Li Fan still remembered the doubts that Lu Wan told him.

A small number of villagers' remains were recovered from the river, as well as the remains of some unknown persons. Those remains were all cremated.

Following the path in the village, Li Fan came to the small river behind the village and started the live deduction.

He jumped the deduction time to daytime when the villagers fled.

In the morning, several villagers came to the river and threw the cremated remains into the river.

Li Fan continued to rewind time and followed the villagers who dumped the bodies.

While walking, Li Fan discovered that the villagers who saw the body along the way looked as if nothing had happened.

It's like, they know who's going to be killed.

After a while, Li Fan followed the group of people who dumped the body to the pig farm in the village.

The pigs in the pig farm have long been sold out, so the space is large and can accommodate many people.

Li Fan went back another hour to watch what happened in the pig farm an hour ago.

An hour ago, many villagers were present here.

One person asked:"Have you killed all the people who escaped from the battle and did not want to cross the border illegally?"

"That's right, those people no longer exist. The only ones left in the village now are villagers who want to sneak into the South Country."

"That's good. This way, the news won't leak out."

"We have also taken care of those experts and those who drove the excavator. After we destroy the evidence, we can leave tonight."

After everyone finished discussing, they burned the body, carefully destroyed the evidence at the scene, and then went to the river to dump the body.

Seeing this, Li Fan's previous doubts were mostly solved.

Those bodies in the river did not want to be smuggled across. Villagers.

Most of the villagers wanted to escape to the South, but some people opposed it, so they were plotted by most of the villagers. So what are you going to do here

? The villagers definitely couldn't accept this after they escaped , so they dealt with them decisively to prevent the news from leaking out. But Li Fan didn't understand what the villagers called"experts."

","Who are the people who drove the excavator?

Li Fan knew that those people were also killed, and those people were the remains of the unknown person Lu Wan said.

But how could there be experts in the village?

The one who drove the excavator What are you doing here? They're just driving an excavator. Why do you want to kill them?

Another thing Li Fan doesn't understand is the origin of the ancient cultural relics.

It seems that they were discovered by the villagers a long time ago. What happened in the past two months.

In order to find out the truth, Li Fan continued to investigate.

However, he still couldn't understand the confusion in his mind about the origin of the ancient cultural relics. New information.

Li Fan didn't get any useful information about the experts and the excavator, because those three people were locked in a small dark room some time ago. Linking the words, Li Fan can't help but think of one thing: the excavation of ancient tombs.

However, Li Fan has not been able to find any evidence about the excavation of ancient tombs.

This gives Li Fan a headache. In fact, he has solved the case. , but there are still many unknown details, and it is impossible to deduce it just from what happened in the past month and a half.

However, it is not impossible to deduce it, because he drew a time-free talisman in the last lottery. Let him deduce past scenes without time limit and have five chances to use it.

If that doesn't work, Li Fan plans to use the time-free talisman to solve the case.

The time-free talisman can be used at any time. You can deduce the whole life of the whole village, even the lives of their eighteen generations of ancestors!

You don’t believe it, you can deduce all the information about their ancestors, but you still can’t deduce the results?

But Li? Fan didn't do this immediately.

Before proceeding with the deduction, he wanted to walk around a bit, maybe he could find some new clues. As he walked, Li Fan came to take a look at some of the new one-story bungalow buildings.

I knew it was newly built in the past few years. Li

Fan couldn't help but wonder. The villagers had money to build bungalows, and their income must be okay. Why did they have to flee abroad to sell ancient cultural relics?

A warning to the system

"Danger warning! The place where the host is standing is very dangerous. The house may collapse at any time. Please leave immediately!"

The danger prediction ability obtained from the last lottery gave Li Fan a warning at this time.

After hearing this, Li Fan immediately stepped back and stayed away from these bungalows.

When he came to the safe area, Li Fan suddenly thought of something and asked:"System , why does the danger forecast say that these houses may collapse at any time? Aren't these newly built houses?"

Logically speaking, the quality of newly built houses should be higher than that of old houses.

However, when Li Fan passed by the old house just now, the danger prediction did not give him a warning.

When he arrived at the new house, he received a warning?

There is a big problem!

As expected, the system's answer was exactly the same as Li Fan's guess.

"Reporting to the host, there are two reasons. One is because the construction quality of the house is very poor."

"The second reason is that the foundation of the house is not laid properly and there seems to be something underneath the house."

After getting these two pieces of information, Li Fan guessed that there was a large ancient tomb hidden under these houses!

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