City: Super Nanny System

Chapter 136 Su’S Father And Su’S Mother Arrive

Su Mo'er didn't stay up all night after being with Li Chen.

After staying up all night, my body is really overwhelmed.

Li Chen asked her to go to bed quickly after eating.

When Su Mo'er went upstairs, Li Chen talked about Li Xiaojuan's proposal.

After hearing this, Li's mother couldn't help but sneer.

"She is as enthusiastic as anything when it is profitable for her.

"It's not good for her beauty. She doesn't want to pay any attention to you at all."

"Don't mind her own family affairs. Every family has its own scriptures that are difficult to memorize. Mind our own."

Li's mother asked in a low voice, "Li Chen, tell mom, how much did it cost to go to the KTV?"

Li Chen smiled and said, "Several thousand yuan."

Li's mother nodded and timidly said, "Go to sleep."

After Li Chen went upstairs, he found that Su Mo'er had fallen asleep, and he lay down too.

Activate the 'Steal "440" sleep' skill.

Mother Su had to make breakfast and clean up the house, and she wanted to make a date more and more.

Go to the bedroom and wake up Li Zhiming, "Get up, sleep wherever you want, as if you were the one taking care of your grandson last night."

Li Zhiming rolled over and said, "What are you doing? Let me sleep for a while."

Li's mother lifted the quilt and said, "Get up quickly and clean up the house. We will go to the airport to pick up my parents at noon."

Li Zhiming woke up with a start, "What the hell? Picking up the in-laws? Are they coming?"

Li's mother nodded, "It was my son and the others who called. Anyway, there is a place to sleep at home, and there are many people and it is lively."

Li Zhiming scratched his hair and said, "I'll get up."

"Then eat quickly. After breakfast, I will clean the house inside and outside with me.

"How to sleep?"

"When Xiaoyuan wakes up, let's see if she is willing to sleep in the small study room on the first floor. If she is willing, this room will be reserved for the in-laws."

Li Zhiming cheered up. After breakfast, the couple cleaned up and chatted.

Li Yuan clicked downstairs.

Li's mother discussed the importance of dumplings with him while he was eating.

Li Yuan was very willing to sleep in the small study, "No problem."

Li's mother smiled and said, "We have met your sister-in-law's parents before, and they are very nice people. They have also asked about you many times.

"My sister-in-law is a good person, and her parents should get along well with her."

Mother Li rubbed the top of his hair lovingly, "Then I'll wrong you first."

Li Yuan shook his head, "I don't feel aggrieved. I quite like the atmosphere of having many family members during the New Year and the holidays. It feels like the Chinese New Year."

Li's mother smiled and said,

After cleaning up, Li Zhiming went to take a shower and clean up himself.

Li's mother takes care of the babies at home.

Li Yuan liked his brother's quintuplets very much and teased them patiently.

When Li Chen woke up, his face didn't look like he had stayed up all night at all.

The whole person is full of energy.

"Where's Dad?"

"We're going to the airport, you look after the babies, I'm going to buy groceries and cook."

Li Chen smiled and said, "I'll go.

Li Yuan laughed and said, "Mom, just let me cook. What you cook is not as delicious as his."

Li's mother said coquettishly, "Even if what I cook doesn't taste good, I still want to eat it if I make it!"

Li Chen didn't see the babies all night.

The babies missed him very much when they saw him.

Especially Wubao, who was hanging on Li Chen's chest with tears and unwilling to let go.

The second baby also wants to be hugged by Li Chen, and daddy can shout out in a decent manner.

"Let's go to the supermarket together!"

"Looking at this situation, they don't want you to leave. Come on, go out and get some air."

The three of them pushed the stroller out of the community.

Returning to this home again, Li's mother felt like she was in another world.

The supermarket is huge.

In the middle of the journey, Li Zhiming called Su's mother, and she was already picked up at the airport.

Mother Su was anxious.

"Oh, hurry up. The plane has arrived early and everyone has been picked up. Our lunch isn't ready yet."

Li Chen smiled and said, "Don't worry, Mom, just buy another fish."

The fish body is braised and the fish head is cooked in soup, which even babies can drink.

The three of them returned home with a full load and went to the community when Su Moer called.

Asked where everyone in the family had gone.

When I woke up, they were all gone, and I felt a little panicked.

Li Chen found it funny, "We have arrived at the community, please come out and pick us up."

Su Mo'er clicked downstairs and moved the babies home.

As soon as Li Chen got home, he went to the kitchen.

Li's mother came over to help.

"Mom, no need, they will be here soon, you can just go and entertain people."

Li Yuan came over, "Brother, I'll peel some garlic for you, how much do you want?"

Li Chen glanced at Li Yuan...

After being separated for half a year this time, I feel like my brother has grown up a lot.

"Peel more."

Li Yuan asked while taking action.

"Brother, where did you learn your cooking skills?"

"I used to deliver food, and I learned it after seeing it too much."

"Awesome! I heard that people who deliver food are very secretive. Is it true?"

"There are rumors on the Internet that the people I meet are ordinary people who are just trying to make a living."

The two brothers were chatting in the kitchen.

Li Yuan was silent for a while and said, "Brother, can I borrow some money from you?"

"How many?"

"Five, five thousand, maybe."


Li Chen's straightforwardness surprised Li Yuan.

"Brother, what are you going to do if you don't ask me?"

"You are already a young adult. I believe you have your own considerations in everything you do."

They are all in their third year of high school. Although I care about them, I can't take care of them too much.

It is easy to cause unnecessary resentment.

Li Yuan smiled, "I went to the amusement park with a few classmates to play. I'll treat you."

Li Chen nodded, "Making friends is a good thing, but these friends must be true friends.

"I understand brother."

Li Zhiming helped drag the suitcase.

Su's mother and Su's father looked at the quiet environment of the community and expressed that they liked it very much.

Mother Su smiled and said, "We won't disturb you."

Father Su smiled and said 3.1, "The decision was made suddenly and I didn't even say hello to you.

Li Zhiming deliberately kept a straight face, "How could it be? We are eager for you to come to our place for a reunion, it will be lively."

Seeing that Li Zhiming spoke from the bottom of his heart, the couple heaved a sigh of relief.

As soon as he entered the house, Li Zhiming said loudly, "We are back."

"Here are the slippers for you. They are all new and never worn.

Su's father and Su's mother changed their shoes, and Su Mo'er ran over.

"Mom, Dad, you are here!"

Su Mo'er came up and hugged Su's mother like a child, her eyes slightly red.

Every festive season, we miss our loved ones even more.

Feeling the festive atmosphere, Su Moer missed her parents even more.

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