City: Super Nanny System

Chapter 103: Calling ‘Mom’ In A Hurry [Fourth Update]

In the evening, Bao Da temporarily stayed in the guest room on the second floor.

Xu Jiao went to the store early tomorrow morning, and then she thought of a question.

We have to rent a house for Bao Da. We can't let people come over. There won't be anywhere to live.

Go online and check out the listings immediately. There are still many houses for rent near the store.

The next day, Li Chen woke up and found out.

The breakfast bag has been prepared and he and Xu Jiao are having breakfast.

There are too many things going on today, otherwise Xu Jiao wouldn't have gotten up so early.

She was lying on the dining table, drinking milk with a straw in her mouth, drowsy, and her eyes were green.

After Bao Da finished breakfast and packed his things, he said goodbye to Li Chen.

Now, Su Mo'er's car is temporarily driven by Xu Jiao.

After things are settled over there, I will rent a house so I don't have to run around every day.

It takes more than an hour to go back and forth, which is too tiring.

Su Mo'er has class today, and she actually wants to go and see it.

I can only wait until it opens.

Today, it is still an ordinary day to take care of the babies.

Su Moer only came back at night, so he could make do with it alone.

Just make complementary food for your baby.

The task of looking after the baby for the time being is left to Xiao Huang.

After being busy for most of the day, Li Chen waited for the babies and planned to use the 'sleeping' skill to also take a nap.

But Su Mo'er came back.

It was still sent back by Teacher Huo.

"She had a cold and was a little dizzy. She ate at school and just came back."

"I was worried that something might happen to her while riding alone, so I sent her back."

Li Chen took a look and saw Su Moer sitting crookedly in the passenger seat, listless.

Li Chen picked him up and took the elevator to the third floor.

"Teacher Huo, you have the rash first."

"Don't worry about me, you can take care of Teacher Su first."

When Li Chen went upstairs, Teacher Huo couldn't help but start looking at the furnishings and decoration of the villa.

Really, she was almost possessed by lemon juice.

From the old community, to Chunjiang Garden, to the current villa...

This is what people call a husband!

The key is that even though his family is so rich, Teacher Su still works so hard.

How can they be embarrassed?

Li Chen put Su Mo'er on the bed, frowning and worried, "Everything was fine when I went out in the morning, why did she get sick~"?

Su Mo'er smiled weakly at him.

"Don't worry hubby, I'll be fine tonight, let me sleep for a while."

Li Chen nodded, "You rest first, Teacher Huo is still downstairs, I will entertain her first.

Li Chen went downstairs and got a glass of water for Teacher Huo.

"Teacher Huo, thank you very much for today. Please stay for dinner tonight.

Teacher Huo wants to eat the food cooked by Li Chen no longer every day or two.

"No, I still have classes, maybe next time."


After seeing Teacher Huo off, Li Chen went upstairs to see Su Moer.

Su Moer fell into a drowsy sleep.


Even after calling several times, Su Mo'er didn't respond.

Li Chen activated Bian Que's acupuncture skills and gave Su Ronger two needles.

Suddenly, the dizzy Su Mo'er's mind returned to clarity, and she no longer felt top-heavy.

"Wife? How do you feel?"

Su Mo'er nodded, "Much better, but my body feels so tired...I can't feel energetic..."

"Then you have a good rest. I will get you some cold medicine later. You don't need to breastfeed today."


When Su Mo'er woke up, she felt almost healed.

After getting dressed and going downstairs, Li Chen was feeding the babies complementary food.

Xiao Huang comes over from time to time to eat snails.


"feel better now?"

"much better."

"There is porridge in the casserole and hot vegetables in the pot. You can eat it."

Su Mo'er felt that whatever she ate now was tasteless.

Li Chen finished taking care of the babies and brought the medicine.

"Take the medicine. If you still feel uncomfortable after a while, go to bed and lie down."


After taking the medicine, Su Moer looked at the longing eyes of the babies looking at her.

I don’t dare to go up and hug her for fear of passing the cold to the babies.

This time she stayed in the guest room on the second floor and moved back to the third floor when she was ready.

In the evening, Sanbao and Wubao, who had been drinking milk, started to get emotional.

Sanbao is simply hungry and wants to drink milk.

Wubao not only wants to drink milk, but also misses his mother.

However, these two children are not the kind who are good at venting their emotions and crying.

He looked aggrieved and couldn't stop crying.

Especially Wubao, his face turned purple from crying, and Li Chen was so frightened that he hurried to find Su Moer.

Su Mo'er wore a mask, took Wubao over and coaxed her softly.

"Good baby, don't cry, mommy is here, mommy is here..."

Sure enough, Wubao gradually stopped crying, and Su Ronger was pregnant with the king.

Wubao is very well-behaved and can make do without breast milk and drinking milk powder.

But what to do with the Three Treasures?

When he heard Su Mo'er's voice, he cried sadly.

Su Moer anxiously came over to comfort Sanbao.

Sanbao kept burrowing into Su Moer's arms, crying and burrowing into her arms, feeling distressed and wanting to laugh at the same time.

`~Let me look at the time, there are still twenty minutes left, let me coax you..."

Li Chen brought Sambo over and used music to attract his attention.

Sure enough, Sanbao gradually stopped crying as he listened to the music.

The last time she went to vaccinate her baby, Su Moer prescribed some home medicine that could be taken during breastfeeding.

The baby can be fed again after 4-6 hours after the medicine takes effect.

There are still twenty minutes left, I believe Sambo can persevere.

Sanbao said that no matter how attractive the music was, he was still hungry.

Li Chen tried again for milk powder.

Sanbao turned his head and refused to take it, looking at Su Mo'er with tears in his eyes.

Su Mo'er had no choice but to hide while hugging the sleepy Wubao.

Sanbao leaned towards where she was hiding and signaled Li Chen to carry him (Qian Nuo's) over.

"Baby, wait a little longer, and mommy will be able to feed you soon..."

Seeing Sanbao crying so sadly, Li Chen also felt uncomfortable.

"Mommy mommy………."

The anxious Sambo actually called out ‘Mom’

The couple were stunned.

"It's time to breastfeed."

This sentence seemed like a rescue signal to Su Moer and Sanbao.

Su Mo'er felt distressed and took Sanbao from Li Chen's hands and breastfed the baby.

Finally, Sanbao drank the milk, crying and eating at the same time, not to mention how wronged he was.

On the other side, Wubao fell asleep after crying.

Her face changed color from crying, but she didn't sweat.

Sanbao was crying and was sweating profusely, and his back was covered with sweat.

While he was drinking milk, he wiped the sweat from his head.

Li Chen put another sweat towel on his back.

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