City: Super Nanny System

Chapter 137 Li Yuan Got Rich By Receiving Red Envelopes [1St Update]

Father Su looked at his daughter and felt that he felt sorry for this girl in vain.

I even called them and thought about them.

"In-laws, your room is on the second floor. I will take you there."

One look at the room showed that it had been carefully tidied up, and the couple was very satisfied.

I packed up and went downstairs. Dinner was already served.

Li Zhiming was pouring medicinal wine, Li's mother was arranging the dishes, and Li Chen was busy in the kitchen.

Su Mo'er and Li Yuan fed the babies complementary food.

Su's father sat down and said, "Brother, your little son is so handsome!"

"His name is Li Yuan, you can just call him Xiao Yuan. This child is in the third year of high school. He has good academic performance and is obedient. He doesn't let us parents worry about him."

"Come on, in-laws, this is the medicinal wine that I have been brewing for five years. Come and have a taste."

Li Zhiming served Su's father a glass of medicinal wine and gave him a look that only a man could understand.

Su's father took a small sip and said, "It's strong enough!"

Mother Su sat over and said, "You must be Xiao Yuan, you are so handsome!"

Everyone praised him for being handsome, which made Xiao Yuan feel quite embarrassed.

04 Mother Su added, "Wubao chooses someone. If she likes you, it means you are an easy person to get along with."

Li Yuan was even more embarrassed. The baby just finished eating and hurried to the kitchen.

Su Mo'er smiled and said, "Mom, I am thin-skinned."

Mother Su looked innocent, "What did I say? I didn't say anything."

After Su Mo'er fed the last mouthful, she went to fetch water to wash the babies' faces.

By the time everyone is at the table, the babies' little hands and faces have been washed.

Place them in the activity area of ​​the living room.

Li Yuan took the initiative to take on the task of looking after the babies.

Li's mother laughed and said, "I originally made it, but my two sons said that my cooking was not delicious."

Li Zhiming broke the news, "You don't cook well in the first place. You can eat one dish for several days.

Li's mother glared at him and said, "Drink your wine, you have no right to interrupt a woman's words.

Li Zhiming shrugged and said he didn't care about her.

This isn't the first time we've met.

Everyone is familiar with each other and the atmosphere at the dinner table is harmonious.

Su’s mother laughed and said, “This year during the Chinese New Year, we plan to go to Sanya or go abroad for a few days.

"But when we go to play, it doesn't feel like celebrating the New Year! Mo'er called us and came without any hesitation.

"I feel sorry for bothering you.

Li's mother suddenly had a straight face, pretending to be angry.

"It doesn't matter what you say, we are all a family, and we will spend every Chinese New Year together from now on!"

Li Zhiming nodded, "Yes, let's spend it together!"

Su's father thought this was a good idea, "How about going to our place next year to celebrate the New Year? I'll host you."

Mother Su smiled and said, "Whether you agree or not, it's decided."

Li Chen picks up food for Su Ronger.

Su Mo'er saw that her parents were with her, and both families were together during the Chinese New Year this year.

Reunion in the true sense of the word.


After lunch, we sat together and chatted for a while.

Su's father and Su's mother went to bed.

Li Chen went to take care of the babies for their nap.

Once babies reach six months, they grow very quickly.

Climbing is now stress-free for them.

Dabao can even stand on an adult's lap for half a minute.

The worst belongs to Sambo.

Don't even mention standing, they won't even lift your legs for you.

Li Chen changed the babies' diapers and turned on the air conditioner.

In less than half an hour, all the babies except the four babies were asleep.

In the past, Li Chen would still struggle with this matter, but now he lets it take its course.

Maybe Si Bao’s biological clock is different from other babies.

He carried her downstairs.

Su Mo'er and Li's mother were putting up window grilles.

Li Zhiming and Li Yuan were posting couplets and hanging lanterns at the door.

Later, Li's mother took out something from her pocket.

There are a few bunches of red peppers inside, which heralds a prosperous new year.

There are also colored lights, knotted ropes, etc.

"These things. You can decorate them as you like."

"I'm going to put the flowers I bought today."

I can feel Li’s mother’s expectation and happiness for this New Year.

Li Chen handed the four treasures to Su Mo'er, "I'll hang up."

After working hard all afternoon, I finally dressed up in a festive atmosphere.

"This is a very meaningful new year for our family."

"My son got married, became a father, I became a grandma, and moved to a new house. Everything happened one after another. It was like a dream."

Mother Su sat on the sofa and sighed.

Li Zhiming hugged her, "Our life will get better and better."

Stay up late on New Year’s Eve!

It used to be something that children looked forward to, but as time goes by, the flavor of the New Year becomes less and less.

Mother Su waved Li Yuan over.

She took out two red envelopes and gave them to him.

"Good boy, this is a New Year's red envelope from your uncle and I. I wish you success in your studies!"

"It's also equivalent to a meeting gift, take it.

Li Yuan was very moved, but he was too embarrassed to accept it.

"Auntie, I can't have it, I'm already a senior in high school!"

Mother Su smiled and said, "What's wrong with my senior year in high school? I didn't get married. In the eyes of us parents, we are all children."

Su Moer asked Li Yuan to hold it.

She took out the red envelope she had prepared long ago and said, "Here, your brother and I prepared this.

Li Yuan glanced at Li's mother.

"You can take whatever your uncle and aunt think you want."

960 After saying that, Li's mother also took out two red envelopes.

"This belongs to me and your dad."

Li Yuan felt that he should not be too happy at the moment!

He is slightly shy.

"Thank you uncle and aunt, thank you mom, thank you dad, thank you brother and sister-in-law.

The red envelopes are not thin.

While going to the toilet, Li Yuan secretly went to the room to count the red envelopes.

After reaching high school, he never received any red envelopes from outside his family.

But when I was in middle school, my second uncle and second aunt would give me a few hundred words.

My parents occasionally give me one thousand or two thousand.

The most important thing was that that year he ranked among the top 20 in his grade.

During the Chinese New Year, a red envelope of RMB 5,000 was given out.

Li Chen also gives one or two thousand every year.

When he opened the red envelopes, he didn't need to count them, they were all tied up.

Su Mu and Li Chen have a total of 40,000, and Li Chen has a total of 60,000.

My parents each gave me five thousand or ten thousand.

Li Yuan was dumbfounded when he suddenly gained a huge sum of 110,000 yuan.

He took photos and posted them on WeChat Moments.

When I received the red envelope this year, I was both happy and confused!

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[Dear bosses, today Wenwen welcomes recommendations. Can all the bosses who have monthly passes support Huahua? It’s okay to bow and urge more!].

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