City: Super Nanny System

Chapter 108 His Childish Side [Second Update]

He came to the classroom, there were still fifteen minutes before the exam time.

Use your mobile phone to open the surveillance video.

Su Mo'er was washing dishes in the kitchen, and the babies were playing in the activity area of ​​the living room.

Xiao Huang dutifully put on his white gloves and climbed on the coffee table, looking at a human cub.

The interaction between the babies is also very interesting.

Sambo is playing with a small red dinosaur in his hand.

The four treasures beside him snatched it away, and the next second the second treasure snatched it away.

In a blink of an eye, Dabao rolled over and snatched it from Erbao's hand.

Erbao doesn't want to give it to her. She has a loud voice but not much strength.

Dabao easily snatched it away from Erbao.

Er Bao wanted to snatch it back, but Dabao handed it to Wu Bao and ran away again.

The five treasures were thrown to the three treasures...

Sanbao is a little confused...

Jingle bell, the school bell is ringing.

An expressionless middle-aged man walked in and said, "Put away your cell phones!"

Scanning the whole room, he said, "If I find out that any of you do not answer the questions in a disciplined manner, you will all fail the exam."

The exam questions were not difficult for Li Chen.

After checking again, there were no problems and the exam ended early.

Feeling the looks from other candidates, Li Chen walked out of the classroom with a watery face.

The first exam in the afternoon was at two o'clock, so Li Chen decided not to go home and have a meal outside.

"Li Chen, it's been a long time since I saw you come to our place to eat noodles.

"Well, I've been busy recently and took a break from school for a long time."

There is a small noodle shop not far from the school. It tastes good and the business is very good.

Li Chen ordered a bowl of beef noodles and started eating.

Because I used to eat here often and would also deliver their noodles when delivering takeout, I have a good relationship with the boss.

The boss had some time to chat with Li Chen.

"I haven't seen you for a few months, and you are more handsome and taller than before!"

Li Chen asked, "Is there any? Not found."

"I don't remember you being this tall before."

The boss came over and said, "Tell uncle, what did you eat that made it grow so fast? I'll make some for my son later~々."

The boss's son goes to the same school as Li Chen. He is good-looking but short in height.

"I didn't eat much."

The boss left a little disappointed, but suddenly thought of something, "Are you married?"


The boss was so envious, "It's great to be married!"

"My son doesn't even have a girlfriend, let alone getting married. I'm so worried.

The boss is very talkative, whether you listen to him or not, he just talks about himself.

After eating the noodles, the afternoon exam began.

At around five o'clock, Li Chen arrived home.

"I'm back!"

"Ah, it's indirect!"

Even from such a distance, Li Chen could hear the babies laughing happily.

Taking off his coat, Li Chen rubbed his cold hands and walked to the children's activities.

The babies are now sitting on soft cushions.

Seeing Li Chen's figure appear, each one of them pouted their little peepers and welcomed their father.

Dabao even made a sound similar to 'Dad'.

The first thing Li Chen did when he came over was not to hold any baby.

Instead, he hugs his big baby——his wife!

"Thank you for your hard work, wife! How are you today?"

In the morning, Li Chen made Su Mo'er's lunch and complementary food for the babies.

Su Mo'er didn't do anything but take care of the baby at the end of the day.

She felt tired and felt even more sorry for Li Chen.

"We had a good day, the babies miss you very much!"

Su Moer told Li Chen an interesting story about the Three Treasures.

Sanbao let Su Moer hold him, then leaned forward and motioned to go to the kitchen.

Su Moer didn't know what Sanbao was going to do at first.

It wasn't until Sanbao said she wanted to go to the third floor that she understood.

It turns out that Sambo is looking for his father!

Erbao and other babies would look around while playing.

Even if Su Mo'er is here, they will be looking for something.

Li Chen felt warm in his heart after listening to Su Mo'er's story.

I didn't expect Sanbao to be so smart and miss him so much.

Normally he doesn't pay attention to anyone.

Li Chen sat in. The babies wanted to go over and started crawling.

Si Bao thought it was a game, fell forward, and crawled towards Li Chen.

The imitation ability of children is beyond the imagination of adults.

The four babies are the most naughty, but they can also motivate other babies the most.

The first person to react was Sanbao, who was very handsome and fearful but had no expression on his face.

Then there are the second treasure, the fifth treasure, the big treasure...

Li Chen moved back and spread his arms, "Come, come to daddy..."

Su Mo'er was cheering and encouraging.

"Come on baby, come on baby!"

Si Bao is very active and was a little uncomfortable crawling at first.

Gradually I mastered the trick, climbed quickly, and smiled happily.

Sambo, who was the second to climb up, gave up after climbing for a while and lay down unwilling to move.

Following closely behind the Four Treasures is a minister who is busy with his work.

Erbao is no less generous, but her attention is easily distracted by the toys around her.

Wubao couldn't keep up and climbed very slowly...

Finally, Si Bao and Dabao arrived in Li Chen's arms.

"`~The baby is awesome, come and reward each with a kiss!"

When Erbao saw that she was playing with a toy, she lost her toy and hurriedly crawled over.

"The second treasure is good, good! Kiss!"

Wubao is slow, but still perseveres...

Sambo, he started playing with toys while lying down.

Li Chen came over and hugged him, "Son, you are such a lazy little boy!"

Sanbao faced him and smiled at him.

Li Chen's heart suddenly softened, "I'll also give you a kiss as a reward!"

After the welcome party, Li Chen went to the kitchen to cook.

Su Mo'er said loudly, "Hubby, the babies are looking for you again."

Li Chen took advantage of the cooking time and ran over.

Sure enough, he saw the babies looking at him eagerly.

"Dad is cooking and will come to play with you later."

Da da da, ran away again.

The babies thought this was excellent, tilting their heads and looking in the direction of the kitchen.

Su Mo'er thought they were all so cute.


Li Chen ran over again, "Oh, daddy is here!"

He turned around and went to the kitchen again, "Oh, daddy is gone again."

After serving the food, Li Chen ran over and said, "Dad is here again.

He went to the kitchen again, "Dad is gone again."

Make the babies giggle.

Even Sanbao has a smile on his lips.

Finally, when the soup was ready, Li Chen came over and said, "Dad, come and tell mom to eat."

Su Mo'er also followed his example and went to the kitchen.

"Oh, mommy is leaving too this time."

She came over with dishes and chopsticks, "Haha, mom is here again.

There is a distance of two meters between the restaurant and the baby's activity area.

They can look forward to their parents eating and want to play.

Li Chen shook his head, "No more fun, daddy wants to eat, I'm so hungry!"

He also touched his stomach to show that he was hungry and begging. .

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