Li Fan took some photos in the car wash shop, then gave a few instructions to the car wash attendant and left.

Now, he knew all about the three death phone cases.

But even though he knew it all, he still didn't know what the case was all about.

Whether it was the first poisoning case, the second disappearance case, or the third car accident case, he had enough clues.

If he could solve these three cases alone, he could already solve them.

However, these three cases are only part of the death call cases.

What he wants to solve is the death phone case. Only by cracking the death phone case will the case truly end.

He needs to understand the motive and purpose of the perpetrator.

After walking out of the car wash shop, Li Fan planned to follow Liu Yiming and find out where Liu Yiming's residence was.

It would be interesting if it was still the same community as before.

After getting into the special car, Li Fan followed Liu Yiming, who had just left the car wash shop, and signaled the special driver to move forward.

Ten minutes later, the exclusive driver took Li Fan to the previous community again.

Li Fan saw in the car that Liu Yiming also went upstairs through the entrance where the four people in front used to go.

However, this will not surprise Li Fan.

So far, the five perpetrators all live in the same community, the same building, and they use the same entrance upstairs.

Based on previous investigations, he also found that several of them were related to each other.

This made Li Fan 80% certain that the death call case was committed by a gang organized by a family.

Taking Li Fan here again, the exclusive driver was no longer surprised.

"Detective Li, do you want me to continue taking you away from here, and then you will come back later, then leave again, and then come back again?

Facing the exclusive driver’s joking question, Li Fan smiled and said,"I probably won’t come back again.""

"So where are you going to turn around now?

Li Fan asked,"Do you know where the owner of the car that hit me lives? Take me to the owner's house.""

The dedicated driver is responsible for leading the detectives to investigate, so he naturally knows where the car owner's home is.

However, Li Fan followed the car owner Liu Yiming and found this place by himself, instead of asking the dedicated driver to take him directly to Liu Yiming's home.

His purpose was to prevent Liu Yiming from having two residences. The remaining seven detectives first went to the home of Liu Yiming, the car owner related to the third case, and they wanted to ask Liu Yiming for relevant information. He couldn't help but be stunned for a moment and said:"This is the community where the car owner lives. Isn't it because you asked me to take you here so many times because this is the car owner's home?""

"This is it?"

After Li Fan got this result, he realized that Liu Yiming had no other place to live.

Liu Yiming has been living here, just like the place he deduced.

So, the other seven detectives - all investigating in this place.

If the five perpetrators all lived on the same floor, then the other seven detectives had contacted all the perpetrators from the beginning?

After realizing this, Li Fan suddenly felt that he could no longer waste time. The investigation capabilities of the seven detectives are among the best in the country. If they come into contact with the five perpetrators, they might be able to investigate something.

Thinking of this, Li Fan got out of the car and said to the exclusive driver:"Take me there now. The home of the car owner Liu Yiming."

Liu Yiming's home can also be found from the deduction screen, but Li Fan feels that it would be faster to have his exclusive driver take him there directly.

"Okay, you finally got off the bus this time."

After the exclusive driver got off the car, he closed the door and took Li Fan towards the building where Liu Yiming was.

However, as soon as he reached the door of the building, Li Fan met the remaining seven detectives.

The seven detectives I haven't noticed Li Fan yet, he is walking towards here while talking.

"Damn, luckily I finished investigating this place before Li Fan came here, otherwise I would have to investigate with Li Fan again, and my mentality would collapse."

"Alas, you have the nerve to say that your investigation came up with crappy results? Do you know who ran over the owner's car and punctured it?"

"Car owner Liu knew nothing to begin with. Of course, there was nothing to gain from coming here to investigate. Why are you scolding me? Did you get any results from your investigation?"

"Why, I didn’t get any results from the investigation. Are you not convinced? I can’t blame you until I get the results from the investigation?"

"Okay, stop arguing and look who is that person in front of you."

At this time, the second detective interrupted everyone's chat.

Only then did everyone notice that in front of them, Li Fan was walking towards this side.

"Detective Li, I’ll leave the investigation on the car owner to you. Anyway, we didn’t get any results from the investigation."

After the sixth detective saw Li Fan, he didn't feel embarrassed and greeted him politely.

Several other detectives also said hello one after another, much more polite than before.

After experiencing the first two games, they have completely treated Li Fan. Fan was convinced, so he changed his previous arrogant attitude.

Li Fan was not surprised when he learned that the seven detectives did not find any results, but he did not expect that these people did not find any clues. The detectives are so strong, no matter what, they should investigate something.

Unfortunately, they really found nothing.

Li Fan felt that maybe he overestimated the level of the seven detectives, or maybe he was too cautious. He underestimated the capabilities of the system.

After casually greeting the seven detectives, everyone quickly set off to the next destination under the leadership of his dedicated driver. When we arrived at the floor where Liu Yiming was, we walked to the door and the dedicated driver asked,"Detective Li, do you want me to go in with you?

Li Fan smiled and said,"No, just go back to the car and wait.""

"Well, pay attention to safety. If there is an emergency, just use the gun assigned to you by Professor Zhang. With your current status, you have the right to shoot.

Li Fan nodded:"I understand.""

Then, the exclusive driver followed Li Fan's instructions and went downstairs back to the car to wait.

Li Fan, on the other hand, stood at the door of Liu Yiming's house and knocked twice.

In less than three seconds, someone came and opened the door.

The person who opened the door was Liu Yiming.

When he saw it was Li Fan, he smiled and said,"Our most famous detective Li finally came to investigate. I just sent away seven detectives. I didn't expect you." I'm coming, but I can't wait any longer. Come on, please come to the house."

With that said, Liu Yiming invited Li Fan to come into the house and sit down.

Li Fan looked around Liu Yiming's house. His house was quite big, with two living rooms and several bedrooms.

While looking around, Li Fan also saw four familiar people.

Li Fan thought to himself: These perpetrators are indeed the first to make a death call at this moment. The man in the poisoned raincoat was sleeping on a chair and reading the newspaper.

The old lady who pushed Hong Yan down the lake was looking at Li Fan and saying hello to the third one. The old lady who made the death call was using an embroidery needle to embroider"Everything is prosperous at home".

The five perpetrators Li Fan saw in the deduction screen were gathered together.

_Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation. ,share!,

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