What a beautiful picture of the night sky, unfortunately, this is a world that cannot go out. If he could, Ning Wuming would definitely remember it.

"You idiot, didn't you hear what Mu Feng said, this is the last step, which means that Yi Zichen will step out in the next step. If her person disappears, it will prove that there is indeed an exit, and her person has already left!"

Lu Yuanyi reminded.

"Disappear? What if her people don't disappear?" Ning Wuming asked.

It turns out that a person will lose his IQ when he is under high tension. For example, Ning Wuming is in such a situation now.

But for the sake of being his friend after all, Lu Yuanyi couldn't say anything, so he sighed and explained to the idiot, "If Yi Zichen is taking this last step, her people will only be It really took a step forward—"

"And if it doesn't disappear, or if any abnormality is found, then it proves that there is no such thing as an exit!"

"And the possibility that we want to get out of this space-like ghost place is getting smaller and smaller and slimmer!"

Ning Wuming suddenly fought a cold war, and his mind suddenly fell into a blank space.

"Don't hesitate! Remember to step out at the same distance as you just walked. While stepping out, touch the surroundings with your left hand to see if there is a wall."

"Take out any thing on your body with your right hand and drop it at that point! Use it as a mark! If you can really get out! Then we just need to step out at the point of the mark!"

Mu Feng made his final instructions, and there were no more technical instructions to follow. Yi Zichen had already reached the last step in the plan.

If there is really an invisible entrance in front of Yi Zichen, then she can naturally go out from this space!

On the other hand, if she still appears at the next step and there is no abnormality, then it proves that Mu Feng's idea has failed!

Everyone's last hope was suppressed in this last step of Yi Zichen.

When Yi Zichen was about to take the first step, she took a deep breath, until the last step, she also took a deep breath, she first took off her hair band, and a black hair appeared. in front of everyone.

Yi Zichen put his hairband on the ground as a mark.

She lifted her left foot out and was about to take the last step, Ning Wuming even closed his eyes, not daring to watch this last scene.

"Let's go!" Mu Feng shouted loudly, there is no point in dragging it on, success or failure is only a matter of a moment.


Suddenly, a green light appeared in front of Yi Zichen. It turned out to be Xie Jun, but he personally pinched the left foot of Yi Zichen that was about to step out with his own hand.

Then he put Yi Zichen's left foot back to its original place. Due to the great strength of Xie Jun's hand, Yi Zichen couldn't help being held down by his own foot and put it back in place.

Everyone was instantly furious, Fang Yongshou roared: "Xie Jun, what do you mean?"

Yi Zichen didn't dare to move half a step, but Ning Wuming had already flown in front of the two of them!

"What are you doing?" Ning Wuming asked.

"Could it be that Miss Chengmei has finally found out where the exit is. You are about to come out and grab the credit. Do you want to leave first?"

Ning Wuming did not wait for Xie Jun to answer, and asked first.

Everyone agreed with Ning Wuming, and they all condemned Xie Junlai.

I didn't think about Xie Jun, but suddenly burst into laughter: "If it's really an exit, since you don't panic, I, Xie Jun, naturally won't say to take the first step!"

"Besides, what will happen after this step? Is it a blessing or a curse? Who among you can be [-]% sure?"

"So I have this woman to replace me as the guinea pig in this experiment. I'm so happy that it's too late. How can I stop her for these few seconds?"

Seeing Xie Jun's rhetoric, everyone didn't understand what he was going to do. Since you didn't object, why did you come out to stop him.

Xie Jun then said: "If there really is an exit here, if this woman can really get out! Then I'm afraid we won't be able to get out!"

"What do you mean by that?" Everyone was puzzled again.

Why can't they go out if Yi Zichen can go out? Isn't this a big joke?

"So I said that you people are ants and you still don't believe it. One or two is too naive. Why am I afraid that we won't be able to get out after she really goes out?"

Xie Jun smiled and said: "Everyone thinks, if Yi Zichen is really allowed to go out, who can guarantee that she will not close or block this exit immediately, as long as she closes this exit!"

"The few of us who are inside will really not be able to live forever! Why, because the Dragon Blade and Holy Sword may be outside, she only needs to turn around and close the exit the moment she goes out."

"Then isn't the dragon blade holy sword outside her possession of Yi Zichen alone?"

Xie Jun knocked on his forehead and said angrily: "So I advise you SBs to consider the sinister and complex human heart before doing things!"

"Are we all going to put our lives on this woman's body and on her conscience?!"

After Xie Jun finished speaking, everyone who was still excited suddenly froze, the air was a little condensed, and everyone wanted to speak, but they found that they couldn't say it anymore.

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