Suddenly, everyone could clearly see that there seemed to be an abnormality in the small space beside Yi Zichen.

I saw that the air turned into water waves, and with the entry of Yi Zichen's body, that area was rippling like water waves by the invasion of Yi Zichen.

Immediately afterwards, the hearts of everyone raised their throats in an instant.

I only saw that the area around Yi Zichen was obviously cracked, because a black gap appeared in the blue chaos.

Immediately afterwards, a silver light emerged from the black gap, as if it was already ready to move, and it burst out at this moment!

Chapter 933 Sword Spirit ([-])

Everyone was stunned, and Yi Zichen was suddenly enveloped in that dazzling light.

Is this a success?Could it be that it smashed this blue different world, so everyone can go out next?Because a gap has already appeared, and such a light has emerged from the gap.

No one knows how Yi Zichen feels now.

Even Yi Zichen herself didn't know, she just felt that there was a second ray of light in the silver-white light, which seemed to have changed color, turned into golden, very dazzling, she couldn't help covering her own with both hands. Eye.

Avoid eye injury, because these two rays of light are too dazzling, and even Yi Zichen's strength may not be able to withstand it.

Then, a scene that shocked everyone even more appeared.

I saw a huge thing flying out of the two rays of light that erupted.

It just stayed in the light for about a few seconds, then got out of the light and flew out of the gap with a "swipe".

Flying into the air, everyone hurriedly raised their heads and looked at the abnormal object that flew out. It was the Dragon Blade Holy Sword!

"Isn't that the Dragon Blade Holy Sword?"

Ning Wuming exclaimed, the Dragon Blade Sacred Sword, which had disappeared, reappeared in this place, and it appeared in this way, which greatly exceeded everyone's expectations.

Immediately afterwards, a green light flew directly towards the Dragon Blade Sacred Sword. It was Xie Jun. He didn't have time to exclaim. He didn't know why the Dragon Blade Sacred Sword disappeared at first.

I don't even know how I came to this strange world.

However, at the moment when the Dragon Blade Sacred Sword reappeared, just as Ning Wuming's exclamation sounded, Xie Jun's movements were extremely fast, and he had already flown towards the Dragon Blade Sacred Sword.

Mu Feng was startled, this guy could react so quickly, and under such circumstances, Mu Feng followed with his heels.

Xie Jun's hand grabbed the hilt of the Dragon Blade Sacred Sword. This time, he would not let anyone hold this peerless weapon from his own hands.

Suddenly, a golden light burst out from the hilt of the Dragon Blade Sacred Sword, and Xie Jun's hand holding the Dragon Blade Sacred Sword felt like an electric shock for a moment. By the time Xie Jun's conditioned reflex retracted his hand, it was too late.


——Xie Jun let out a scream, and saw that most of his hands were scorched, all of them were black and red rotten flesh, and the whole palm of his hand had almost been burned away!

Xie Jun's whole person immediately fell straight from the air.

Mu Feng, who was following behind him, was obviously startled. In fact, Mu Feng was only one step slower than this guy, but Xie Jun exited even faster.

Mu Feng clearly saw that his hand had been burnt to pieces, and then the whole person was bounced out, and the dropped body floated over Mu Feng's head like a black line.

If Mu Feng deviates slightly from his flight path, he might have been hit by the body of the fallen goose.

Can't take the Dragon Blade Sacred Sword now? !

Seeing Xie Jun's tragic state, Mu Feng flew towards the Dragon Blade Sacred Sword and stopped in mid-air for a while. He looked at Xie Jun who had already fallen, and then raised his head to look at the Dragon Blade Sacred Sword in front of him.

What the hell is going on here, it seems that Brother Longren is going to go crazy?

Mu Feng felt that since he had Xie Jun's lessons, he had better stop now, otherwise it would be no different from Xie Jun's fate.

Therefore, everything is not the first to rush out to win, it is better to wait until you see the situation clearly before making a move, such as the current Mu Feng, fortunately he is a step late, otherwise he will suffer!

Mu Feng decided to go back and talk about it temporarily after a period of inner choice.

He slowly fell from mid-air to the ground, but Xie Jun on the other side didn't feel so well, his whole palm was burnt into braised pig's trotters.

If you get closer to him, you can also ask about the smell of meat.

Xie Jun stood up reluctantly, and saw that he immediately took out a bottle of burn medicine from his storage ring, and smeared the plaster on the palm of the red pig's trotter.

"Ah! Damn!"

——Soon, there was a scream of understanding Jun again.

It happened very fast, Ning Wuming exclaimed, only Xie Jun was seen flying out first, followed by Mu Feng, but the next second Xie Jun was ejected, Mu Feng stopped. In the air!

Everyone turned around, and with a "bang", poor Xie Jun had already landed on the ground.

Xie Jun bandaged his palm. It seems that his strength will be greatly reduced today, because the palm of his hand is burnt to look like this. If it is an ordinary person, he would have been in pain, but he still can't use his right hand. Otherwise, , this hand may be abolished today.

The others who wanted to fly into the air to grab the Dragon Blade and the Holy Sword immediately stopped the car in the same way.

Yi Zichen was not able to go out, but stepped on a gap, and out of the luminous gap, the Dragon Blade Sacred Sword popped out and floated in the air.

It turned into an armpit, and the situation suddenly developed in another direction.

I saw Mu Feng, who had just fallen to the ground, Xie Jun, who had bandaged his wounds, and others who were about to rush into the air without waiting for everyone to think about it again.

Everyone involuntarily raised their heads and looked into the air.

Because the Dragon Blade Sacred Sword that flew into the air, beside it, a row of golden words appeared out of thin air!

As if it was entered from the keyboard, each word appeared in the air, and appeared on the top of the Dragon Blade Sacred Sword.

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