Everyone finally understands Jun's worries, which is exactly what he said.

——Who can guarantee that Yi Zichen will not turn around and immediately close the exit after going out, so that everyone can be trapped inside.

And she swallowed the dragon blade holy sword and the endless treasure by herself, because most of the people who were fighting outside were not Yi Zichen's opponents. In this way, she could get the dragon blade holy sword and the treasure by herself.

In the face of such huge interests, who can guarantee that Yi Zichen will not change his mind, it is impossible for people to remain unmoved in the face of desires!

After Xie Jun's reminder, everyone looked at me and I looked at you. Although they didn't say anything, they all felt a little bit of fear in their hearts.

Everyone has obviously accepted Xie Jun's remarks, and their skeptical eyes unconsciously focused on Yi Zichen, the only woman in the audience!

Chapter 931

Under the endless starry sky, in a different world full of dreamy blue.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Yi Zichen's body. Yi Zichen was stabbed in the back in an instant, and she looked at Xie Jun, the initiator, angrily.

Xie Jun also smiled and said softly: "This is all the big guy's idea, you don't need to stare at me!"

Yi Zichen didn't even dare to move half a step, as if the whole person was stuck in place, but there was no magic sticking to her body.

But at this moment, Yi Zichen felt that his heart was bound.

"Does it mean that everyone doesn't believe me?" Yi Zichen turned around, and there was a rare expression of grief and anger in her eyes. It seemed that Yi Zichen could say these words. It's been a long psychological struggle.

Although everyone was slightly touched by Yi Zichen's sad and angry face.

But then thinking of Xie Jun's words, it is entirely possible, not unreasonable.

"Sister Chengmei, of course it's not that we don't believe you, but I think it's better for you to find a way to make us all feel at ease!"

Lu Yuanyi originally wanted to explain a few more words, but halfway through the words, he felt it was useless, so he simply said it directly.

"That's right! Let's just say it straight, everyone is just a character with their own masters, we don't need to have the word believing or not believing, so in case you go out as Xie Jun said, you will The door is closed!"

"Then aren't we locked in forever and can't get out?"

Fang Yongshou stood up directly at this time, and he picked his words more clearly. Anyway, the six of them were not friends, let alone relatives, so some so-called trust actually did not exist in his heart.

"In other words, now you have to find a credential or method that we can all trust, make sure you don't close the door after you go out, and make sure you don't do anything bad!"

Several other people also mumbled a few words, and when Fang Yongshou made it clear, they all shut up, and they all chose to shut up.

Not speaking means silence, and silence means acquiescence.

At this time, even a fool can see that everyone has the same idea and agrees with Fang Yongshou's words.

Mu Feng felt that he couldn't stand it, although he himself knew that there would be the doubts that Xie Jun said.

At the moment, he said to Xie Jun: "If you don't believe it, then please find a way. Who told you that this matter was brought up by you? Since you brought it up - you should find a way!"

Xie Jun, who was not far away, smiled. In fact, in the face of this situation of mutual suspicion and distrust, he had already prepared a method, and this method has been used once today, so he has to use it again now.

Yi Zichen seems to be pointed by thousands of people, and the pain in her heart can be imagined. In this case, she can't actually say a few words, if she can't find a way to make everyone trust it.

Then it's useless to say any of your own words, it is pale and powerless to everyone.

She thought about possible ways in her mind, but because of a moment of anger, she found that she seemed powerless and could not prove her innocence.

Because the current Yi Zichen's head is anger and anger, plus a little sense of powerlessness, can he still try to find any solution under such emotions?That is impossible!

So when Yi Zichen heard Mu Feng come out to rescue her and said such a sentence, she couldn't help but look up at Mu Feng, her eyes full of gratitude.

If Yi Zichen had a good impression of Mu Feng at first, then Mu Feng's words are now truly remembered in her heart.

Yi Zichen said to Xie Jun: "Follow the words of the leader of the alliance. You Xie Jun said it. What solution do you have?"

If this person doesn't come up with a solution, then he is deliberately provoking things. In short, Yi Zichen is very determined this time. If Xie Jun doesn't come up with a reasonable solution, then she can completely disobey it.

Besides, if it's a big deal, she won't do it, since everyone doesn't believe it.

Because Yi Zichen didn't refute any more, it proved that she had admitted everyone's doubts about her, which was already a huge concession for her.

Beyond that, no further concessions are possible.

Seeing what Mu Feng said, several people nodded in agreement. Ning Wuming felt that he probably hurt Yi Zichen's heart by not speaking just now.

"That's right, if you have any solution, take it out!"

Seeing the scolding of Yi Zichen one by one just now, and now taking the opportunity to turn the conversation to his side, Xie Jun couldn't help but feel amused at this group of people.

To put it bluntly, you still have the same distrust of Yi Zichen, and now you just want to take the opportunity to say a few more words to me, in order to lessen the guilt that you doubted your companions just now.

Xie Jun thought to himself: At this time, if I didn't have time to care about you because of something, otherwise, their faces with different appearances would definitely be torn off by themselves.

"Unfortunately, you are all wrong!"

——Xie Jun smiled and said: "Since I can say that, of course there must be a way!"

Xie Jun's solution was naturally the Soul Chasing Handcuffs. In fact, he had three pairs of this thing, and if he counted this one today, he would have used two pairs. There was no other way.

Everyone only saw Xie Jun take out a pair of handcuffs from his arms. Ning Wuming didn't know what it meant. He thought that these were not the handcuffs used by the police?Is this the way to solve Jun? I can't help asking.

"Hey, take a pair of handcuffs out for nothing! Could it be that you and Sister Yi Zichen are handcuffed together?! Now I'm trying to find a way to prevent Sister Yi Zichen from going out and not locking us in! Shackle her or who?"

Ning Wuming thought that Xie Jun would come up with something, when he saw him take out a pair of silver-white handcuffs with a smirk, Ning Wuming felt very speechless, where is this?

When is it, is this Xie Jun still in the mood to joke?

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