Immediately afterwards, the system continued to play the next scene related to the motorcyclist for Li Fan.

After saying goodbye to the tattooed man, the motorcyclist began to take action.

The motorcyclist glanced around casually, and soon locked onto a woman who was running away in a panic.

After locking on the woman, the motorcyclist naturally ran to her side and hit her from the side.

The force of the impact was neither too big nor too small, but it was enough to divert the woman's attention.

"Sorry, I left in a bit of a hurry."

After hitting the woman, the motorcyclist quickly apologized.

The woman didn't think much, and just said:"Watch it next time, and run now. The explosion in front may affect this side.""

After saying this, the woman continued to flee away.

But she didn't notice that the ring on her hand was gone.

Seeing this scene, Li Fan couldn't help but admire the motorcyclist's ability to commit crimes.

From an outsider's perspective, Judging from the perspective, the motorcyclist did not use any fancy tricks when stealing the ring.

It seemed that he just reached out and took the ring off the woman's hand.

It is incredible that the woman did not react at all.

Li Fan felt that if someone else had done this, the woman would have noticed the man's actions before he took off the ring.

The reason why the woman did not notice the motorcyclist's actions may be because of her concentration.

It was moved by the motorcyclist, but it was more likely because the motorcyclist was very particular about the strength of his attack and the angle at which he exerted his force, so the woman did not feel the ring on her hand.

After taking off the finger, the motorcyclist put the ring in his pocket and continued to look for the next target.

The result was that the motorcyclist skillfully stole the second ring, and then the third one.

The fourth one, the fifth one...

Looking at the motorcyclist's skillful movements, Li Fan didn't know what to say. He could only say that he admired the motorcyclist's silence the most. The ability to pick off rings from other people's hands.

Originally, he thought that the perpetrators used some fancy method to steal them.

Unexpectedly, the perpetrators just took the rings off their hands. It took a long time for him to be able to prevent the thieves from noticing.

While he admired the motorcyclist's crime, Li Fan also felt sorry for such a talented person. , but he didn’t do anything good.

In the deduction screen, after stealing eight rings, the motorcyclist finally stopped.

The people on the street were no longer as panicked as before. He had lost the best opportunity to commit the crime and had no choice but to do so. Stop now.

Seeing this, Li Fan asked the system to stop the screen.

Now he wanted to see if other perpetrators committed crimes like this?

Li Fan ordered:"System, lock the clues, help me find it." Images showing similar behavior to motorcyclists"

"A good host is being found for you……"

After receiving Li Fan's order, the system quickly searched

"Report to the host that a total of nine images have been found for you. Do you want to check them one by one?

Li Fan replied:"Yes.""

Then, the system played him the footage of other perpetrators in turn.

Li Fan discovered that the other perpetrators' committing methods were the same as that of the motorcyclist.

It seemed that their group of perpetrators had also gone through the process before committing the crime. It’s a lot of practice.

Then Li Fan asked the system:"Are there only nine scenes in total? Are there any other scenes that you won’t miss?

The system replied:"Report to the host, there are only nine scenes in total. The system will not miss any suspicious scenes. As long as they are related to the ring being stolen, the system will play them all for you.""

Hearing this answer, Li Fan felt relieved.

This means that in this case, including the motorcyclists, there were ten people in total.

Li Fan didn't know if it was ten, but judging from the current situation , indeed ten perpetrators.

The man wearing sunglasses and the man with tattoos he saw before were also among the nine pictures.

Seeing this, Li Fan reorganized the case in his mind.

First of all, the perpetrators had the information in advance that the driver transporting the oil barrels would pass by here, and they got the truck driver's phone number.

They calculated the time to commit the crime, and called the truck driver when he passed by and told him. There was a weight limit in front of him, so he needed to unload some of the oil barrels before he could pass. The truck driver naively believed it, unloaded some of the oil barrels and put them on the ground, and waited for another truck to come over and help him transport the oil barrels on the ground.

The attackers arrived early, ready to cause a commotion, and then took the opportunity to steal other people's rings.

In order to create a commotion, they prepared bees in advance and put flammable white phosphorus into the bees' mouthparts to expose the bees. Under the fierce sunlight, a fire broke out, igniting the oil drum, causing the oil drum and the truck next to it to explode.

After the commotion was created, the perpetrators acted quickly and took advantage of the chaos to steal many people's rings. There are about a hundred pieces in total.

In fact, after understanding these processes, Li Fan still has many questions in his mind.

If he had solved the case before, he would definitely learn more details and watch the deduction screen again.

But now, he feels that there is no need to do this. After all, he has to solve the case in a hurry.

So, he only needs to understand one thing before he can declare the case solved.

What he needs to understand is that the ring was hidden by these perpetrators. Where is it? Why didn't the people from the case investigation team find the stolen ring anywhere after they came?

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