City: Super Nanny System

Chapter 104 Well Received [Fifth Update]

After Sanbao fell asleep contentedly, Su Moer began to feel worried.

"Sambo is so persistent, what will happen if we wean him off in the future?"

Li Chen took advantage of him to sleep and changed all the clothes he wanted from the inside out.

He comforted Su Mo'er, "Take your time and wait until Sanbao eats complementary food all day long, and then wean it off bit by bit.

Su Mo'er sighed, that was all she could do.

Three days later, it was the auspicious day in Xu Jiao's mouth.

Li Chen and Su Mo'er's family will definitely be present on this day.

On the first day, Li Chen ordered five pairs of flower baskets from the flower shop owner.

The next day, the couple packed up and set off at eight o'clock.

When I arrived at the store, there were not many people in the store.

Su Moer's heart skipped a beat, where are the guests??"

Xu Jiao smiled and said, "After you finish eating, go to work. Lunch is already prepared in the kitchen.

Li Chen explained to Su Moer.

Because most of the people who come to eat are workers, and they start work at six or seven in the morning.

So I have breakfast relatively early.

Besides, it's almost nine o'clock now, and everyone who needs to work has gone to work.

Su Mo'er slapped her forehead, "I just saw that there were no customers in the store, so I was confused for a moment."

This point cost Xu Jiao a lot of effort. She would be very sad if she lost money.

Seeing Xu Jiao smiling and in a good mood.

It looks like the business that's open is good.

In the kitchen, besides Bao Da, there are five waiters.

And Xu Jiao worked as a cashier 143.

"If you work as a cashier, you won't be able to sleep in later... Oh, by the way, have you found housing?"

Xu Jiao pointed to a building not far away.

"I was looking for a house in Bao Da yesterday and found out that there is a single apartment there. I plan to live there for a while.

"When this place gets on the right track and we make some money, I will find a cashier girl. 17

Xu Jiao is a spoiled child, and her dark circles have never gone away since she started decorating the shop.

But when she saw that the store was doing well, she was full of motivation.

"They said they will get off work at 12 o'clock. Sit down and go to the kitchen to see how the preparations are going."

"Go and do your business and leave us alone."

Li Chen settled Su Moer and the babies.

"Honey, let me go to the kitchen and have a look. Call me if you need anything."


For food safety, (aeaa) Xu Jiao also specially installed kitchen monitoring.

The monitoring screen is placed above the cashier.

It allows guests who come to dine to see the situation in the kitchen at a glance.

The kitchen is very well designed, and the drainage is very good, which can fully keep the kitchen clean.

These people were all transferred from Uncle Xu Hotel.

They work in an orderly manner and have a clear division of labor.

Xu Jiao saw Li Chen and said, "Mr. Li, if you are too busy for a while, you may be asked to take over for a while.

After all, on the first day of opening, many customers came to love the taste.

Xu Jiao has great confidence in Bao Da and Li Chen's cooking skills.

Don't worry, just wait for the workers to get off work.

"I'm going to the front desk."

Xu Jiao coughed lightly and stood at the front desk in anticipation.

Ahead, a group of workers came towards her, and her heart was trembling.

This is all business!


"Boss, give me set 2."

"Okay, set menu 2, right? Would you like some steamed vegetables? Our steamed vegetables here are very good."

"All right.

Guests came one after another, and the first floor was already full.

Xu Jiao quickly said, "Bosses, you can also sit on the second floor. If you don't have a seat, you can go to the second floor."

While everyone was waiting for the dishes, they started discussing.

“This store is well decorated, beautiful and high-end.”

"The prices here are also favorable, but I don't know how it tastes. I hope it won't be too unpleasant."

Xu Jiao not only works as a cashier, but also occasionally serves as a waiter.

Everyone was talking, and Xu Jiao sometimes had no idea what they were saying.

Li Chen moved Su Mo'er and the babies outside, where the cashier is located.

"Go to the kitchen and see if you can get busy. Leave the babies to me. They'll be fine."


Some customers have already started to order food.

Li Chen walked into the kitchen, put on a hat, work makeup, and a mask.

Bao Da was very busy and turned around to see Li Chen coming too.

"Mr. Li!"

Li Chen nodded and used the skill, and the dish's speed almost took off.

Bao Da was dumbfounded.

"Don't just look at it, get busy."

Just do this business for a while, but you can't lose customers.

Bao Da came back to his senses and got busy.

Customers who have tasted it are full of praise for the taste.

Xu Jiao pricked up her ears and listened.

“Delicious. This is the best braised fish I have ever eaten. It is tender and not too spicy.

"You can have the chicken I ordered today next time. The portion is enough for the two of us."

"It's delicious, I will eat here regularly from now on."

“It tastes delicious, I love it!!”

"I think there are a lot of dishes. We can eat in a variety of ways in the future, and it's not expensive."

Starting at 12 o'clock, I was busy until after 2 o'clock in the afternoon, when Li Chen had time to take a breath.

"Thank you for your hard work, thank you for your hard work!"

Xu Jiao moved the stool very naughtyly.

"Thanks to our Mr. Li being here today, otherwise I don't know how many customers we would have lost.

"The number of customers today is beyond my expectation. It seems we need two chefs in the store.

Now it's a bit difficult.

At first I thought one chef would be enough, but now I'm afraid I have to recruit another.

But manpower is needed these days.

Mr. Li also has to take care of the children.

I won't worry about this until night, but now I worry about the things in front of me.

"Forget it, let's put this aside for now. Just now, a worker asked me if I would have cold dishes, braised pork and beer in the evening.

"I took the money and felt happy, saying yes! What should I do now? Buy it somewhere else and sell it again?"

Bao Da frowned, "We can make it ready-made, which can save costs."

Xu Jiao thought the same way, "They get off work at six o'clock, but some of them get off work after dark, so we calculate it as six o'clock... There are still three hours left, is it too late?"

Bao Da nodded, "It's just in time. I'll buy the ingredients while boiling the brine. I'll boil it for an hour and marinate it for an hour. It'll be just in time."

Xu Jiao glanced at Li Chen and felt a little embarrassed to speak.

Li Chen's original intention of coming here today was to help.

Moreover, this store has a score of 64, so we can’t let Xu Jiao do everything by herself.

He stood up and said, "I'll boil the brine and you go and prepare the ingredients."

"Okay, I'll go buy it. You guys eat first."

Bao Da stood up and said, "Miss Xu, let me go. I understand the price."

"Okay, go and come back quickly, thank you for your hard work!"

"It's not hard."

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