"Xiao Ning, you are wrong!"

Lu Yuanyi's face suddenly became extremely shocked, he patted Ning Wuming's shoulder, and motioned him to stop talking, because in this situation he should be embarrassed by Ning Wuming's ignorance.

"Because that thing is not the ordinary handcuffs used in the world to hunt down criminals, it is a relatively vicious magic weapon called Soul Chasing Handcuffs in our cultivation world!"

"It can lock the most important soul in the depths of the consciousness of the cultivator, so no matter how powerful your cultivation realm is, once you are locked by these soul-chasing handcuffs, you will never be able to escape, no matter if you abandon yourself. Corpse autopsy—"

"It is still impossible for the soul to enter the body of another person, so once the soul-chasing handcuffs are locked, without the original owner's personal release, there is no way in the universe to release them. It can be said that the soul-chasing handcuffs are self-cultivation. The most vicious soul contract in the world!"

After Fang Yongshou finished speaking, Ning Wuming shuddered, obviously frightened by such a vicious thing.

And Xie Jun in the distance naturally smiled disdainfully at everyone. It seems that now he does not feel the danger he is in, and he has never put them in his eyes.

Ning Wuming disliked this man's arrogant expression the most. Now that several of them have formed the same front as Mu Feng, isn't this guy afraid that everyone will kill him here first?

Chapter 932 Going in another direction

Ning Wuming seemed to feel that there was something wrong with the atmosphere, because he clearly saw Fang Yongshou shaking his head at him.

Lu Yuanyi rolled his eyes at him and didn't speak.

How is this going?Did you say something wrong and was looked down upon?Are you isolated?

At this time, his friend Lu Yuanyi couldn't stand it anymore, and came out to remind this kid that Lu Yuanyi didn't expect that Ning Wuming couldn't even tell the difference between ordinary handcuffs and soul-chasing handcuffs.

It seems that this guy is used to indulging in the family on weekdays, and he has just taken the position of the head of the family not long ago, so I am afraid that some common sense about the cultivation world is relatively lacking?

Lu Yuanyi took the trouble to explain: "The soul-chasing handcuffs are equivalent to a compulsory procedure in the contract that cultivators often use to sign contracts in the cultivation world!"

"Once any cultivator is handcuffed by Soul Chasing Handcuffs, unless he is automatically cleared by Party A after he completes the task of Party A, there is no way in the world to release the Soul Chasing Soul that has been handcuffed. Handcuffs!"

"And this is not the most troublesome, because this contract is equivalent to the contract between the employer and the servant. In fact, for Party A and Party B, Party B is the extremely unequal party in this contract!"

"Because as long as Party B does not complete the task, then the employer, that is, Party A, can tear up the contract at any time, that is to say, press the button on the red remote control, then the soul-chasing handcuffs will explode, which means that in the end, Party B will Ashes and ashes, together with the Primordial Spirit!"

Lu Yuanyi explained the function of the soul-chasing handcuffs to Ning Wuming.

A drop of cold sweat appeared on Ning Wuming's forehead, only then did he know that he had made a big embarrassment just now!

At this time, he can't wait to find a ground seam to get in, and hide it and never come out.

"Is that so? The situation came too fast! I didn't pay attention for a while!" Ning Wuming had to reply this sentence blankly, after all, there is really no place to be found in this ghostly place like space sew.

Xie Jun showed the soul-chasing handcuffs in front of Yi Zichen's eyes. He didn't say a word, but just said "Huh?", because no one was a fool, except for Ning Wuming at the beginning.

Xie Jun's meaning is self-evident, that is to say, as long as Yi Zichen wears these soul-chasing handcuffs, not only will he be relieved, but everyone will be relieved!

"That is to say, if Sister Yi Zichen goes out and dares to lock us in, then Xie Jun will press the button, and Sister Yi Zichen will be wiped out!"

Ning Wuming only now understood the horror of the soul-chasing handcuffs, he said: "In this way, of course, Sister Yi Zichen can't bet her life! Otherwise, even if she gets those treasures outside With the Dragon Blade Sacred Sword, but what's the use of a dead person!"

"That's basically what it means!" Of course, other people would not answer Ning Wuming's nonsense, only Lu Yuanyi had no choice, and reluctantly agreed with his friend.

"So, this is really a vicious tactic!" Ning Wuming continued to sigh to himself.

Yi Zichen looked at the soul-chasing handcuffs that Xie Jun showed her. This is indeed a powerful weapon that can directly dispel doubts for everyone.

Because from their point of view, it is impossible for them to take revenge on them for no reason, unless it is for the dragon blade holy sword and treasure.

But once he puts on this soul-chasing handcuffs, will he let himself die for the sake of the dragon blade, holy sword and treasure?

Because once you put on these soul-chasing handcuffs, it means that your life is in the hands of others!

Everyone was watching how Yi Zichen was going to answer.

But what can she do?Although everyone didn't say anything, they didn't force themselves to do this, but everyone knew that they didn't need to say it personally at this time. The general situation was such that she Yi Zichen had to do it.

"Bring it here!~" Yi Zichen finally agreed.

"Very good, in short, as long as you don't betray us when you go out, then after we come out, I will untie it for you!" Xie Jun said, and opened the Soul Chasing handcuffs and put them on Yi Zichen's wrist!

"In fact, the process is actually only a matter of a few minutes, you don't have to be afraid!" Xie Jun smiled.

Yi Zichen stretched out her hand, and she was voluntarily handcuffed to the soul-chasing handcuffs, just to dispel the suspicions of others!

It was finally time for Yi Zichen to take a step forward. Yi Zichen said to Xie Jun, "You can get out of the way! Stay away from me, and I will not be affected!"

Xie Jun was stunned for a moment, and had to leave obediently.

"Very well, I'll get out, then—please!"

Everyone returned to the tense atmosphere at the beginning. As long as Yi Zichen can go out, then they will also be able to go out. As long as they can go out from this ghost place, then everything is easy to say.

Now, their desires are no longer about money and the dragon blade and holy sword. At this time, their desires have been reduced to the point where they are thankful if they can go out.

I saw Yi Zichen raised his left foot again.

If this place really had a door, an invisible door that none of them could see, then she would be able to get out.

Yi Zichen stepped over with his feet. It was hard to imagine that a single step would make him feel dizzy and make everyone feel the heart stop for a moment.

If there is, then this is Yi Zichen's moment. She seems to have taken this step with difficulty on an iron rope, and below is the abyss.

In the cold wind, with everyone's expectations, can a miracle happen to her?

This is the answer everyone desperately needs to know.

Yi Zichen's entire body moved forward with the footwork he took out. Whether it was successful or not can be decided in less than 0.5 seconds.

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